First novel this year!
I liked the third volume of UtsuKare a bit more than the second volume, mostly because you see a bit more growth in the character development. Have already queued up Interlude (which is a short story collection, I guess) and the fourth volume.
I think I’m noticing improvements language-wise, it feels like I’m starting to have to look up less and less. But the fourth volume I will go in completely raw (did not look up any summaries or anything and trying my hardest to avoid spoilers), and hope that I can follow the story alright.
I bought a few other novels since Amazon had a point cashback offer:
猫を処方いたします。 | L30?? → will probably use that for my “Has cats” bingo field
カラフル | L28 → popular book with mixed reviews, let’s see how I like it, will probably use it to mine/pre-study vocab
言ノ葉ノ花 | L29 → already listened to the audio drama
And a few manga from Amazon/Bookwalker:
カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編 | L18 → the last volumes so I’ll finally finish the series
ハレとモノノケ | L24??
メタモルフォーゼの縁側 | L21
ハッピー・オブ・ジ・エンド | L23
Then I bought the BLCD drama for Old-fashioned Cupcake, I think Togawa’s voice actor is pretty close to the live action drama actor! Was a very wholesome listen. I still have a 25% off coupon for this month, still musing back and forth about what to get for that.
So a lot of purchases this month again sigh 

I continued a bit with Tobira Chapter 6, but so far I’m only halfway through grammar. I’ve been a bit lazy recently, it feels like I’m already occupied with my study “dailies” (Renshuu SRS 30 min, reading about 1h or so, watching 1-2 episodes of Natsume Yuujinchou or Kinou Nani Tabeta). I’m mostly using the weekends to catch up a little, but recently these have also been full with appointments and schedules.
I also watched マイ・ブロークン・マリコ | L28 from the JFF Theatre selections for listening practice, liked this movie, especially for the great acting of the main actress.
I do procrastinate a lot when I’m on my phone and actually want to study (rather going through forums and discord and reading/talking about studying than actually studying) , so I have to find a way to reduce it a little bit.