Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Wonderful! I’ll definitely keep you in mind for the future too :smiling_face:


how does google do the reverse image search? isn’t that basically what we need just limited to 1 website rather than the whole of the internet? :thinking:


In theory that’s what we’d want, but I think Google just straight up indexes all of the images on the internet or something crazy like that so they can serve you the reverse search in less than a second. It’s a great solution when you have basically infinite storage and about 10% of the world’s total compute that you can use as long as search isn’t getting hit hard. For Natively I don’t think it’d be super practical, but it’s a good idea and probably worth checking out how they actually solve the problem.


As far as I know, neither does audible :thinking:
Also, I came across editions (on audible) that do not match any printed version (like 化物語 being split into 3 instead of 2). The covers of the first and last part match the printed version (and obviously so does their titles), but the content doesn’t.

Well, hopefully, those issues would be few and far between.


Yeah our audible linking has been included in our book upload process, so it’s not really reproducible for Basically, our upload process usually looks at the kindle series page and / or the individual book page, which shows if there’s an audible edition.

Right, i’m sure there will still be issues, but I do think it’ll be much better than text matching. The issues we can solve by hand :slight_smile:


Yeah, from my basic understanding, image matching (really image classification) is kinda the bread & butter for machine learning and where the hype for neural nets all got started… so I gotta think there’s an easy, out of the box solution here, but who knows.


@brandon – Is grading broken this morning? If I go to “grade items” in the menu, it shows me a pair of books to grade, but clicking one of the “harder” buttons just shows me the same pair of books again. Looking at “view gradings” shows that the grading did get recorded, and reloading the “grade items” page gives a new pair of books, so it looks like it just doesn’t correctly advance to a new grading pair? (The “skip this” button does advance to a different grading pair.)


Noted! Will investigate tomorrow morning :slight_smile:


Has anyone ever made a request to have a catchall kind of item for books that don’t have an isbn/aren’t available on Amazon (monthly magazines or doujin for example)? I’m not sure what to look up to see if a similar request has already been made.


Your request probably fits here:


Thank you!


@pm215 you should be good to go! Thanks for the note, it was affecting two other users too (it was in my alerts).

Looks like you have some grading to catch up on… :sweat_smile:


Minor bug @brandon: looking at the Pirates of the Caribbean movies on the search page, the series reflects the wrong number of movies:


The reason is I just saw part 1 and 5 and did not bother to add the in-between ones.

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Natively should be filling in that number correctly, though, regardless of which one(s) you submitted.


Ah, I see somebody else meanwhile added the in-between ones, then the number should of course be correct, yes.

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Actually, @eefara is correct. @mic if you only upload one pirates movie and we see it’s part of the series, we’ll auto fill out the rest of the movie series… although it might be an hour later.


What about a website to convert ASIN to ISBN:

It looks like their free tier includes unlimited searches/conversions.

Edit: instructions for finding Audible ASIN

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This does not parse but this 少女マンガじゃない! 1 下駄箱からラブレター...じゃなくて果たし状!? | L24 does and the only difference is a / at the end, which makes no difference for other book links. :upside_down_face:


A minor issue: the number of gradings doesn’t match. I guess it’s due to the limited number of gradings that are taken into account by the algorithm, but it’s a bit confushing when there are pages of comparisons just under where it says “11 gradings”.

eta: Further to this, I’ve noticed the number of gradings that appears above ‘Aggregate’ isn’t always the same, which I would have expected it to be if the algorithm only considers a specific number of ratings.

These have only been graded by me, but the number of 'algorithm' gradings vary quite a bit.


Unfortunately, that’s not the issue. The issue is going to audiobooks from a physical book / ebook… as they don’t have ISBNs. You’re right that they can have ASINs, but those will be distinct from anything I can look at in my database.

That’s good to know… but unfortunately I have no theories on why that would happen :joy:

Are all these additional gradings ‘extra’ gradings? I don’t currently count extra gradings in the grading count as I want people to be able to use the grading count as an indicator for how confident we are in a grading.