Week 1 of 📚 本好きの下剋上 / 책벌레의 하극상 🪱

Welcome all to week 1 of our Bookworm bookclub!


This is just a quick week 1 thread I’m tossing up ahead of time; I’ll be coming back around later to clean things up.


Week Start Date Chapter Number Ch. Name :jp: Ch. Name :kr: Ending% / Page# :jp: Ending Page# :kr: # of Pages :jp: # of Pages :kr:
1 Sept 4 1 プロローグ 프롤로그 1%/11 10 4 4
2 新しい生活 새로운 생활 2%/22 14 11 10
Junior version of the JP text
Week Start Date Chapter Number Ch. Name :jp: Ending Page# :jp: # of Pages :jp:
1 Sept 4 1 プロローグ 10 5
2 新しい生活 25 15

Home thread | week 2

Character Table

English Japanese Korean Notes
Myne マイン 마인 Protagonist
Tuuli トゥーリ 투리 Myne’s older sister
Effa エーファ 에파 Myne’s mother
Günter ギュンター 귄터 Myne’s father

Discussion ground rule suggestions

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.
Are you joining us for week 1?
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m just following the discussion :popcorn:
  • I’m reading, but not at the same pace as the club
0 voters

Finally a book club I can participate in! :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’ve already finished this week’s reading for Korean, and I’m halfway through reading the Japanese while listening to the audiobook. Well, I say ‘reading’, but my eyes are just trying to keep up with the narration! :joy: It’s more like a warm-up: once I finish, I’ll be doing side by side intensive reading of the two versions.

Although I was shocked to discover this is actually a horror - waking up in a world with no books?!! :scream:


The 登場人物 (characters) pages seem to have a LOT of information on them about the characters and how they’re related… but unfortunately those pages are not zoomable on Bookwalker. I can work around this by taking screenshots and zooming in on those, but does anyone have thoughts on how crucial it is to read all this info before jumping into the story?


So cool that you’re able to read in both languages!

Where did you get the Japanese audiobook? I have an account with audiobook.jp and saw that they have a series of 本好き drama CDs, but I’m guessing that’s not the same…

Photo of drama CD (contains spoilers)


Audible JP! Although I think it was mentioned in the home thread that it’s available on Audible in other regions, too. :smile:


Audible.com has available for purchase with credits or as a money purchase and they accept any cards


Any relevant characters should be explained within the context of the story, but I can post a high quality copy of the images later if you want. This will be for the Japanese version.


In the first volume? I don’t have that in my version of the book.

By the way, people who are new to the series won’t realize what they are looking at, but that image contains major spoilers. Maybe hide it? :sweat_smile:


Huh, that’s strange. Here’s what the first page looks like if you’re curious:

登場人物 (contains spoilers)

Whoops, sorry! Thanks for the heads up.


I’m sorry to say, that’s not the right book :sweat_smile:
That’s from a book of short stories based on arc 4 (around volume 15-ish?).
(Specifically, (title itself is a spoiler :sweat_smile: ) 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~貴族院外伝 一年生; it doesn’t seem to be on Natively)
Everything in there is obviously spoilers.


That’s a waaaay future volume and also contains major spoilers. No first time reader should look at that image.

For the record, I just checked and there’s no character page until volume 4.


You should probably not put the full title of the spinoff volume in your post, as that in itself is a spoiler.


Ah, true, I didn’t think about it.

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Oh no! How did I even do that :woman_facepalming:t2: Well, I’m glad I asked before I started reading, but what a bummer to have bought the wrong thing. Next time I guess I just need to go through the Natively link or something.


Browsing/buying the books itself was already a spoiler due to the covers :sweat_smile:

I’m trying to bleach the memory of it. I wish there was an option to buy at amazon without displaying the covers and that they would ship the book in a paper book cover, so you only opened it when you were ready.


If you really wanted to do that, on PC/laptop you could identify the image’s class (right click, inspect element) and then using stylebot or similar set it to visibility: hidden;

Not possible on tablet/mobile tho


I wasn’t originally planning on joining, but I was able to download the book without paying extra as it was included in Kindle Unlimited. Not a big fan of reading books online, but it does help with looking up words. Otherwise, I read through the prologue today - while it did feel like much more than 4 pages, I was surprised to see it was easier for me to follow then expected, which made for a pleasant read. I’m not sure I’ll have enough time to commit to the bookclubs pace, but I’ll try to stick around for the first few weeks :slight_smile:


It would still be an issue when I get the physical books on the parcel, so yeah, it’s hard.


I’m trying out listening to the audio book while trying to keep up (not going well so far and it’s only a few pages in :joy:). I’ve found I understand very little of the prologue and I’ve lost my place at least 6 times even though I slowed it down :joy:

I will try to re-read the prologue tomorrow using intensive reading and see how much I understand then but yeah, I don’t understand much, just words here and there and a few short sentences so far.

Hoping the lack of furigana in my copy is going to help me pick up the kanji/ readings as I come across the more frequent ones more often but we’ll see. And hopefully it’ll get easier for me overall as time goes on but this is quite a bit higher than my comfort level at the moment but I’ll continue to read along with the book club or at the very least, listen and try to keep up each week. Even if I understand very little, it’s still decent listening practice and maybe something will click later on.


Yeah, I’m glad I read the Korean version first, or I’d have no clue what was going on. :rofl:

Have you considered reading the English translation alongside or just as a reference for the more difficult parts?