So I’ve taken a look; my feedback may not be all that helpful, since I lack a lot of the context not being familiar with the characters/situation, so take this all with many, many grains of salt. Text bubble size would also potentially be an issue with some of my suggestions.
ガールズバンドクライ translation feedback
Page 1:
それにしても At any rate
まさか私達みたいに因縁のないヒナが I couldn’t believe that Hina, who has no tie to all this [our past with Momoka]
あんなにあの子達を意識してるとはね is so conscious of that girl [Nina] and her bandmates
[These first bubbles are actually pretty hard for me to suggest corrections; without context, I’m reading them as something quite different from what you have here, so I might be completely off base. I do recommend changing that “couldn’t” to “can’t” to match tense, at least. Here’s how I read it, again sans context:]
I can’t believe that Hina is as in-tune with the crowd as us,
despite her being so new. [1]
[1] Really difficult to guess a translation for 因縁のない here for me; I’m reading it as it being surprising Hina did so well despite not having a proven track record, as opposed to the band member currently speaking.
ヒナ? Hina?
知てました I know her
知らない子って言いましたけど あのボーカルの子 I said I didn’t know her before, but… that vocalist. girl
友達だったんです. 絶交しましたけど She used to be my friend, but we had a terrible falling out
Nana: え? Oh?
損得考えずに突っ走って She was just wildly running in, not thinking of the consequences [lit: loss and gain]
振りかざした正義も 掻き消されて Brandishing “justice”, drowning everything out
[Note: the word in the comic is 正論, not 正義. So I would re-translate as:]
She would just charge ahead blindly without looking at the bigger picture,
ignoring any voiced doubts and
悲劇のヒロイン気取って pretending to be the heroine of a tragic story
馬鹿みたいに不器用で見てられなかった I couldn’t watch her behave like an idiot, making such a mess of things.
[I think I’m with you on this translation.]
Page 2
でも、あのとき思ったんです But back then [episode 8], I thought to myself
私の知ってる仁奈じゃないって She wasn’t the Nina I knew back then
[Stylistic suggestion:]
“She isn’t the Nina I know.”
根っこはちょっとも変わってないけど At the core, she hasn’t changed at all, but
一人で藻掻いてたあの時と違う She was different from back then, when she was acting so frantically
[Suggestion; I’m taking a few liberties here:]
At her core, nothing had changed,
but her actions differed from back when she was struggling alone.
最高のパーティ引き連れてラスボス倒して行ってやるって顔で She made a face like she was bringing the highest level party to defeat the final boss
[Continuing on from the previous bubbles; difficult to tell when this took place in regards to the previous, so I’m guessing a bit, and it’s difficult to distinguish between two past tenses with no marker to gauge by @.@ I chose to interpret 顔で as “she acted” :]
She acted as if she was part of an invincible party, on her way to defeat the last boss.
それは私達もでしょ? Aren’t we in the same position?
叩かれに叩かれて exchanging blows with each other / both talking big
[Not 100% sure about this either; I have a guess, but it clashes pretty harshly with your proposed translations below. Really just depends on who below is being referred to: the speaker’s band? Or Nina? I’m having a hard time telling without knowing about the history of both. In either case, here’s my suggestion in case it’s helpful:]
It’s eat or be eaten.
歌が下手だの、ギターも下手だの、穴埋め要員だの、ダイヤモンドダストのタスト担当だの…! [quoting critics] “Her singing’s terrible, she sucks at guitar; she’s just a fill-in; she’s responsible for the ‘dust’ in Diamond Dust”…!
Rin: どうどう nice imitation / let’s not get too worked up
[Difficult to say without knowing that character’s personality. I’m inclined to lean more towards the “calm down” interpretation though, given the lack of kanji. Suggested translation:]
There, there.
Ai: それでも…私達はここに立ってるんだから Despite that, we’re still standing here together now
そうですね Yeah, you’re right
あの子とは…「友達」なんて簡単に関係には戻れないかもしれないけど Me & her - we probably can’t simply go back to being friends again, but
最高のライバルにはなれる気がします I feel like she’s become my ultimate rival now
[I’m mostly looking at that なれる there; feels like Nina hasn’t become the rival yet, but may/can/will. Again, context may change that.]
I feel like she’ll become my biggest rival.