Visual Novel Reading Club

I was interpreting first chapter here as the whole first game which would take years at the rate Marco went based on their JPDB character lengths :sweat_smile:

This makes a lot more sense


It’s time for Island


I thought it would be strange reading something Christmas themed after Christmas. That’s all.

I’m sure it will win the vote one day.

Okay it’s decided let’s read Christmas Tina first and then Higurashi after that.


That reminds me we need to decide who is doing the home threads for Christmas Tina and Higurashi.

@Bijak Do you want to run the home thread for Christmas Tina or should someone else do it?

@senkuma Do you want to run the home thread for Higurashi or should someone else do it?


Sure I don’t mind - I’d been pulling the script to get an idea for how the chapters are laid out and how many characters are in them so I will put together the post


And done!


So I was browsing Book-off yesterday as I’ve set myself a quest to do that my last days in Japan and I found this exsits:

Maybe that would make a better club than the visual novels with the different versions and non-furigana. This one is fully furigana-ed.

So yeah, I’d though I’d just drop that in, as it came to a surprise when I found the volume sitting on the shelf.


Throwing this here, as it pertains to you all~


I only checked maybe around ten titles both video games and visual novels and I could find most of them just one visual novel was not listed. Unfortunately I am pretty busy right now if I had time I would check all my viusal novels and games. Some of the more interesting looking visual novels may not have covers or screenshots.


Thanks for checking it out. Hopefully it does end up being more than a 90% success rate, but if you do end up getting more time to check more titles, do let me know! :slight_smile:

If it is lacking on the visual novel front, we could have VNDB as a backup, but that’s a last resort.


Sorry that it took me so long but I was super busy. I checked 33 visual novels from my back log and only found 11 on that site. Also the search on that site is pretty bad. It seems that site may not be that great for visual novels.


Eesh, that’s really bad :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Do you mind dm’ing me your vn backlog? Or a vndb profile if you have one? Would help quite a bit.

Thanks for going through those and checking for them. It seems we may have to use vndb after all.


Actually I didn’t even know that you could create an account and track your collection on vndb. Okay I created an account there but it may take a while for me to add everything to my collection. Once I’m done I will send you a link to my profile.


Hey folks! The Christmas Tina club has shrunk a fair bit, and I asked the other 3 members that were still there last week - none of us are interested in reading Higurashi. So if you want to start it much earlier (maybe vote on it to see if the other interested people are available right now?) there’s no need to wait for us to finish!


I have more than enough on my plate rn, so I’m fine waiting personally


Okay let’s vote on that.

When should we start the Higurashi visual novel?
  • right away
  • in March
  • it doesn’t matter
0 voters

Pm sent.

It’s decided we will start Higurashi in March.

Another thing shouldn’t we maybe change the club’s name to something else. The problem is people in Japan don’t even know what you mean when you talk about visual novels. In Japan they are just called adventure game or adv.

Should we change the club’s name?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t care.
0 voters
Did you finish reading マルコと銀河竜 MARCO&GALAXY DRAGON?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I’m still reading.
  • I stopped reading.
0 voters

I don’t see the relevance, and think it would be way more confusing to use either of those terms here. Adventure Game has a broader/different meaning in English. The demographic here isn’t native Japanese speakers.

If you really want to change it, may just add / アドベンチャゲーム before Reading Club


I don’t understand… how is that a problem for the club’s name? What would changing the club’s name achieve?

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Most of the time when I see VNs mentioned in jp media they’re usually called ノベルゲー or エロゲ if its an 18+ title. Most of the Japanese people I’ve talked know exactly what I mean by visual novel too (although maybe they picked it up by being in eng communities). I agree with what everyone said above though, changing the name would probably confuse more people.