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Participation Poll
I’m reading along
I have fallen behind and I’m planning to catch up later
I’m reading this at my own pace
I’m reading this book after the club has finished
After reading this week’s part, I think the werewolf is most likely…
(To avoid spoilers, this poll will always contain all participants, no matter what happens to them in the book.)
Well, that was a whole lot of “nothing much happened”. The scratch marks increased, but it wasn’t anybody’s room anyway, so what was the point. Hayato told his story, but wasn’t particularly suspected. The laundry is full of fur. Everyone seems rather relaxed.
The thing I’m most curious about is whether there is an actual hint that everyone (us included, I assume?) should already know. Is this actually a solvable mystery?
ツバメ telling them to vote for themselves is such a wolf move. I still don’t really think she’s the wolf. I honestly don’t think any of them are and I think there’s going to be a chapter at least of rules lawyering where the count tells them all that, actually, the wolf never needed to be one of the kids or something weasely like that.
If so, it’s got to be something about mealtimes I’d think. Or when they were very first brought to the manor.
ウサギ takes a nap every day I guess? If she was the wolf she, presumably, would have eaten the counselors and would have needed a nap the first day. ヤムネ would have been around to see that. That’s maybe the best that I can do.
Yeah, I half expect there’s some detail we’ve all forgotten from a page 2 months ago where a bunch of actual Japanese children have already figured something out
I just came up with a surefire way to identify the werewolf! Are you all listening? Alright, here it is: If we just continue reading we’ll find out for sure!!
I can’t believe it was that easy! I feel almost as smart as ツバメ.
Anyway, here is the next week:
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