Tags, Tags, Tags [Official Management]

Just wanting to second having more/less obscure dialect tags! I’d love to add works that feature our local dialect. I can ask around too since many of my coworkers are native to the area.



  • I’ve implemented some more admin tools for our tag moderators
  • You can now only create content tags. If you think something should be a top level genre, you can send a message here. Do note that you can still tag items with genres, you just can’t create new tags.

Next steps:

  1. Add tags widget on series pages
  2. Add tags to Movies & TV
  3. Add tag filter to search

Genre list is now identical with Content list and a union of the previously separated genre and content lists. Is that intentional?


Yes, search is now a search of all tags. My thinking was that it drops the requirement of users needing to know which type a tag is.

However, I do know that makes browseability even worse than before.


Definitely handy being able to glance at a list on the side and just being like ‘psychological horror? I’m outta here’


Bug report @brandon: selecting the search icon on mobile drops down behind the quick navigation bar on a series page:

Also, is there no more feedback button on the series page? I can’t find it anymore on mobile.

Edit: another mobile UI bug:


There is an interesting phenomenon, when a tag has been applied to a book and the same tag then gets applied to the series:


(picture spoilered because tags are spoilerd)

book: https://learnnatively.com/book/e85b4bd246/

Suddenly you have double the tags. :upside_down_face:


Yes, I imagined this… we will have to deal with it, not entirely sure how :slight_smile:

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  • Tag filters is now available for book & video search!
  • I’ve removed the ‘genre’ filter for video
  • Book tag values are still being input into search, will take a day to completely fill out. Popular items should be relatively filled out.
  • Movie & TV should be filled out


  • Tag Filters for personal user library
  • Bucketing ‘genre’ first in tag dropdown, like AniList shown below:

Screen Shot 2023-11-10 at 1.41.08 PM

After those items are finished, I will mostly be treating tags as ‘done’, outside anything admins need. Perhaps something to address the bug @Biblio mentioned


I saw the dark screenshot before reading the post for context and was like “full dark theme support next”? :joy:


Random question: how should I add tags to a collection of short stories? When adding a tag that only applies to one story, I set it to “minor”, and “major” if it applies to all, but then I thought of a tag that is minor for multiple stories and I’m like :upside_down_face: … moderate? Also minor??


I think the fact that it’s a collection of short stories doesn’t actually change anything. It’s an identical situation to a novel only having a tag element for one chapter vs many chapters :slight_smile:

But what constitutes a ‘major’ / ‘minor’ / ‘moderate’ element is certainly a worthwhile discussion. For reference, search right now only shows items with >50% unless you check the ‘include minor elements’ checkbox. That behavior can be changed and probably should be lower…


Right, that’s my problem here. The collection has only minor elements in that case, since all stories were very different from each other (the only theme of the collection is that it’s a bunch of random works of the other not published in book form otherwise). The major element of one story doesn’t appear anywhere else, that makes it “minor” in terms of total page count. But then that collection won’t appear in any vanilla tag search :joy:

Maybe I should just bump down one level for everything instead (major → moderate; moderate → minor; minor → not relevant)

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I think that’s right then. I’d be a bit bummed if I started reading something hoping for Fantasy and I only get it on one story. :slight_smile:


Ok - I’ve finished all items on the agenda today. Tag search is now in your personal libraries as well! I also changed vanilla tag search to all tags of >25%. Only if you check ‘include minor elements’ does it include tags below that threshold.

More formal blog post & product discussion thread announcement incoming! :slight_smile:


Tag search doesn’t bring up everything that’s relevant. I decided to see if there were any other novels/LNs tagged with tennis on the off chance there were any I hadn’t added, and…

DOUBLES!! -ダブルス- (series) | L31 is conspicuously missing. I thought maybe I’d forgotten to add that tag (which is actually entirely possible), but it’s on there.


So, i’m not sure why, but it does look like Doubles was missed in the search database update. I’ve added that in.

I’ve also made sure that all the other tennis items were appearing and they indeed are.

If you find any other missing items, let me know!

Also, you can now click the tag names on book / series / item pages and they go to search :slight_smile:


Oh yeah it’s FOOD time!!!


Are results within the tag sorted by weight? K-on shouldn’t really be above anything that is actually food focused in the food tag…


Unfortunately there is no ‘sort by tag rating’. They are sorted by popularity by default.

Edit: FWIW we could build sort by tag / mor e options for tag search like ‘only main elements’… but let’s make a separate product request for that :slight_smile: