Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Ah, so that’s how it works. I added the runs times and resynced but no dice

But maybe it takes a bit for the data to actually be syncable, I’ll try again later.

FWIW I didn’t enter a time for the last episode as I don’t know yet if it’s a 大スペシャル like the first episode and a longer run time :sweat_smile:


Yeah it should be good in a day, usually takes a little while.

Great, glad that was easy to do :slight_smile:


Wondering if there was a prod request for a ‘recommend around similar level’ feature on individual book pages, especially if it could filter if you had already read that book or not, were not interested so it knew to not show you that series again etc. I know you can just use the search engine to find books in that level range, but I think it might be handy on book pages.

I envision this as not being affected by tags/content/author or anything in the vein of what I presume Amazon or commercial sites do - a simple ‘hey, this book is also in this level range, do you think you might be interested’ sort of thing only, just as a way of discovering new reads.

/edit I know the gradings fulfil a similar function - that might be good enough? Hmm


That feels like something that would already have a product request, but nothing comes to mind, and a quick glance down the requests doesn’t bring anything back…


It’s very close to the description of this PR:


I like the idea of recommended books appearing on book pages. As you say, there are different ways of doing it.

A recommendation section could include books that are:

  • not on any of your lists
  • have an average score of 3+ stars
  • are good for language learning
    • have a similar natively level (give or take a couple of levels)
    • also have furigana (if applicable)
    • (possibly) are the same type (manga, light novel, etc)
  • are similarly entertaining
    • people who liked this (4+ star rating) also liked…
    • similar natively level or any level up to the highest level on your finished list
    • share content tags

I haven’t thought it out, but the individual entertainment/language learning ratings may be useful here, too.

I think this leans towards the entertainment aspect, but doesn’t really address the language learning aspect of the suggestion.


Well, that was for people, not books. I don’t think it’s that close (at least not in terms of coding).

I guess that, here, you’d take everyone who added a book to a list (wishlist, read…) and pick all the books they liked (sorted by sum of stars?) and possibly add a filter for similar levels :thinking:

There’s also whatever it is that booklive is doing to give you similar books… but in general I don’t like any of them, so it’s probably not really useful.

If the request was just to see books at the same (or possibly similar) level on the book page, there’s already a request for that, though.


So, that has always been my feeling… as popular things around the same level were always at the top of the grading section. However, it’s not a particularly engaging ‘recommended’ section and many of the things @bibliothecary laid out are interesting.

Worth a product request in my mind! I think it’s definitely different than the affinities ticket for the reasons @Naphthalene listed out, although it does have similar intent.

Another close product request is the Link to "other books at this level" from "level nn" tag popup, but also different.


Not sure if this is a bug? I was only able to do 1 grading for 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。 | L28?? but I checked and I’ve seen a couple of movies around that level so I should (I think) be able to do more comparisons.


I will investigate tomorrow, thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:


I noticed the site will email you when book requests are added, but not if you ping a series for a refresh (to add new volumes). Could it also email you when a series you’ve pinged for a refresh is updated, please?


It does, actually. It’ll tell you that “book has been added to the site!” It’s completely indistinguishable from the normal add a book email, but it’s there.

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What romanisation system does the Natively search use? I was looking for コーヒーと恋愛 | L43 but searching for “koohii” or “ko-hi-” doesn’t bring it up…


It’s not fully automated (I think), so romaji search doesn’t always work. The page doesn’t show an “alternate title” so you probably should provide feedback to have it added.

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理由 | L30?? comes up in a search for ‘riyuu’ and it has no ‘alternate title’, so I’m not sure how the system works…


Also on the subject of search, typing into the search box seems weirdly racy and flaky (Firefox on Android). If you type for instance “riyuu[enter]” then the search results update dynamically as you type, and then the enter key triggers a page load and a (maybe different, maybe the same) redisplay of search results. Either the search should be dynamic updates to the same page (in which case enter should do nothing except maybe ensure the update is complete) or it should be “don’t search until the user presses enter” (either via a page reload or same-page); the current behaviour seems an odd mix of both.

The red “Error: issues with our servers” message is also very common IME, both as a briefly displayed and then deleted transitive thing and also as a message that only goes away if you hit enter to make it reload the page.


Ah, interesting. Maybe it just can’t handle the ー then.


FWIW, “kohi” seems to pull up all the コーヒー books.


Hmmm, might be user error - maybe the series was already up to date so I never got pinged…? I dunno, I was sitting around for a few days waiting for a series to be updated so I could start logging it but eventually I just checked manually and it had been updated…


I keep getting the server error page when trying to visit my profile in Japanese (Korean is fine, though). Guessing it might have something to do with the hundreds of books I just added? :smiling_face_with_tear: