Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Sorry about that! Fixed now :sweat_smile:.

I deleted a duplicate Tadoku free book which you were the only one to have added to their library (arimaska), guess I didn’t do it right :confused:


I’m looking forward to an updated book-adding process for the Japanese side of things for sure. Preferably one where you can select that the Kindle cover should be the cover grabbed, not the nonexistent physical one. :S


The notif for the ‘new book in a series had been added’ came packaged with a few other notifs about book add requests - about a day or two after I finished reading and logging the new book, lol. Oh well!


Yeah sorry on that, I was a bit slow this weekend + Monday on the book additions!


It’s not a big deal at all! Just wasn’t clear if it was an automated system once a book was added, etc

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Did you have a chance to look at this error yet?
If you’re busy could you just delete the reading session instead? It’s a very short story, so it’s not like I lose any valuable information.

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Oh my goodness, sorry about that!

It’s now fixed :sweat_smile:

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I noticed the other day that this series (悪役令嬢になっても婚約破棄されても、今度こそ溺愛されて幸せになります! 試し読みまとめ本 (series) | L24??) had been added to Natively, and I wanted to get the community’s thoughts on whether it should be included on the site or not. Looking at the Amazon page, each entry appears to be the first chapter of the represented series, so the whole thing’s basically just a sampler.

Based on past precedent (removing from the site when it was included in the series pull), book samplers should probably be removed. I don’t know if there’s an official thought on that, though, so I wanted to bring it up here for @brandon and others to discuss.


I feel like that case is different. It’s a full book each time made of a curated list of samples. Also, it’s not taking space in a related series, it is its own specific series.
Overall, I think it’s valid to have it on the site.


A bit like a short story collection then?

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That sounds like the closest option :thinking:

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I’ve been adding the free series from BW and I did wonder about adding them since they’re a little different. Some things that crossed my mind:

  • They’re not a complete story - but neither are any books that are part of a series
  • They’re short - but so are short stories and graded readers, the length of a book shouldn’t really matter
  • There’s overlap with the main book(s) - true of different editions, compilations, etc, and you might not go on to read the main book anyway
  • They’re free - ??? Why would that matter? :rofl:

I ended up adding them because:

  • They’re official publications
  • They’re distinct ebooks that have their own item page
  • They’re available from different retailers (not exclusive/difficult to find)
  • They provide FREE native reading material for learners :sunglasses:

And I think finishing a sample is different from having the main book, reading a chapter, then shelving it as ‘stopped’ (assuming you don’t continue the story), because the rest of the (main) book isn’t available to you - you wouldn’t read the first volume of a series then proceed to add the rest of said series to your ‘stopped’ list if you chose not to continue reading. :thinking:

I think future Natively features (tags, editions, relations, etc) will be useful in distinguishing these kinds of things from the main book/series, but I don’t see the harm in having them on the site.


I have this weird bug where vol 5 of kirby is both in my reading and finished. It kept the reading status even though I marked it as finished.


@brandon something’s going on with the natively profile links over discourse. Probably a bad update:


…just realized I need to update the Mystery Book Club thread title with medium :see_no_evil:


I think this is fixed now, thanks for the catch! I did recently update, so that was probably the cause.

@brandon Has this been reported? Some books are missing in the Quick Stats overview.
For example it should be 4 children’s books, not 3.


No, it hasn’t! Thanks for the note, i’ll try to check today :slight_smile:

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FYI, I’m releasing a big cleanup of the grading system today (consolidating the video grading system with the old book grading system), so the next hour or so, gradings may appear a little weird and you won’t be able to grade.

Thankfully, after this is completed, improvements on the grading system will become more possible (sub series arc grading, better edition grading, more robust error catching etc).

I’ll update you after the release & post processing is complete.


@brandon I couldn’t access the site/forums for a while today without using a VPN - turns out my antivirus (avast) flagged the site for phishing. :melting_face: