Translation Feedback

I’ve been venturing into attempting translations recently - fanart, interviews, audio clips (insanely hard lol), etc

Anyway I am both seeking feedback for a current one (I’ll post in comment below), and thought maybe this could be a place for anyone to ask for feedback on translation or even just reading comprehension.


Translation of a ガールズバンドクライ fan comic (spoilers for eps 8 & 11): original comic. Would love to know if I made any errors, and also if there’s anywhere the English sounds kinda weird (trying to find that balance between being faithful vs being fluid for people who don’t read Japanese)


Page 1:


それにしても At any rate

まさか私達みたいに因縁のないヒナが I couldn’t believe that Hina, who has no tie to all this [our past with Momoka]

あんなにあの子達を意識してるとはね is so conscious of that girl [Nina] and her bandmates

ヒナ? Hina?


知てました I know her

知らない子って言いましたけど あのボーカルの子 I said I didn’t know her before, but… that vocalist girl

友達だったんです. 絶交しましたけど She used to be my friend, but we had a terrible falling out

Nana: え? Oh?


損得考えずに突っ走って She was just wildly running in, not thinking of the consequences [lit: loss and gain]

振りかざした正義も 掻き消されて Brandishing “justice”, drowning everything out

悲劇のヒロイン気取って pretending to be the heroine of a tragic story

馬鹿みたいに不器用で見てられなかった I couldn’t watch her behave like an idiot, making such a mess of things [1]

Page 2


でも、あのとき思ったんです But back then [episode 8], I thought to myself

私の知ってる仁奈じゃないって She wasn’t the Nina I knew back then

根っこはちょっとも変わってないけど At the core, she hasn’t changed at all, but

一人で藻掻いてたあの時と違う She was different from back then, when she was acting so frantically

最高のパーティ引き連れてラスボス倒して行ってやるって顔で She made a face like she was bringing the highest level party to defeat the final boss


それは私達もでしょ? Aren’t we in the same position?

叩かれに叩かれて exchanging blows with each other / both talking big [2]


歌が下手だの、ギターも下手だの、穴埋め要員だの、ダイヤモンドダストのタスト担当だの…! [quoting critics] “Her singing’s terrible, she sucks at guitar; she’s just a fill-in; she’s responsible for the ‘dust’ in Diamond Dust”

Rin: どうどう nice imitation / let’s not get too worked up [3]

Ai: それでも…私達はここに立ってるんだから Despite that, we’re still standing here together now


そうですね Yeah, you’re right

あの子とは…「友達」なんて簡単に関係には戻れないかもしれないけど Me & her - we probably can’t simply go back to being friends again, but

最高のライバルにはなれる気がします I feel like she’s become my ultimate rival now


1 I’m slightly unsure of my translation here

2 I wasn’t sure how to translate this 叩くcan mean “to strike; abuse, bash, flame; brag, talk big; etc)

3 どうどう can be something like “magnificent, grand, unashamed, brazenly” but it could also mean “going with, accompanying”… It can also mean “Whoa! (like for stopping/quieting a horse)”. So I wasn’t sure how to translate this

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So I’ve taken a look; my feedback may not be all that helpful, since I lack a lot of the context not being familiar with the characters/situation, so take this all with many, many grains of salt. Text bubble size would also potentially be an issue with some of my suggestions.

ガールズバンドクライ translation feedback

Page 1:


それにしても At any rate

まさか私達みたいに因縁のないヒナが I couldn’t believe that Hina, who has no tie to all this [our past with Momoka]

あんなにあの子達を意識してるとはね is so conscious of that girl [Nina] and her bandmates

[These first bubbles are actually pretty hard for me to suggest corrections; without context, I’m reading them as something quite different from what you have here, so I might be completely off base. I do recommend changing that “couldn’t” to “can’t” to match tense, at least. Here’s how I read it, again sans context:]

I can’t believe that Hina is as in-tune with the crowd as us,
despite her being so new. [1]

[1] Really difficult to guess a translation for 因縁のない here for me; I’m reading it as it being surprising Hina did so well despite not having a proven track record, as opposed to the band member currently speaking.

ヒナ? Hina?


知てました I know her

知らない子って言いましたけど あのボーカルの子 I said I didn’t know her before, but… that vocalist. girl

友達だったんです. 絶交しましたけど She used to be my friend, but we had a terrible falling out

Nana: え? Oh?


損得考えずに突っ走って She was just wildly running in, not thinking of the consequences [lit: loss and gain]

振りかざした正義も 掻き消されて Brandishing “justice”, drowning everything out

[Note: the word in the comic is 正論, not 正義. So I would re-translate as:]

She would just charge ahead blindly without looking at the bigger picture,
ignoring any voiced doubts and

悲劇のヒロイン気取って pretending to be the heroine of a tragic story

馬鹿みたいに不器用で見てられなかった I couldn’t watch her behave like an idiot, making such a mess of things.

[I think I’m with you on this translation.]

Page 2


でも、あのとき思ったんです But back then [episode 8], I thought to myself

私の知ってる仁奈じゃないって She wasn’t the Nina I knew back then

[Stylistic suggestion:]

“She isn’t the Nina I know.”

根っこはちょっとも変わってないけど At the core, she hasn’t changed at all, but

一人で藻掻いてたあの時と違う She was different from back then, when she was acting so frantically

[Suggestion; I’m taking a few liberties here:]
At her core, nothing had changed,
but her actions differed from back when she was struggling alone.

最高のパーティ引き連れてラスボス倒して行ってやるって顔で She made a face like she was bringing the highest level party to defeat the final boss

[Continuing on from the previous bubbles; difficult to tell when this took place in regards to the previous, so I’m guessing a bit, and it’s difficult to distinguish between two past tenses with no marker to gauge by @.@ I chose to interpret 顔で as “she acted” :]
She acted as if she was part of an invincible party, on her way to defeat the last boss.


それは私達もでしょ? Aren’t we in the same position?

叩かれに叩かれて exchanging blows with each other / both talking big

[Not 100% sure about this either; I have a guess, but it clashes pretty harshly with your proposed translations below. Really just depends on who below is being referred to: the speaker’s band? Or Nina? I’m having a hard time telling without knowing about the history of both. In either case, here’s my suggestion in case it’s helpful:]

It’s eat or be eaten.


歌が下手だの、ギターも下手だの、穴埋め要員だの、ダイヤモンドダストのタスト担当だの…! [quoting critics] “Her singing’s terrible, she sucks at guitar; she’s just a fill-in; she’s responsible for the ‘dust’ in Diamond Dust”…!

Rin: どうどう nice imitation / let’s not get too worked up

[Difficult to say without knowing that character’s personality. I’m inclined to lean more towards the “calm down” interpretation though, given the lack of kanji. Suggested translation:]

There, there.

Ai: それでも…私達はここに立ってるんだから Despite that, we’re still standing here together now


そうですね Yeah, you’re right

あの子とは…「友達」なんて簡単に関係には戻れないかもしれないけど Me & her - we probably can’t simply go back to being friends again, but

最高のライバルにはなれる気がします I feel like she’s become my ultimate rival now

[I’m mostly looking at that なれる there; feels like Nina hasn’t become the rival yet, but may/can/will. Again, context may change that.]

I feel like she’ll become my biggest rival.

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Thx for taking the time to go through it! I have to say it’s remarkable how much context can make a difference. (Edit: I’m happy to explain the relevant context parts, if you want, but it would be spoilers somewhat). I finished this in the meantime, so here’s what I came up with:

translated version of images

response to a few points in your feedback

Omg I totally overlooked that, cuz I’m pretty certain the corresponding anime dialogue uses 正義… in which case, I’d probably use something like “morality” for 正論. Nina has a nickname is 正論モンスター (which is probably why the artist uses it here)… Which I use a variant of in some of my usernames… So I can’t believe I missed that :woman_facepalming:

That seems like a very good choice for that

Yeah you’re totally right on that one

Most of the stuff where we substantially differ is from context, like you said. And it was interesting and helpful to read what you wrote in various spots, so definitely appreciate it :slight_smile:


(I’ll take a look at your comments to your translation in a bit @暁のルナ; you caught me while I was drafting this.)

I’d like to ask for some translation help myself: (Tagging @pyororon since they’re familiar with the context, though anyone’s welcome if they have advice.)

Translation Help


Context: Leo and Alonso were just in a drinking contest against each other when Alonso was pulled away for urgent business; Leo is helping him get prepared to attend said business. Before the contest, Leo (semi?) joked to Alonso that he wouldn’t be taking care of him after he inevitably lost.

So here’s what I’ve got so far:

Leo: Don Alonso, I’ll help you. Please go ahead and begin changing.
Alonso: I’m sorry, Leo; I didn’t mean for you to actually look after me.
Leo: If I really meant that, I wouldn’t be here helping you now. And I’ll be firmly refusing any drinking contests in the future.
Alonso: Any at all?
Leo: Do you want me to think so little of you?
Alonso: Good grief; we can’t even joke around about it?

I’m pretty sure I’m getting the wrong interpretation from this scene, but I’m having difficulty finding the right interpretation. I’m pretty much questioning every line but the first. :S Specific questions; these may not be answerable by someone other than @pyororon, but I’ll jot them down regardless:

  • とにかく、呑み比べは金輪際お断りです。- Is 金輪際 working like ぜんぜん here, insofar as since お断り isn’t a negative verb, 金輪際 is just being used as an intensifier?
  • レオ:軽蔑して欲しいんですか?
    アロンソ:やれやれ。ちょっとした軽口も言えないのか。- Mostly just trying to sort out subject here. I know that てほしい is used as an “I want you to~” structure, so I take it that Leo’s asking Alonso if Alonso wants Leo to look down on Alonso (presumably for potentially losing future drinking contests), though that doesn’t seem strong enough to warrant “I’ll never do this again”. Which then makes me wonder about Alonso’s follow-up comment…
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This is just me shooting in the dark, since I don’t know the context at all but…


I’m interpreting this more as: If you had intended this (Leo having to help Alonso) from the start, I wouldn’t lift a finger.

For the rest… Did the drinking contest start, and Alonso made a “bad figure”? If so, I’d take the 軽蔑する at face value; “Do you want me to look down on you(r drinking ability)”.

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Okay, nice! I’m glad I was able to help a little bit. I figure even if I’m waaay off, sometimes it’s just helpful to see another point of view so you can reframe your own.

My response to Belerith's help

Ah, I see where you’re coming from. :thinking: I think I do like your interpretation a bit more than my current.

Alonso faked getting drunk and getting incoherent to get out of it so he could get ready for his other engagement. I think I had your suggestion as a hazy thought in the back of my mind, but re-looking at my translation I wasn’t being all that clear on it. I do agree with you that that’s probably the meaning behind it, though.

Edit: Though that then leads me to Alonso’s next line: やれやれ。ちょっとした軽口も言えないのか。Is he saying that he can’t even bring up the topic, even jokily, in the future? Or he’s lamenting that Leo won’t bend a little bit on the subject? Leo’s next line for context:

レオ:時と場合ってものがあるでしょう。きつくないですか? あまり締めつけすぎると気分が悪くなりますよ。


I agree with Belerith about their interpretation of the beginning part but aside from that your translation is mostly how this scene read to me.


I didn’t think too deeply about this and just interpreted it as a strong statement of him saying he’d never do it again, like saying 断じてお断り. Did a bit of research on the word and now I’m a bit confused too since it’s not being used with a negative. I did come across some examples though of it being used with this meaning as 「金輪際ごめんだ。」so I’m thinking maybe it also works with negative expressions as well but now I’m really not sure. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I think you’re right about the subject here. I interpreted it as Leo reacting that way because of how badly this current drinking contest has turned out, with the stressful situation of trying to sober Alonso up fast and prepare him for a sudden audience with the king. Pretty much like he never wants to be in this situation again so he reacts harshly to Alonso jokingly suggest the potential for another one in the future. Then you get Alonso remarking he can’t even joke around without getting a harsh response from Leo followed by Leo’s “There’s such thing as a time and a place (for joking around).”

Sorry if any of this explanation is hard to understand my brains not braining today for some reason

Response to pyororon

This is the issue I start running into when trying to translate specific things. :rofl: (The drama CD, in this case.) You tell yourself as a responsible reader you’re never skipping or glossing over stuff, but then I hunker down and try to actively understand some of this, and weird things pop up where you just go “what?? Do I not actually know Japanese??” :rofl:

I think I’m going to go with this interpretation as well until I find something that says otherwise. (Selfishly tagging @pm215 in case they know; when I think of incredibly smart Japanese explanations they’re the name that comes to mind. :face_with_peeking_eye:)

I re-read my own quoted post there and now I’m amazed you understood any of it, because I sure don’t now…

Mmm, I wonder if this is the missing link. Alonso doesn’t outright talk about another contest (I think, I need to go back and check the script), but Leo knows he’d suggest another one down the line, and Leo could just be shooting down that eventuality.

Thank you for the help, pyororon; I really appreciate it. :heart:

Response to eefara

For me the implication is in the 「絶対に?」It’s almost like Leo said “I’m never doing a drinking contest again.” only to get “never ever?” as a response lol. Overall I don’t think Leo is actually all that bothered it just feels like these two’s usual banter.

Anytime! :heart:

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I hadn’t encountered 金輪際 before so this is definitely a case of 買い被っている, but I think it’s not too uncommon to have adverbs that go with expressions of denial/negation even when they aren’t strictly grammatically negative verbs.


Thank you for the second opinion! That sounds reasonable to me, so it sounds like my interpretation probably isn’t too far off.

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Wild coincidence, I just came across that word in the epilogue of ゴーストハント1 旧校舎怪談 | L33 that I just finished (I understood it from context, but I still looked it up)


On that note, the example sentence in my dictionary was just that.


(Meaning that the speaker absolutely won’t help, but there’s no grammatical negative in there; やるものか feels more implicit)


I just looked it up in jpdb, and while most are with a negative verb there was also



I’m wondering if someone could help me with this? Character 1 and Character 2 have just been involved in an explosion and have died, and afterwards are having this conversation as ghosts:

Chara 2: キミは特別な死者なのだ。だから、”特別なチカラ”がある。

(彼ら refers to other trapped friends.)

Chara 1: 来たッ!”選ばれし死者”ってヤツね?そういうの、選ばれがちなのよねー!

It’s Character 1’s response that I’m not sure about.

  1. First , is 来たッ! some kind of stock exclamation? Or is it being used in a “[the chosen one] has come!” kind of sense?
  2. For the second sentence, I’m assuming either that they’re referring to themselves as 選ばれし死者 (because they’re 特別な死者なのだ。だから、”特別なチカラ”がある。) or they’re referring to Character 2, since Chara 2 says they can restore Chara 1 to life (キミ自身の死も). Does that ヤツ give any good indication?
  3. And because I’m not sure who’s being referring to in the first part of the second sentence, I’m not sure who is 選ばれがち here. D:

Anyone able to weigh in?


Could this be referring to the topic getting brought up? So something like “You are a special kind of deceased person” “Oh, there it is!” ?

Depending on how the character usually speaks, I would have thought they are not referring to a character but the “thing” itself. ”選ばれし死者”ってヤツね?" to me reads as " ‘The chosen deceased’, was it?"
Not sure if that usage of ヤツ would be very casual or slang though.

I am by far not the most advanced person on this forum, so maybe someone else has a better idea :sweat_smile:


Hmmm. So you’re thinking maybe in a kind of “I see! [let’s continue the conversation from there]” kind of thing?

Ah, that’s a good point. Looking at it from that lens, I would read the sentence so far as “Oh, I get it! I’m one of the special few, huh? I always was special!” (Which ties back nicely on itself as a joke, but might be a bit of stretch if I’m not reading it right.)

(I don’t have much data on how the character speaks, sadly. It’s mostly been “typical girl speech” [キャァァ screams、わ endings、あたし] so far.)

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Seems like the later. [Xyz] has come/arrived/is here

Knowing nothing about this story, that’s the impression I got. ヤツ I assume is just “that [chosen dead people] thing” - which I assume is an allusion to something explained earlier in the book

I think it’s referring to characters 1 & 2, or just character 1. That’s impossible for me to parse without knowing the story though

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That’s the good and bad thing about this translation question - there’s just about literally no other story. :rofl: “You have died in an explosion” → “special dead person powers” is about all that’s there for better or worse. The reader will be familiar with how these powers are obtained and how they work, but character 1 in this case does not.

Thank you for your feedback as well!

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What book is this? lol

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