Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

@brandon I got an e-mail notification that some books I submitted were added (a bunch of stuff by 櫛野 ゆい), but none of the books show up in the Recently Added search or if I search by author. Picking one of the titles to search by also doesn’t pull anything back, but if I click the link given in the “books added successfully” e-mail, it does bring me to a Natively page for the book.


So just a site behaviour doubt came to mind.

When I update the total pages of one book, it updates just for me?
Since I can see still the old page count the item was created with.

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Correct. I wanted users to have a personal total page count because there can be various different editions.

When we add edition handling, this will naturally change.


things seem to develop an invisibilty sickness when being graded or was that always the case and I just didn’t notice?

This “mark favorite” text for series seems unnecessary to me. It doesn’t show up for individual volumes.

This isn’t an error as such but I can’t figure out how to edit an individual reading session…

As you can see my last recorded place of 90% completion automatically turned into page 90 when I hit “I’m finished”, taking me from page 90 to 118 or and throwing my stats off slightly…

It’s in additional options inside the book.



Thanks! I was trying to get there through my profile history or something


Feel free to delete if this is unsuitable but I didn’t know where to ask: how do I raise a bug report? I’ve never used forums for that kind of thing and I’ve no idea how to do it :sweat_smile:

One of my series shows as 5/4 even though there are 5 books in the series and they all show on the series page, just wanted to raise it if it’s an issue.

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Create a new topic here: Topics tagged bug describing the issue, and include relevant screenshots/links if you can. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, I just wasn’t sure. :slightly_smiling_face:

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FYI - You can start to filter by book provider on the book search page already, but it’s still a little spotty. You’ll also notice that the 'Where To Find" section may be a bit messy to as I figure how best to display things. Hopefully will have all these UI / filter things resolved in the next few days, but full population of US Audible / Kindle, alongwith BookWalker, EBookJapan, Honto… etc will take some time.

I’ll do a formal announcement after i’ve cleaned all these things up a bit more.


I updated my percentage on a book I’m reading today, and for some reason it isn’t showing on my activity feed :thinking:
Has that happened to anyone else or is it something on my end?


I see no activity from you today when I check your profile.


I just added some books to my wishlist as well as updated a percentage read, but it’s not showing up in the feed either. :thinking:


Yes, similar here. I updated the pages-read for 女王蜂 | L39 just now, and although the reading-session data shows that change as does the “my stats” part of the page, there’s no activity feed entry for it (on either the book page or my dashboard page).


I just graded like 60 items and they are not appearing either so something wonky is happening

cc @brandon


Sorry about this guys! Don’t worry, your activities aren’t lost, just delayed. Activities generation is an asynchronous process… processed by my processing server, which I use for a variety of tasks.

I was pushing that server last night trying to update some things for book providers and it crashed. I’ve rebooted it now. You should start to see your activities begin to come in.


Hey all - so, just wanted to generally address all the bugs coming in… I will get to a lot of them! Definitely before I start the next major thing (tags). Just pushing to wrap up these book providers. For your reference on what’s left (as it’s kinda expanded in scope):

  • Rework the search filters for both video & book providers to be a typeable dropdown-field. I probably will showcase a few checkboxes for ‘popular’ book providers, which could be configured to your own preferred providers in your account settings.
  • Get those filters into your library
  • Surface two pages for brief exploration of Book / Watch Providers with descriptions written by us. These descriptions will also be small popups on the where to find links on the book page.

I think that’s all pretty doable by the end of the weekend, but we’ll see! I’ve gotten the infrastructure for automatically pulling links from various places working really well now (you’ll see a lot of bookwalker links now for instance). I will say I haven’t configured a lot of links to be pulled (amazon US audible is hard to get), but the infrastructure is in place.

All in all, I hope this will be pretty cool :laughing:


Thank you for the update brandon! Looking forward to all the cool new stuff and then bug fixes!