Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Depends which ones. Sometimes yes… But it looks like almost all my skips/blocks are bc one of the items I didn’t actually finish.

I’m surprised you find the novels easier than the manga. For me it’s usually the opposite (though I’ve only completed one novel in that range, and only 11 novels total… so that could be related)


I always found novels easier than manga - even when I had read exactly one manga and one novel, so it’s not a matter of experience necessarily, just preference. The text in a novel flows better, and you have so much context to draw conclusions from. In manga you usually only have dialogue, which I still have more trouble understanding than complicated descriptions for some reason. Similarly, say I can read a novel more or less fluently (minus the necessary lookups) and understand everything without much effort. Now show me one sentence out of that novel without context, and it suddenly takes me way more effort to understand it. Not sure exactly how to explain it, but that’s how it is.


You may have noticed I went through all the bug tickets today. Even if I didn’t respond to you, if your thread has the ‘request approved’ tag, do know that it was approved :slight_smile:

Totally open to that! :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s pretty impossible :sweat_smile:

If it helps, I’d say you could also think of your difficulty assessment in terms of recommending to someone else. But honestly, that probably doesn’t change the dilemma much…


FYI for users with approved tags, it might take a bit of time to get the trello card created, but I’ll be working on the backlog soon :tm:



When setting an item directly to finished (without starting or wishlisting first), the timeline is out of order:

I’m guessing in the back-end everything is being recorded at 00:00 ?

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I mentioned it at the end of the post Minor activity feed bugs if you want to add anything. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh, I was looking at that PR but I was not sure if it was specific to watching or was the same to be added there.

@brandon Natively generally uses “ratings” for quality and “gradings” for difficulty, so the “exclude temporary ratings” filter should probably be changed to “exclude temporary gradings”.


I’ve been getting a single extra grading on the home page for the same two books over and over (just now 舞台に咲け! and あん — funny enough, the first thing it had me grade あん against was a manga, and I thought it was supposed to have you grade novels against other novels first and only move to manga after exhausting all novels in that level range, yet I’ve got plenty). It seems if I choose to skip it, it doesn’t take, but if I grade it, it does (earlier today it was another manga vs. novel, which I only very rarely choose not to skip, and with that I finally caved and graded it, and the prompt went away)


On MacOs Safari, does anyone else have the issue that you can’t use your mouse for the search bar? :thinking:
When I enter the name of a book and use my mouse to click :mag: or one the of results that pops up, my search gets reset. Navigating via the arrow keys and enter works fine though.

… just thought I’d ask before I go through the usual process of clearing my chache and what not :see_no_evil:

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I managed to break the page for one specific book by adding a reading session.

The book in question:


I’ve had that happen too, where I try to skip a grading and it doesn’t work. If I come back to grade again later, the same comparison comes up. I think it’s a bug.


Ooh, it gave me a different comparison this time, a novel which I actually could grade it against

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…which could mean that the book you graded it against the first time actually has the error.

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Sorry everyone! I’m actually on a last-minute trip to Tokyo, so i’ve been distracted this week :laughing:

It’d really help if you log a bug ! I’ll try to look into soo.

Can other people reproduce? Again, a bug filing would be really nice :slight_smile:

Ack! Well, it doesn’t look broken for me, but it must be that reading session you added… I’ll try to look at my error alerts in the next day or two, it’s definitely in there.

While ‘grading’ is undoubtedly the action of difficulty comparison, I actually do generally say a book’s ‘difficulty rating’. I’m frankly not sure if that should be grading or not. It’s potentially a worthwhile discussion though, as terminology is important.


I remember seeing something to that effect before, which is why I had that impression. @brandon is this the way it’s supposed to work currently, or was that a future thing that hasn’t been implemented yet? I didn’t see anything like that in the requests/bugs topic, though I could have missed it.

Aaaand turns out I’ve been a Patreon supporter since April :sweat_smile: I’m clearly very on top of things :joy:


Small thing, but the axis says mins when episodes is selected.


So this should have been mostly sorted, as you might see for the update flood in the recent threads.

Sorry about that! I’m not sure how to avoid that behaviour from Discourse when adding the tags and the trello card :sweat_smile:.

There are a few (4 if I counted them right) threads that are pending some confirmation on my side with @brandon.

If you feel I missed something, just make the thread resurface or don’t hesitate to throw a DM.


It’s because there aren’t any comments. An edit to the thread (title, category, tags) is treated as an edit to the first post, which in this case is also the last, and any edit to the last post is treated as activity similarly to a new comment. So it’s unavoidable