Tags, Tags, Tags [Official Management]

Thank you! Looking forward to a useable scrollbar too!

I don’t see many tags that could serve as content warnings. There’s suicide, but not animal cruelty/death, rape or incest for example. These would be very useful tags to have I think, spoilered or not.

Edit: Added the Primarily Child Cast tag to a book with two stories. I’d like it to be at 50% as it only refers to one of the two stories, but I can’t. I guess 75% will do.


Another age-old question is how to tag books that are not really any specific sub-genre, but just …literature. 純文学?
And I think non-fiction should be a genre, not a content tag?


I have the same issue (Chromium). Arrow keys work, though.

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I added “Diary” to つれづれノート (series) | L25 as a genre and then found “autobiographical” in the content tags. :thinking:

I think genre tags are probably lacking a bit. Especially the non-fiction area is very sparse. But I guess, coming from anilist, that’s not really something that would pop up. Don’t know a whole lot of non-fiction anime. :upside_down_face:

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I tried to create a new tag but couldn’t:


Hitting enter does nothing, and clicking Add clears the field…

By the way, the tag I wanted to add was “multiple narrators” as you can see from the screenshot, which is something I come across a lot, and which I think is not entirely the same thing as Ensemble Cast - especially if the narrators are just two or three.

I find myself wanting to add so many content tags, but I’m not sure if I should. If we all do it we’ll likely end up with way too many similar tags. I’m already not sure how drama is different from slice of life, or thriller from mystery or horror. The lines aren’t always clear.

On trigger warning tags, maybe we could get inspiration from this site?
Trigger Warning Database for Movies, TV, Books and more. (doesthedogdie.com)


you need to click on the drop down that opens (i.e. the “multiple narrators” right beneath the entry field) - then it works. Took me a moment, too. :smiley:

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How do we go about changing a tag? I.e. we add a new tag and later figure out a better wording for it?

(I added “Social science” as a genre, but “Political & Social Science” might be better, since it cuts down on tags and those 2 are often lumped together. :melting_face:)


Right now there is no way, let’s just discuss it here.

I think at some point I could add an ‘!’ button or something in the middle of the tag which pops open a report dialog to either

  1. Change tag name / request deletion / request consolidation
  2. Change spoiler status

Perhaps that should be the next thing I do :thinking:

Duly noted though on the tag, I’ll change that tonight.


Yay time to go crazy in the food tag


I don’t think Trigger Warning tags will constitute their own section. I was thinking that each account could simply set specific tags as trigger warnings in your settings.

Although, after tags is more developed, we could mark common trigger warning tags I guess too.


I didn’t mean they need to be a separate category, just that it would be useful to have a lot of the common ones as content tags. After all, someone’s trigger may be someone else’s favourite thing to read about.


@brandon would it be possible to be able to add multiple tags at once? For now it seems like I need to select a tag, hit save, click the button to add a new tag, repeat.

(Also, I didn’t say it, but hooray on the new feature! Can’t wait to squash all those bugs.)

Edit: would it be a good idea to disable tags for textbooks?


Would you say mathematics is a genre or a content tag?

I would think content. :thinking: Unless you’re reading, like, Flatland, I suppose?

Question of my own: are there any existing tags for same-sex relationships? I can’t find any immediately, but there are so many ways to search for it I probably just missed them.


Boys’ Love and Yuri (there’s also Heterosexual, Bisexual, and Asexual).

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Ah, thank you!

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also LGBTQ


Man, tags are the last thing I need. I already spend too much time working on these book pages, now I’m going to be staring at tags constantly and voting on them. :stuck_out_tongue:


do you mean just Japanese textbooks or textbooks in general? Because you can read textbooks for a lot of genres… MintTea, for example, mentioning mathematics. :thinking:

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I have done a few books where I remember enough to tag them… and in the future I’ll just do that with books as I finish them… will only add a couple of seconds to the process. :+1:t2: