Reading Club With An Intermediate Level Book : Percy Jackson!

This announcement is set in the PDT or PST Timezone. This is the same timezone as the city of Seattle of the state of Washington of the United States Of America. (in case you want to input this into something like worldtimebuddy)

Hello! I am advertising my reading discussion server again!
This is the same server as the Magic Tree House one! However, this is for a different club!

Every other Friday at 9 pm, we will be having an N4 (Intermediate-level) based reading club! We wil be reading **Percy Jackson!

(What Used To Be Written Here)

We haven’t 100% settled on a book yet, but it’s going to be one of the following; Percy Jackson, Sandry’s Book, Dial A Ghost, Magyk, Trickster’s Choice, or The Ranger’s Apprentice! For our first meeting on Friday the 2nd of September, we are planning on reading 1 page out of each book of those books, then having a vote for what book the reading group will continue to read in the future, so join now so you can vote!

Here is our discord invite in case you are interested!

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I like the idea of reading together! Unfortunately this is during working hours for us in Japan, so I won’t be able to join.

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Did someone request those books to get added to Natively already?

I think Discord reading groups are fun, but not sure the schedule world work out for me. Hopefully you get a lot of interest.

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I sent out the request, but the books are now added!