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Yeah I think a simply heart mechanism to show you liked a review would be really nice. Definitely will do at some point, probably next year.

My suspicion is that the stickers & reactions might come later, but interesting idea too.


Rather than rating, I’ve thought it might be cool to have feedback or replies. For example, if I wrote about New Game that I thought Yun’s Kansai accent was on the lighter side, but @seanblue pointed out that actually Yun’s Kansai-ben has xyz features, making it not so light - that might be useful to know. (just an example from a previous forum discussion). Anyway I’m a bit skeptical of that idea bc it’s hard to ensure people stay constructive, and people might not want that feedback or discussion in the first place (and there’s before getting into UI/UX considerations).

What do you see as the benefit of rating reviews exactly?

Would it be possible to do this without displaying it to other users? Meaning the author sees “so and so liked your review”, but other viewers just see the review itself.

Tbh while I think I get/appreciate the intent, having visible likes/hearts on reviews makes me pretty uncomfortable, and I don’t really see what benefit they would add.


I see it as a “this review was helpful” kinda thing that amazon (I think) also does.


I would encourage @Jintor to log a product request for this so all this conversation doesn’t get lost and I do think there’s interest in this.

I get feeling uncomfortable if you feel that your large-effort review isn’t being appreciated or that all of sudden it feel like more of a game. But I think it’s also just showing appreciation for people who really do put a lot of effort into their reviews and potentially prioritize showcasing them!

I think we have a pretty positive community - the larger the effort will definitely get some hearts :slight_smile:

But happy to discuss more in the product request thread! Would love to hear your perspective.


I think that would make me stop writing reviews entirely. :sweat_smile: I can easily see it devolving into arguments about why I did or didn’t like a certain book, or my view of its difficulty being “wrong”. An isolated review is harder to to maintain positive community around compared to a conversation setting like a forum.


Yeah, that’s more or less why I never suggested it before, and honestly would probably vote against it, if it became an actual suggestion… Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned it? :sweat_smile:


this. I have seen it on GR countless times. If this becomes a feature, it needs an “opt out” option. :sweat_smile:


Yeah, FWIW I have a pretty strong inclination against comment threads on reviews, but of course will hear all arguments :slight_smile:

I’d be much more inclined to have a ‘ask the reviewer’ forum thread where you ping a reviewer a question. Also if you link to the review, you could search the thread to see if that review already had questions.

Granted, the reviewer would have to be active in the forums, but I think that’s appropriate.


That’s exactly the sorta of thing I feel bothered by tbh.

I think I’ll wait till that exists before getting into it more, and I appreciate the openness :slight_smile:

Partially I wonder whether I’m making a big deal out of nothing, in my head… Which is why I didn’t say anything the last time this got mentioned


I agree that it would be a bad idea to allow comments on reviews. If you strongly disagree with a review you can always write your own review. I did this once when a reviewer was like “this is a yuri anime and the MC tries to get all her classmates to fall in love with her” and I was like “uhh what? Did we even watch the same show?” :laughing: But by not having comments I was forced to give a proper review along with this correction, which I think is for the better.

I do like the idea of upvotes, though it probably won’t add much value until the site had a lot more reviews.


Exactly this.

I think it’s more healthy to “force” people to write reviews to oppose others, and then let the viewer decide based on all the reviews, than going through a possible comment hell-hole.

It’s also more work for moderating.


Mmm, most of the books I’ve reviewed I’m the only reviewer, so you get my opinion or nothing anyway :slight_smile: I dunno about upvotes; I suspect that for books where there are a lot of reviews it will tend to mean the earlier reviews get more upvotes and reviews from people who come late to the book will languish at the bottom of the list.


It seems we’re discussing this here after all, so I’ll say that I also wouldn’t like reactions to reviews. I guess likes wouldn’t hurt (it’s nice to see someone appreciated what you wrote), but on the other hand, a review with no likes would cause unnecessary worry, and older reviews would naturally get more likes without being necessarily better. I think that until we reach Amazon-like review numbers, there’s no need to order or rate reviews in any way.

We could have a questions section though, separate from the forum. On each book’s (or movie’s or whatever) page, you could choose to ask a question about it, and anyone who’s read it can answer. That might be a useful feature.


I was a bit hesitant to bring it up precisely because of review-brigading etc on GR etc. It was more of a passing thought. I do think there are some reviews that I find more helpful than others, but I definitely don’t have a strong set of arguments for positives at this stage, so happy to leave it.

A q+a section is a good idea though.


Is there typically a delay with ratings on a series page getting updated? I rated volume 3 of 青のフラッグ (series) | L24 earlier today, but it still appears as unrated on the series page.


Sorry about that - the background processing server went down for a little while (~20 hrs before I noticed the alarm). Should be good now :slight_smile:

They do usually update on the hour yes.


I feel like this has been addressed before - if a TV show shows 0 minutes for all episodes is there a way to update that without manually entering time per episode? The show has been recently synced so that’s not the issue.

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Does the show have more than 0 minutes now after synced? Is the issue just that you aren’t being attributed minutes watched for the updated episode runtimes?

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None of the episodes have any minutes, despite being synced today according to the page - here is the show in question: ノッキンオン・ロックドドア S1 | L33??



Ah yeah, the episode runtimes aren’t on TMDB :confused:

If possible, I’d recommend you updating the runtimes on TMDB and then syncing.