Okay, so I finally finished アンジェリーク over the weekend! Hard to say on how long my playthrough was; probably in the 10-15 hour range? I’m guesstimating a cool L23 for it, for those curious.
I ended up getting the canonical Queen ending, where I proved myself superior to ロザリア and took over from the old Queen. (I graciously allowed ロザリア to hang around as my new aide; she continually trash-talked me as I did so. ) I was hoping to get at least one of the 守護聖 to confess to me so I could have my pick of endings, but none of them ever did, despite me getting three or four up to what I believe was the max affection.
It’s possible I also needed to max out our compatibility, but I wasn’t able to confirm that before winning.
The last building needed.
So speaking of which. As I played more and more through the game, I got to really wishing I had some hard numbers for things. How your actions influence the 守護聖’s relationship with you, how their affection does/does not affect the quality of help they give you, what the base affection given by each date spot is and each 守護聖’s preference for those, what your affection with ロザリア and your head priest changes, how exactly does the game decide to build a new building for you, etc. None of this knowledge is strictly necessary when playing the game, but I would have appreciated knowing.
There’s a lot of interconnecting factors, and I feel like you could really break the game if you knew how they all related. So for example, by the end there ロザリア might have reached the halfway point needed to win (which is like 70 buildings, I think? Not a hundred percent sure); maybe. I could do whatever I wanted by the end, and in fact couldn’t prevent my own success, as I had enough boyfriends goodwill from the 守護聖 that up to three or four were happy to step in when they felt like it to do my work for me. I’m pretty sure one factor for building buildings is having a variety of 守護聖 input, so even though ロザリア had two 守護聖 supporters of her own, and they helped her constantly, she had a relatively slower pace of building than I did because she simply wasn’t able to match the variety I was able to command.
Here were my final “stats”:
I never did figure out what 今の数 meant (so the top number under each guardian, beside the heart). I think it’s related to how much power the 守護聖 have contributed to your total housing amount, but I’m not sure if that’s true and, if it is, how that’s useful.
星の望み details your side of the world’s people’s current needs; so for example, they apparently really could’ve used a good dose of 美しさ (given by 夢) and 優しさ (given by 水). (And even more of 緑’s gift, looking at it now, though he stepped in to win it for me after this.) The higher the number, the better the chance 守護聖 with high affection values with you (not sure what that cutoff is…) will step in to lend their power for free.
And here’s my final relationship levels with everyone. 親密度 is their actual current friendship/relationship value (max of 200, I believe), and 相性 is their compatibility score with you, as determined by star sign and blood type (of course). Max for that latter is 100, I believe, and that’s the stat I’m wondering if I needed at max for a love confession. My friendship with ロザリア is at max; I continually stalked her throughout the game, hoping it would do something, haha. Still not sure what the benefits of that is, as well as cultivating a good relationship with your head priest (very bottom right).
You can see which 守護聖 ロザリア had claimed for herself by their horribly low affection for me. I think each 守護聖’s affection is a sliding scale, so if I were to suddenly start hanging out with ゼフェル, mister 10 親密度 up there, as he came to like me more he would accordingly start liking ロザリア less
which is harsh when she’s trying to steal your men, which is why I don’t actually have a 200 for any of the guys up there, despite hitting it with several.
So did I enjoy the game overall? Yes! For sure! I’m super glad I tried it out and stuck with it after the initial confused start. I’m planning on playing the PlayStation port after this (it’s got voice acting!) and going for a romance ending, so I’m hoping that all my skills gained here will equate to a smooth experience, since I won’t have access to rewind anymore. (Not sure which boy I’ll pursue just yet. ) I’ve also got アンジェリーク 2 all lined up as well, which I’m looking forward to playing. I also found out about the existence of an アンジェリーク JRPG! Featuring the main character from 2! So I’m 100% going to be checking that out as well.
There’s a massive lack of アンジェリーク info on the English web, or at least as far as I’ve seen, so maybe one day this post will be helpful to others playing the game. I don’t even think this game has a complete English patch after all these years, which blows my mind. Just think: you all are on the cutting edge here with your Japanese knowledge!
Dunno if I’ll be able to post screenshots as I play the PS version of 1 or 2; they’d have to be crappy phone screenshots, so maybe just for special occasions…