Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Would it cause that much trouble? Or even just making decimal points possible would make it work. Would doing them European style (with a comma) keep it from breaking the code?

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heh, the issue isn’t the decimal points. The issue is that if you say you’re on page 300 of a book, I assume that you’ve read all the pages prior in your stats.

Edit: The current ‘end page has to be higher than the starting page’ restriction makes sense if you’re sequentially reading the book. If that weren’t true, then there’d be no update.

I feel like that’s a more reasonable expectation for books in your native language, but less given for learners. We’re more likely to read short story collections, textbooks, etc- works that can and are often read out of order.

Since the JoJo Parts are sometimes split within a volume, I’ve noticed this restriction, but it only bothers me in this case since it’s not possible to put single pages for this page a day type book. As of right now too, how does natively sort pages read when there’s not the reading session entries? It looked like in my records for a while before I added that data that it was putting all the book’s pages in the end month and not equally spreading them over the time period.

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I encourage you to make a product request so we can continue the discussion there :slight_smile:

I do agree that learners need things to be more flexible and granular, it’s partly why i’ve put a lot of time into already.

That’s correct. Again, open to discussion, but probably another feature request!

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This is probably too niche to be worth a formal product request, so I wanted to see what kind of feedback others had on this idea first. I was thinking it’d be nice to be able to have audio wish lists. Like, there’s stuff I’d like to listen to to practice my listening, but wouldn’t be as interested in just plain reading it, and it feels wrong to add it to my normal wish list. I suppose I could add it to my wish list, then add it to a custom audio wishlist list, but then it’s sitting in my normal wish list. :thinking:

Maybe this could be a consideration if some sort of dedicated audio checkbox is added for a book? Yes? No? Am I thinking too hard about this?


I think more broadly “custom wishlists” that don’t contribute to the default one would cover more use cases? I’m sure people have other use cases for it, I think some shopping sites have multiple custom lists.


Ah, that would be nice too!


I’m imagining an Audio/Listening section in the future for podcasts, radio dramas, etc. I think it would be useful to include audiobooks too, for those that don’t read the (e)book.

I think there might be a trello card for linking related media (for example, if a LN series has manga and anime adaptions), which would work to bridge between the books and audiobooks.

I think a separate listening section would be useful for tracking, to get a more complete picture of the media being consumed. Maybe it’s already been suggested, I haven’t looked.


Yeah @seanblue has been trying to push this too:

It’s a good callout.

I agree. I’m not entirely sure how we’ll figure it all out, but it’s definitely something we’ll want to tackle, maybe mid / late next year.

Update on providers

Providers is nearly done! Book Providers & Watch Providers are now filters in your library, along with the ability to favorite.

I think the only things that remain are:

  • cleaning up the location filter for watch providers (allow multiple locations? type dropdown rather than select?)
  • adding in watch provider descriptions to movie / season pages.
  • figure out how to clean up all the noise in the TMDB watch providers… way too many? Just a display & ordering issue I think.

This has taken me way longer than I anticipated, but the scope creeped significantly of course… and hopefully it will just be solved going forward.


I’ve graded quite a few books that I only listened to the audio of, I’m personally not super fussed on implementation but whether or not (and how) to pluck out those entries is something to keep in mind I suppose.

Also is Discourse updating? The links in your comment keep flashing between formatted and unformatted while I look at them :sweat_smile:


Well, i’m not really worried about it either way, so it’s really just up to you. :slight_smile:

Hmm… strange. No it isn’t. I did see a few flashes initially but not anymore…


I’m sure this has already set off alerts, but just got this page now:

Which actually takes me to this thread although several posts up, so very handy.

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Yes, sorry, having a few issues right now. My redis cache got too overworked I guess :confused:

Hopefully a fix in the next 10 - 20mins, we’ll see



Caching outages are fun :upside_down_face:


Ok, should be back! Now to do a post mortem and get off this expensive instance type (server) I had to upgrade to…


There will be brief outage again (<5 mins) - I’ve resolved the issue that caused the problem this morning, switching back to the cheaper machine :slight_smile:

Edit: Done! And in <5mins :muscle:


Throwing out a general query here…

I know people would love the links & filters to be autofilled out by my link collecting process… but unfortunately the pages do not have any ISBN information, which makes it practically impossible for me to determine if something is a match.

However, I think there are two ways we could get it working, but I’d need help:

  • Some website which lists links along with the ISBN or other links (like honto / amazon… anything) that I can reconcile with.


  • Someone can find / create a simply python image matching process, which could match two images … like this and this. I would like a simple function which I input two images and receive a number on how much of a match it is.

If anyone has solutions for either of those, let me know! For the image matcher, I’m not really interested in spending a lot of time there… so if it requires training models or something it’s a no go. :slight_smile:

Edit: And if we get no bites… that’s ok too. Eventually I’ll be tinkering with machine learning and at that point roll out an image matcher no problem. Would be useful for a lot of book providers.


I’m surprised you’re preferring matching images over matching title + author? I would imagine that would be easier to do.


You would think, but imo Amazon titles are a disaster, along with authors. Pair that with mixture of edition/formats in the title (see 魔女の宅急便)… even volume numbering … makes things more difficult.

In general, would love an image matcher, as that’s how I double check results too. But we’ll see.

We could try a text matcher but i’d think the results would be quite poor without a bit of work.


So I’m a data scientist, and while I haven’t done a lot of work outside of toy problems with image processing, I’d be super happy to work on this or future machine learning stuff for the site.

In theory the image matching piece is pretty squarely in my wheelhouse if I could find a way to do it without model training. I can poke around online and see if there’s an off the shelf solution that’d be quick to implement.