🎮 Video Game + Visual Novel Natively Levels

アンジェリーク (SFC) - L23

I finally finished! I’m going to write up a proper sending-off post in the What are you playing thread, but I can at least write my thoughts here relatively quickly. I think I want to go with somewhere in the first half of the 20s for level; the amount and variety of vocab is not great, and after you go through the opening + a week or two of in-game playing, the vast majority of the text is going to be very formulaic and standard. By the end I was all but skipping textboxes since I knew what key words to look for and didn’t need to re-read the same message I’d already seen tens of times before that.

No furigana (of course), and pixelated kanji may have you scratching your head at times. How the game chooses to simplify or abbreviate information could be an issue for players, but that’s as much a game issue as a language one, imo.