I am very much considering it but then I would need to place another order with Suruga-ya and they are missing books 7, 12 and 13 and neither amazon uk nor CD Japan have them all in stock do I might buy it
I feel bad for Suruga-ya… I kept randomly seeing stuff I wanted on Reddit, so I placed like 4 small orders in 24 hrs, since it’s free shipping, instead of a usual big one
I also feel bad for my wallet
I just missed the free shipping since it finished about 6 hours ago. So I haven’t placed another order…. Yet
My copy of part 1 of Grandia 2 arrived from them though. They sent it in the biggest box they could find and the person who got it at the door almost fell over and threw it out the door anticipating a heavy box and it was light as a feather
Part 2 is on the way from Amazon iirc.
An early birthday gift from my partner
A 13 book set of 江戸川乱歩 books which came with some sort of folded raw sheet of fabric (for a door…?) which has the same art as one of the book covers.
I actually own 黄金仮面 already, but from a different edition.
My other edition has more illustrations, which I love, but is slightly modernized Japanese, which I don’t. I still need to check if these are modernized Japanese or not, but I’m so excited to read them
It’s back on again. (Sorry not sorry )
That’s what their announcement says, but they’re still wanting to charge me shipping… Guess I’ll wait until tomorrow and see
Back with (yet another lol) Jojo book haul, this time from surugaya! Total was 25 books, totalling around 16900 yen (free shipping). The covers are so pretty for this series, I think I’m obsessed. Excuse the background lol, I haven’t sorted them on my shelf yet
I’m now just missing 1 and 7 of ダンジョン飯. Ordered the others from suruga-ya.
I’ll get the last 2 from CD Japan once my wages come in on Tuesday
It’s working now, so I was able to get vol 2 of the CDD anime! It’s more expensive than I would have liked, but:
- I’ve never seen it cheaply anywhere. Even on Yahoo Shopping, which has a ton of listings for the various CDD BDs, this one was always expensive, and then there’s proxy fees and shipping to consider too
- It’s still cheaper than list price
- It’s cheaper than eBay
I dunno, maybe I’d eventually find it cheaper, but I don’t have much hope considering how difficult vol 2 is to find, so I’d rather take advantage of free shipping and get it now.
And now I will be back to trying to resist buying things for a while.
Well, in the time between two orders I always successfully resist to buy new things.
- ロンリーガールに逆らえない | L21 1-6 - one of the earlier yuri manga I read
- ギャルメイドと悪役令嬢 ~おじょーさまのハッピーエンドしか勝たん!~(1) | L24?? 1 - the pilot was hilarious
- 崖っぷち令嬢は黒騎士様を惚れさせたい! 1 1 | L24 - extremely hilarious, can’t wait to reread!
- この恋を星には願わない | L21 - really interesting so far, deals with codepency, 結構悲しい
- クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった | L27 1-3 (4-6 were out of stock)
- メガミマガジン2024年7月号 | L28?? - GBC poster & interview
- アニメージュ 2024年 02 月号 | L29 - has GBC 2 page intro
- Animage アニメージュ 2024年 06月号 | L29 - 薬屋のひとりごと poster + VAs interview
- NEW GAME! TVアニメオフィシャルガイド ー完全攻略本ー | L28?? - char design, staff & VA interviews and commentary, pretty pics, etc
All from Suruga-ya, except New Game (Anime NYC). Still waiting on 志乃と恋 | L22 1-2, but otherwise I’m really excited to have some light, fun manga reads! Cdjapan order also shipping at the end of the week
I think Surugaya only has the one size box, because literally all I got was vol 2 of the クールドジ男子 BDs, and it was in the same size box as my previous two orders which had multiple items. I mean, the box was too big then, too, but not nearly as bad. Oh well, it got here safely, I suppose that’s what really matters.
Rest of Suruga-ya and cdjapan came today
- 百合姫2024年10月号 | L24??
- NEW GAME! -Complete Edition- 1 | L28?? 3
- ガールズバンドクライ S1 | L26 Blu-ray 3
- トゲナシトゲアリ album 棘なし
- アニメディア2024年9月号 | L28??
- Animage アニメージュ 2024年 09月号 | L28??
- 志乃と恋 | L22 1-2
- この恋を星には願わない | L21 3
- 彩純ちゃんはレズ風俗に興味があります! | L23 1-5 (NSFW) - if anyone wants extra copy of 4-5, lmk
Magazines have cool GBC interviews, and one has a poster (not shown):
The downside to all these magazines is I’m ending up w/ a million posters for shows I’ve either never heard of, or don’t care about
Still waiting on a few individual books but other than that my last orders have arrived from Suruga-ya and CD Japan.
ダンジョン飯 2-6 and 8-14.
ダンジョン飯 1 and 7
アーバンドラゴン a kids book, but no furigana so I’ll see how I get on (not on natively).
転生した大聖女は、聖女であることをひた隠す Zero (not yet on natively)
世界でいちばん透きとおった物語 (limited cover summer version).
Edited to add “Zero” to the title since just noticed I missed it out.
I got a cdjapan delivery today too:
Three “books in series I know I like” in the bottom row, and three “new authors to try” in the top row…
I was thinking “wait, I read some of that series”, but no, you have the “zero” spinoff, which is indeed not on Natively. Speaking of which, it’s quite hard to see the ZERO on the cover.
Considering the main story says she was super weak until waking up to her powers (in volume 1), I wonder what she does in the prequel
Love this version! It looks cooler than the standard cover!
I’m also curious about 異神千夜.
This was a complete fluke as it was the standard version I purchased but I do like the atmosphere of this cover.
Yeah, the Zero is pretty hard to see. I think I have the other set and bookmarked this when I got it, then decided to add it to my order so I wasn’t wasting the shipping on the last two volumes I needed of ダンジョン飯 since I’m considering going for the book club read along, if I can fit it in though I may read it at a slower pace since I’m also working my way through the rest of 銭天堂 series atm.
Oof, look at me typing half awake on my phone first thing in the morning and relying on autocorrect. I was trying to say “quite” instead of exactly. I can’t even fathom how it happened.
Is it weird that I physically own something like 30 volumes of manga that I haven’t read yet and I feel like I’m nearly out of manga to read? To be fair, it’s basically all of 満月をさがして | L24, half of 青い花 | L26, a few I’m close to dropping and will probably never read, and a handful of standalone volumes. But it’s still weird looking at all that and thinking “there’s nothing to read”.
Next time I order manga, I want to get a few more volumes of スキップとローファー | L24 and 君は放課後インソムニア | L23. I might also get more of クプルムの花嫁 | L28 and would like to get オレが私になるまで | L20, but sadly these two series aren’t consistently stocked. The former is out of stock on CD Japan and low stock on Amazon, while the latter is completely out of stock on both. I’ll probably give to the end of the month to see if they get back in stock.