Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Heh perhaps they didn’t notice or didn’t feel comfortable deleting. Well I deleted it for them. Finally good now! :laughing:


(Posting here since it concerns a handful of series.) I noticed while browsing that, for the accumulated キングダムハーツ manga and LN series, the キングダムハーツ bit sometimes has a space in between キングダム and ハーツ, probably due to how it’s written on the Amazon pages. Searching for キングダム ハーツ with a space is fine and seems to bring back all relevant search results, but searching with it without excludes the titles with a space. I wouldn’t want users to be unable to find books that are already in Natively; fixing just the titles with/without a space is a short term fix, but is there anything else that could be done searching-wise about how spaces are considered?

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Thanks for the note! I’ve gone ahead and moved all the titles to include the space (that seemed to be predominant). However, I’ve included an alternative title on all the book series so all the book series show up on キングダムハーツ search. :slight_smile:

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Hi brandon, thanks again for all the work you do on the site.

This is a VERY minor nitpick, probably not a priority but, what if the volumes were renamed to be [Series Name][Vol #]? I don’t know how the series names are scraped but those seem very accurate. However on Amazon for example there is sometimes a discrepancy in formatting between volumes. For example: 声優かっ! 第4巻 vs 声優かっ! 5. It seems to me that since the site already has series titles, and volume numbers, it would be way easier to rename everything to combine those two instead of ripping the names from Amazon.

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Hey @perrydimes!

So, I agree that works in the simple cases, but unfortunately it gets complicated very quickly. There are some series (especially novel series) which have unique titles for each volume. Even light novel & manga series frequently have sub-series arcs which have their own unique titles and ordering. I don’t think I’d want to lose those sub-arcs.

However, you are right that I could do a better job cleaning up volume titles. 声優かっ! 第4巻 could certainly be cleaned to 声優かっ! 4… and there are other cases which I should handle better too.

It is a nitpick, but I understand it’s nice if the titles are clean :laughing:


Uuughh, I fiiinally got the Aficionado badge. @.@ Pretty sure I would’ve had it months ago if not for like, a random weekend day or something I didn’t log in.

I’m not, like, a huge badge collector or anything, but this one seemed achievable, so I’ve been keeping an eye out for it…


Idk, your badge collection is starting to look pretty enviable! :star_struck:


Speaking of badges, I don’t know how the integration of Discourse and Natively works, but you could maybe add custom badges/titles? For instance, for writing reviews, adding books to one’s library, requesting books, etc…


@brandon What was the initial difficulty score for この本を盗む者は | L46??? And did it come with any commentary when submitted? Asking because it has a rating of 46??, but with only one comparison (harder than a level 44 book). That implies to me that it started unusually high.

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Initial was set at lvl 45 yes. If the requester has read books around the estimated level I usually allow you to estimate it that high. I am generally a little wary of it though, very rarely put it above lvl 40

Yeah, as we’ve seen already, because there are fewer books at high levels, if a book is incorrectly at a high level it can get “stuck” so to speak. Not that I’m saying it’s incorrect; I haven’t read it yet. WaniKani’s advanced book club will be reading it starting early February though, so I guess we’ll see where the consensus lands.

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By the way @brandon, do you have any general updates to share? If I recall correctly you’ve been working on a major feature, right?

I’ve been rereading (well listening to) a book and had hoped Reread support for books would be implemented by the time I finished, but I guess that (like other small to medium size features) aren’t the focus right now. I just want the reread to count toward my stats. :sweat_smile:


@brandon Can you update the forums when you have time? There’s this awful white flash on initial load that occurs under certain conditions (for me: iPhone, dark mode enabled on device, dark theme on the forums). I don’t see this on WaniKani’s forums which is 2-3 weeks more recently updated. It’s possible it’s something else like the themes, but I’m hoping an update would rule that out at least, if not fix the issue.

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Thanks for the prompt. Yes, I’ve been working on movies & TV shows. The good news is that it IS making progress, it’s just been a complicated project which I probably could’ve managed better. Additionally, with moving to Korea and learning Korean (which ultimately I feel will be a net benefit towards my ability to develop a good product but for now is a distraction), I’ve made slower progress than I imagined.

However, we really are close to finishing that big project - library management, browse, reviews, grading and requesting new items have all been finished for movie & tv shows and I’m really excited how it’s turning out. It addresses a lot of the issues we noted around collecting data for whether you watched with subs as well.

But, looking back on it, I should’ve kept you guys more in the loop than I have. For instance, I should’ve shown you mockups on my solution for inputting whether you watched with subs and how I handled that. I’ll try to do better in the future - you all give such good feedback, i’m a bit embarrassed looking back and seeing how few updates i’ve given. Next week I’ll do a more formal announcement and update.

With regards to small/medium ticket items, I know I haven’t been doing them. I’ve been stressed about finishing this big project first and then I’ll go back to my original routine of picking off smaller things along with bigger items as well.

Oh no! I haven’t noticed it, but it looks like I can do an upgrade. I’ll update that and let you know when it’s finished. May not get to it until tomorrow or the day after, it looks like the auto updater will need some manual touches (ran into an error).

Happy Holidays!


I noticed that I stopped getting notifications. Topics I’m watching have new posts, yet my latest notification is from 4 days ago. Is it only me? I checked my settings and notifications aren’t disabled or anything like that.


I got a notification from a like two hours ago. Not sure about watched topics since I don’t have many of those here.

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I noticed watched posts no longer notify (I typically get them for all the Mystery club post replies since I didn’t set them not to) and also Natively links no longer transform into ex コンビニ人間 | 30 or whatever and stay as raw links, despite showing in previews as if they will show the text.

I figured it had something to do with Brandon trying to update Discourse and hitting some snags.


Ah, I did notice that…


Ah, so it’s not just me? Honestly thought it was because I was on mobile or something.

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Got this error when grading a book. After refreshing it recommended a different book to compare with.
