Tags, Tags, Tags [Official Management]

Agreed, but of the two it’s least worst in this context – for a second language learner the difference between “this is 50 pages of fiction” and “this is 300 pages of fiction” I think matters much more than “is this a single long coherent narrative or multiple shorter ones?” for difficulty and whether it’s something you feel up to taking on.


For myself the issue I keep running into is that many collections take their title from one of the stories, and as I like to read Aozora I often read a short in isolation, but if someone has submitted the collection already it can get a bit confusing :sweat_smile:


Is it intentional for the Tags to appear below Grading on mobile? Putting them in/after About would seem to make more sense, imo

Also it looks like they don’t have a nav link on mobile. I almost missed them altogether.


Please make a related works section then. Many franchises could benefit from it, like all the gundam that’s in the same universe or leijiverse works. I think right now, some of them list the original creator as an author, but that’s not accurate either.


Speaking of this, it’d be really great if the descriptions included keywords to make the tags easier to find, such as including “queer” in the description of lgbtq.

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Agreed! I’d encourage you to comment and vote on the product request too - Crosslinking between different media forms of the same title/property.

Ok there are a lot of things in this thread. I will quickly summarize my immediate action items here. If it’s not here, then either I missed it or i’m not doing it now … feel free to log a product request or comment.

But first : I’m looking for 1-2 volunteers to help manage tags!. As you can already see, tag management can be quite complicated and I think it’d be a massive help if a few of you are interested! Your duties would be focused on approving tags, editing tags, deleting / re-assinging duplicate tags. Let me know in a personal dm or comment below!

  • Find 1-2 volunteers to help with tags. Allow them access to the tags admin.
  • Fix bug with scrollbar where you can’t click the scroll
  • Add a separate page where you can see all the tags
  • Allow you to delete your recently created tags
  • Allow you to report / change spoiler status of tags
  • [Will not do now] I won’t be adding multiselect for tags
  • [Will not do now] Adding extra key terms for tags

I’m happy to help with tags, but you’ll likely want someone else with knowledge of manga/LN genres as well.

Also, my free time isn’t amazingly extensive so if spots are limited and someone with more volunteers I give up my spot :slight_smile:


Like @cat, I don’t mind helping, but I’m not sure how much time I would have.
That being said, I am visiting the site everyday, so, assuming moderation tasks give me a clear notification (so that I notice them easily), that might be fine.


I’d be happy to chip in with the tag organizing if you need another volunteer.


I think you might’ve missed:

(I just came here to find if anybody already asked for this, because I was missing it as well.)


If it’s approved, what does voting or commenting help with?


Increasing the popularity of the request. Approved just means it will happen someday™, but a lot of activity might bump it’s priority to soon™.


For instance, content tags and favorites were consistently top of the lists for product requests and gave them a bump. Commenting just would be nice to make sure the JoJo series use case would be covered. Also bumps it to the top of the forum, so perhaps more notice. :slight_smile:


I see. Thank you both for the explanation!


I disagree with this. If I open a short story entry and it says 300 pages, I know it’s probably a collection and not 1 story. If I open a novel with 300 pages, I’d assume it’s one long story and not a collection of short stories.


I’d be happy to help, if you still need someone.

Is there some notification functionality, so volunteers don’t miss something?
Will there be some guidelines or is it up to the volunteer to decide for now?

Might be a good idea to have volunteers from different timezones. (I am CET aka UTC+1) :slight_smile:


This feels like it really comes down to personal preference.

Having collections classified as “Short Story” does make the stats harder to interpret. And for me personally, when I browse short stories on Natively I am looking for a single story I can read in a day, not a collection of stories. So for me “classify as novel and add a short story collection tag” would work. But of course with this tags could be forgotten/overlooked etc.

The cleanest solution would probably be an extra type for collections, but I can also understand not wanting to add yet another book type… Unfortunately I don’t think the one perfect solution everyone is happy with exists.


I’m thinking of going through anilist and adding any tags i can find for manga / ln / anime. We won’t override any tags you’ve already added, just additional. They’ll start at the confidence level of anilist, but the first vote will change it.


There is a “Not relevant” entry where the percentages are shown, resulting in 0%. Could the tag be removed if a tag is not relevant? Or could you add a “remove” entry in that pop-up menu?

That would be great.

By the way is there a way to add a 50% value to the tags? Currently it goes Main 100%, Major 75%, Minor 25%… And I keep feeling stuck btwn major & minor on things.

Not a huge deal, just a “nice to have”