Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

That was me, I believe; thanks! Another bug to go with that, though: when the custom tag is long enough, the text overflows onto the pencil icon and I can no longer click it to edit it:



@brandon any plans to add visual novels to the site?


Absolutely, yes! I’m hoping to add them the first half of this year, along with video games. It will probably be the next item type we add as it will most likely be the easiest. We’re planning to use as an information source if you want to check your novels are on that site :slight_smile:


Omg dark mode???


I was wondering when someone would notice. I’m not sure it’s entirely ready for primetime, but I did add a button for it, yes! :slight_smile:

FWIW I am tweaking the main site navigation so there have been changes there (removed username next to photo for more room).


Still needs a lot of work though. The contrast is pretty low and there are plenty of places still using light colors. Any idea when you’ll put more time into it?

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I’m happy to put more work into it, but just need a bit of direction. Maybe log some bugs or some notes in the dark mode ticket? I haven’t checked that yet, perhaps there are some already existing issues I should address.

Regardless, I think making it active will get me to work on it more :sweat_smile:.

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To be blunt, it’s so far off that I don’t even know where I’d start making suggestions… The biggest issue by far is the contrast. The text is basically unreadable many places, particularly where the background is also a lighter grey (image below). I’d recommend referencing Discourse’s dark theme or if necessary asking a professional designer to help you out.


(I’ll share this comment in the dark mode ticket as well)


awesome! looking forward to it!

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There are but I can point to new or re-point to them.
I still use it mainly, and I kinda learnt to live with the problems

For example:

(I’ll log it to the ticket too, putting here just for the sake of discussion)

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Happy to put this in a ticket as well, but one thing I’ve noticed is that on reviews long enough to have a “read more” the colors to fade the rest of the review are reversed.

The contrast is off, but honestly light mode makes my brain hurt so badly I’d rather use this than light mode…


You probably can re-use the dark mode ticket that is currently being discussed instead of a new one.


hmm let me go find it…

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Is there a reason light novels get an underscore but TV seasons get a space on lists? …And for that matter why it’s not “Light novel” like it is everywhere else?


I noticed that this morning too. I wonder if Brandon is using his internal identifier instead of the display name by mistake.


Nice catch. Should now be fixed!


Now we know all your secrets to hack the site mwahaha!

Anyway, I saw you do plan to add support for series in lists. Is that something you plan to work on fairly soon?


Yeah, I’ll get series, csv dumps and collaborative lists done before moving onto the next thing.


Are collaborative lists going to be wiki (open editing) only or will you be able to specify collaborators?

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I think i’ll only do specified collaborators. You’ll have a little widget on the edit list page to add / subtract people by username. Creators could never be removed, but otherwise all collaborators would have the same editing abilities (like adding/subtracting people).

Open wiki’s make me a bit more concerned without full history logs which i’m not doing.