Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

As a result of the lists thing, now there’s no Forums link.

There’s probably a way to squeeze it there, or add it to the drop down.


It’s in the browse. I’ve removed all the book types from the browse drop-down so there’s not a ton in there anymore


Uh, I see. That’s a bit unintuitive but I’ll get used to it.


BTW Browse - Browse Popular sounds a bit redundant.


Awesome update, @brandon! I can’t wait to see the lists people make! Minor complaint: when I go to edit a custom tag in my library, there’s a) no pointer that shows up to show the pencil is clickable, and b) it selects the filter as well as opening the edit box:

(Also, it’s really nice now that tags still keep the Reading/Finished/Owned/etc. categories instead of just dumping everything into one block like before.)

Edit: another thought: the “Read” button is a little weirdly worded on a list:

I was looking at it and thinking, “will this add the book to my library? Mark it as read?” Turns out it’s to view the user’s review for that book. Could the button text be clarified? “Read User Review” or something?

Edit2: Searching for books to add to a list seems to be limited to the first 5 results; I suppose I could be more specific in which volume I’m looking for, but I would expect a library search to pull back all possible results and slowly continue filtering from there as I type:


Hey do you know how you got Natively in dark mode? I haven’t been able to find a setting in either dashboard or account settings. Light mode gives me a headache.


It’s a beta dark mode! Details here:


Eesh yeah, I need to make that togglable. It’s


Thank you both! That link is becoming a home screen app for the near future. :rofl:


Hmmm. I was thinking of setting up lists for the book clubs, but there two problems:

  1. I can’t list the books I don’t have in my library, and I don’t want to add stuff to my library I don’t intend to read.
  2. My personal rating for each book is shown, and it feels a bit disingenuous to list “Come join us in [Book Club]! book #1 (3 stars), book #2 (2 stars)”.

These aren’t necessarily requests for improvement or anything for the lists, just thoughts. Maybe some more customization options would be nice, though.


You actually can if you use the ‘add to lists’ option on the status widget on the book page. I just didn’t configure the creation page search for it right now… probably will soon.

Fair enough! Yeah I think that’s a rasonable ‘advanced option’ to allow.

Also duly noted on all your other comments, much appreciated :slight_smile:


Oh, good to know! Thanks!

Here to help! o7

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I’ll do some CSV dumps and do a maintenance to my library, as stuff stored in the Comments can now be done with Tags and Lists.

I kinda wish there was bulk actions but I understand that’s a very niche need :sweat_smile:

Also since I’ve been binging reading, I have to comment adding books as read is a bit less satisfying in Natively, specially if you want to input time.

I need to add the book to reading, go the dashboard, open the update, click I’m finished, then click the add time, then add the time, and then click save. That’s a bit too many clicks for just one action IMHO.


First book club list created: ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Japanese List | Natively. Thoughts:

  1. Ratings:

Possible rating toggles I can imagine: show user rating, show global rating, show no rating.

  1. The link formats nicely in the forums, I see. Any chance of formatting emojis in the title/description on the site?

Edit: Added book summaries to the book club books, partly for info and partly to see what would happen. This is what happens:

Removing the English helps with the stretch a bit:


The covers need to be uniformed. Right now they stretch according to the amount of text there is, making it look ugly:

Also a way to filter/search within the lists by custom tags would be cool, it would avoid me having multiple lists when I can unify them all in one.

For example, if I have a list of my digital purchases, I can have personal tags that say where I got it, or if I got it for free, etc…


Looool. @shablul firing shots. XD


@Megumin @eefara yeah fixes for these styling issues are going out now :sweat_smile:

Filters within lists would definitely happen yeah. One step at a time haha

Also @eefara I’m not sure those emoticons are standard markdown, but i’ll see if i can render them.


I see the update now. Looking good! :+1: I may have jumped the gun. Things are still looking wonky on shablul’s list.

No worries if you can’t; was just curious.


Idk why i keep whiffing on this style but I swear the final fix is going out now. I must be tired :joy:


Everything looks good on my end! Got get some rest!

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Yes it’s finally right! I will :sleeping:

Edit: @eefara FYI those notes fields do render markdown, so you can put the Japanese description in a details block to hide it if you want… and then include the english.