Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

I noticed a weird bug on this book: 爆弾 | L35??

No one has read it according to the stats, but one of the people who wants to read it has graded it. The gradings happened months after they wishlisted it, so I’m wondering if they removed the finishing ‘event’ from their feed and it deleted us being able to see it had any readers at all?

They marked the book as “stopped”, and you can rate books in that status.

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So you guys know the official fanbooks things released for popular manga series? They’ll typically have character stats, popularity poll results, series summaries, fan art, interviews, and short manga stories included. Are these “book enough” to be considered a good contribution to Natively? If so, what should they be characterized as? Manga or Other?

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When I try to access someone’s library (including my own), it returns empty.
Is it just me or something happened?

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It seems to be working here. It could have been a temporarily glitch with the database.

It’s still broken for you?


No, it seems to be back. The forum was dead for a short time instead. I feel like stuff are a bit unstable right now :sweat_smile:

They sure are. I am suddenly getting notifications from like a day ago. :sweat_smile:


Apologies on that! I’m guessing when I attempted to update the forum software last time, something must’ve gone wrong. In any case, I’ve got the forum software updated and I think in a good state, so let me know if you all aren’t getting notifications. I seem to be getting them.

@seanblue let me know if the white flash is fixed for you as well.

Yeah @seanblue is right it looks like, they marked it as stopped and they deleted the ‘stopped’ activity status update, so it doesn’t show down below. But yes, this is a slightly confusing situation. In general, I do allow private users to grade books as well which will always display a bit funky on book pages as I show the grades but do not show their updates on the activity feed.


Yeah that was my update, there was a brief outage (<3 mins?) :sweat_smile:


Yes this was just a slight one-time flakiness. For some reason, we’ve had a few instances of very brief search flakiness the past 24 hrs, not sure. I’ll try to figure it out.

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Still there unfortunately. :cry:

I wonder if there’s a problem with the theme then. Do those require updates as well?

I see you’re personally invested in this issue @seanblue :laughing:

It’s very strange though. I’m on the latest version and so is Wanikani and yet it does seem that only I get the white flash. I’m not doing anything crazy with the themes - I just have the basic dark theme. From what I can tell, there are only a few relevant dark mode related settings which could impact this, but all of them seem right. ’ default dark mode color scheme id’ is set to dark, enabled the default theme, allowed a splash image for temporary loading… idk.

I can drop a discourse meta message tomorrow.

In other news, I moved the filter 2021 → 2022 on Quick Stats section in your ‘Activity’ section on your profile. Happy new year, everyone!! I hope to do a more filled out new year message this week :slight_smile:


I am… I check these forums in bed at night, when it’s dark out and I have my phone on dark mode as well. So seeing a bright flash when I load these forums is incredibly jarring.

The theme WaniKani uses versus the one you use is slightly different, but I don’t know if that matters… I want to say the issue is that the “background” for the dark theme is actually white instead of black, so until the page loads/renders fully it shows a white background. Or at least that’s what the original issue was 6 months ago. But that was supposedly fixed, and the way it happens now isn’t the same as before. Now it seems to happen with the dark theme regardless of whether my phone is set to light or dark mode. (It’s just more noticeable when I’m using dark mode on my phone since seeing white for a split second when my browser is already showing a white background isn’t noticeable.)


I recognize those stats :eyes:
The numbers are missing 2 manga (re-read) and one light novel (also re-read)

Edit: ah, and one “other” since the request to add didn’t make it in time, but I just edited the finished date, so that should fix it.


Question on grading, re this book: 64 | L38

I’m currently the only grader and I rated it as harder than all but two books, and similar to the remaining two which are L38 and L39, yet 64 is set at L36. Is this because it was submitted to the site as 30?? and it can only go so many levels with one grader?

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huh. That’s very weird. No there’s no limit on how many levels it can go up to. However, once you get either a (one harder and one easier) OR (one same as) then we only allow 6 more gradings. So if you kept doing harder than you could push it all the way to the top from level zero.

All that being said, that result of lvl 36 doesn’t seem right. The temporary system is not a simple elo system… it estimates upper and lower bounds where possible and then resolves the remaining gradings within those bounds with ELO. In this case, the lower bound would be lvl 35, the upper bound lvl 39 and it should end up around lvl 38.

Definitely a bug here, nice catch! I’ll take a look tomorrow.


I couldn’t stand the covers on the Reading block to continue to be cropped (and also got rid of the scroll while at it)

The lack of scrolling might look uglier to some, but I feel it’s more functional for me to be it like this.

It’s just a quick TamperMonkey hack anyway.


While I like the look of seeing all the books at once, what about users who have 10+ books in their reading queue? Could have a number cutoff at some point, I suppose, after which it reverts to the scroll view?


My CSS-fu is not very advanced but it should be possible, if not only with CSS, maybe with a bit of js to edit the HTML output.

Ideally this would be rendered already like that from the server, but that’s something @brandon would have to change himself.

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Ok so this was just an unfortunate case for the temporary grading mechanism :confused:. When it was originally compared as ‘similar’ to the L38 book, that book was at L36. Then, for the remaining gradings it wasn’t using the temporary system anymore as we were then moved into your allotted ‘5’ gradings @cat. So, the L39 book didn’t pull it up all that much.

Regardless, I’ve re-estimated it with the temporary rating mechanism over the current grades and levels for the other books, and it came back as a level 38, as expected.

Heh, I agree. Could you log a product request? That’s an easy tweak. I’m not sure I’ll do the removal of scroll however hmm. I agree that two rows makes sense for desktop, but not anywhere else. I also wonder how scroll would work for two rows, may need to be vertical scroll which might be awkward.


What about a toggle for the scroll or number of rows displayed? (I’ll log the request with this last suggestion included too or not depending on what you think about it)