Weeb's Study Log

Will update this main bit later I just wanted to note something down real quick


Menschen 8 modules, 3 subsections so total 24 (Possible schedule 1 sub section a day?)

Die Kleine Hexe Chapter 1

Week 1 🪄 Die kleine Hexe 🧙‍♀️

My German isn’t good enough for this but I’m doing it anyway woohooooo

Just a whopping one page though because I don’t have much time.

So page 3 wooooooo. (I don’t have a german keyboard yet so I can’t make the umlauts and such)

  • erst (first)

das ist ja fur eine Hexe noch gar kein Alter.

First guess: That is old for a with only something no something

  • gar (at all, really, even)
  • Alter (age)

Second guess: I have no idea, it’s something for a which of that age?

DeepL: That’s no age at all for a witch.

That makes a lot more sense

das stand einsam im tiefen Wald.

First guess: that something in a forest, that stood alone in a forest


  • stand (stood / preterite stehen) *preterite means simple past tense)
  • einsam (lonely, isolated)
  • tiefen (deep)
  • Wald (forest)

I am a wizardddddddd I didn’t even know those

Second guess: That stood alone in a deep forest

DeepL: that stood alone in the deep forest.

Weil es nur einer kleinen Hexe gehorte, war auch das Hexenhaus nicht besonders gross.

First guess: Where there was only one small witch living, there was also a witch house that was not too big

New vocab:

  • Weil (because)
  • gehören (to belong to (?))
  • Hexenhaus (enchanted house)
  • besonders (particularly, especially)
  • groß (big)

Second guess: Because it only belonged to a small witch, the enchanted house was also not particularly big.

DeepL: Because it only belonged to a small witch, the witch’s house was not particularly large.

Didn’t do a lot of the book but I think it’ll be a struggle since I’d put my level more around A something. I’ll keep trying though.

Short Stories in Italian for Beginners

La Creatura - Capitolo 3 La sorpresa

Nuovo vocabulario:

  • sentiero
  • quadra
  • addentra
  • peloso
  • sporco
  • ferito

Lo metto i significati domani, pero quello era una storia veramente strano. Se era me non sarebbe felice se tutta la mia famiglia e gli amici mi fara pauro cosi.

Inoltre so che mia grammatica non e perfetto ma penso che scrivere un po sara una buona pratica.

Ciao, a domani

Epicly rushed story, epicly rushed thoughts in Italian, yeehaw.


You did very well with the little witch! :blush: If you’d like you could post this in the Week 1 🪄 Die kleine Hexe 🧙‍♀️ thread as well to help the others along!


Will do :saluting_face: tho it might get a bit long cause I’ll be doing that with almost every sentence probably


That’s no problem at all! I bet many of the other readers are on the same page as you, and are probably grateful for your thorough walk-through :blush:


Echoing @nikoru, definitely go post on the bookclub thread! Don’t worry about being too long-winded; that’s what the book club threads are there for!