Tags, Tags, Tags [Official Management]

Voting? We vote on tags?

Ah, that’s a good point. I was thinking Japanese textbooks in this case.

Might be worth considering opening a product request, now that I think about it, for a “after you finish the book” checklist: rate, review, grade, tag. :thinking: Thoughts @brandon?

I think it’s a planned tag feature, right?


If you click on an existing tag on an item, you can vote on it. The score is the average of all the votes. It doesn’t say vote but it’s essentially what you’re doing. However, most people are adding tags to items right now, which auto-votes the tag as a ‘main element’.

Maybe. I do think i’ll have a small tag section for pacing / mood on the review popup, like storygraph. Beyond that Idk.


Another thing @brandon: could tags added to books be alphabetized? That way it’ll be easier to see what’s been added when there’s a ton of tags.


One more tag @brandon (sorry, since I tagged you in the last post as well): if I accidentally add a wrong tag to a work, how would it get removed? Mod request in this case?


I was expecting BL to be a genre tag, not a content tag

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I guess it depends on how predominant it is on the story, but as I mentioned this is kind of a can of worms to have content vs genre tags, and the line must be drawn somewhere.

Options that come to mind: Literature, Pure Literature. I’ve been trying to google other options, but the genre is so generically defined that it mixes in with other results quite easily…


For me BL is content… genre could be Romance, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, etc.
BL is too broad to be a genre, imo.

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English would probably class it as “Literary Fiction” :thinking:

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I’m fine with it being a content tag, I’m just used to it being considered a genre

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Dunno if this was a pre-loaded tag or someone’s contribution, but I’m pretty sure “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” isn’t a content type. :rofl: Will there be a system in place to request a tag be removed from the list @brandon? And maybe added to a block list? (If the original adder doesn’t realize it’s not appropriate and tries to add it again.)


I think the idea behind that tag was to be able to find all books in a franchise or relating to a franchise when the title/author may vary (I was in the Discord where it was being discussed).


Hmm. That feels more like a hijacking of the tag system than a proper solution to me; feels like something that would need to noted on the book page or on the series page or something. A “Related Works” section or somesuch.

@brandon: will there be a way to vote for something to be a spoiler or not?


Yeah I agree with this. @DIO-Berry I probably won’t approve that one. I know JoJo’s a mess and I could see using a personal tag (when/if that feature rolls out) for it, but it doesn’t feel right as a general content tag.

We will have to be somewhat regulated on the tags, otherwise they’ll spin out of control :slight_smile:


Not yet, but thinking on it. It could be a voting mechanism or a simple request.


If a book is written say in the 1920s in a setting that would have been “present day” at the time, is it “historical fiction” now? Or is that only works set in a time that was history to the author?

There’s a “classic literature” content tag, but its description is “discusses or adapts a work of classic literature”, so it doesn’t seem intended for tagging the original work.

(Reposted in correct thread, oops.)


this is the correct tag, but the description is off because it was meant for anime. Maybe @brandon can fix that at some point?

historical fiction is usually only for something that had a historical setting at the time of writing.


I think we probably still want a separate tag for “discusses classic lit” – I don’t think ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖 (1) ~栞子さんと奇妙な客人たち~ | L30 and 痴人の愛 | L43 and 増補 日本語が亡びるとき: 英語の世紀の中で | L40 (light novel that references and has characters discuss works of classic literature, actual classic lit, and nonfiction essay about topics including classic lit) should all get the same tag.

(Edit: and the forum URL resolution is broken again. @brandon any idea why it’s flaky?)

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Otherwise it would be considered “period fiction” for older works set in their own time frames, right?

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Not quite. But it’s a topic of discussion. I would say, usually, you can just lump them into historical fiction and be done with it. Very few people would probably want to distinguish between them.

I found this explanation, which is better than anything I can come up with. :smiley:

What is historical fiction?

Historical Fiction is any book where the plot references historical figures and provides accurate and substantial information about the past. The incorporated history must be integral to the plot, the characters, and their actions. The characters may be invented but their actions and dialogue must be accurate for the time period.

What is period fiction?

Period fiction is a book set in a past historical time and the plot addresses universal themes not dependent on the historical setting or characters. Historical events in the novel do not move the plot forward. The characters can be taken out the the book’s historical setting and placed in a different time period with only minor changes to the story (changing the price of gas, the fashion of the clothes, etc.)

I can’t think of a term that refers to contemporary fiction written in the past. :thinking: I will try ask a librarian friend. :slight_smile: