Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Yeah, if open for all, I think it would have to be something like GR, where ppl can add whatever but cannot delete and the list creator has power to remove unwanted entries.


Ah that’s an interesting approach. Can always change if we feel there’s a need.


Small issue with series in lists. It still displays the rating based on the first volume instead of the series average.

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Looks like there might be a bug with single character searches?


Small theme bug @brandon: I’ve noticed that the browse drop-down option in both desktop and mobile has lost its arrow:
(no desktop screenshot, sorry)


Could you add an option to filter out ‘wants to reads’ on the global feed? I don’t mind what seeing everybody has read or whatever but seeing what people want to read isn’t necessarily of interest to me.

Was there a request for collapsing multiple updates from a single user into an expandable feed update or something? I feel like there was.


So, I thought I fixed this but i guess it’s still broken… will try to fix.

This was mostly intentional, but maybe we should add back in?

Yeah I know. The bucketing seems nice I agree, but maybe some better default filters would be good too, not sure.


I would say so; otherwise no one will know it’s not a straight hyperlink. Even more important now that the Forums are hidden underneath Browse as well; with no arrow and not already knowing how to find the link, I certainly never would.

Especially, again, since Dashboard and Lists are not dropdown links, there’s no reason to assume Browse is.


Hmm. I see that adding a tag still surfaces Owned and Want to Read books in the Dashboard, as if you were adding them for the first time. Anyone know where the current bug/product request is so I can post there and bug @brandon to finally fix it? @.@


I found this one, but I feel like there was another one

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Hmm. I feel like there was another one as well? Ah well, I’ll comment in that one to be safe. Thanks!

@brandon Spoiler tag doesn’t work for item descriptions in lists.

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There’s something I was curious about. How come Spanish has had so many more gradings than German? Is it mostly due to one person that has read and graded an insane number of books? (but then again, most of the people I know who are learning German are grammar obsessed, so they spend more time with textbooks than actual books, so maybe that’s why :sweat_smile:)

I was also wondering about the number of gradings for Japanese and Korean, again, just for curiosity’s sake.


I was a bit surprised too to see that Spanish has also already overtaken German with number of books added as well. It’s not a huge number, granted, but by experience IMO is a worse site in terms of organized book info than is.

One factor could potentially be a large NA userbase, and Spanish is more likely to be a second language than German for NA users; the sheer userpool to draw from ends up sucking in more people than German, even with relatively little advertising.


So, the breakdown excluding additional gradings (these gradings are for display only currently, but maybe one day we can incorporate):

Japanese: ~120,000 (!!)
Korean: ~4850
Spanish: ~1500
German: ~560

Big shoutout though to @bibliothecary for a TON of additional gradings in Korean! I think I may have to plunder those at some point… You have put in so much work to the grading system :smiling_face:

As for Spanish, there are a few users with hundreds of gradings, but no, it’s not all one user.

I think Spanish will grow quite quickly, we’ll see. I also suspect french will be quite popular if Amazon ever gets around to approving me (i’m in some sort of strange state i’m attempting to resolve with them :joy:)


I’m on 21.5k gradings for Korean so far… :rofl:

Let me know when you try Amazon UK again, I’ve plenty of things on my wish list. :grin:


omg Amazon hurrrrrrrrrrry! I’m dying here :joy::joy:


@brandon not sure if I should file a separate bug report for this, but every time I try to Progress Update ぼっち・ざ・ろく 1 from the dashboard, it gives me server issues, and I have to manually enter it in the Data Manager. It’s been happening for probably a month now. Haven’t had a problem with anything else.


A month?? :scream: Goodness. Alright. I may just need to have a bug fixing day today…

This, the custom tags adding extra activities, the movie counts… starting to pile up.

Thanks for letting me know!


Well I only update it once a week (reading it in lessons), so it hasn’t bothered me enough to report it till now / I figured I’d wait and see if it worked itself out.

Good luck with the bug fixes! Don’t drive yourself too crazy