🔎 Week 2 | 京都寺町三条のホームズ ⚱


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2 Ch1; 1-2 35-56 (18%) 22

JPDB Deck: Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes – Prebuilt decks – jpdb

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.
Are you reading along with us?
  • Yes! :smile:
  • I’m reading at my own pace :smiling_face:
  • I’m just here for the discussion :popcorn:
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Character names

Kanji Reading
家頭 清貴 やがしら きよたか
真城 葵 ましろ あおい

For now, I only added the names of the two main characters.
If there are some recurrent characters, I will probably add them as well.



You’re just jealous :stuck_out_tongue:



It is already the third time I hear a 関西人 complaining about a fellow 関西人 “selling their soul to Tokyo”. It is becoming a recurrent theme.


Oh, is it a thing? It’s the first time I hear about it (but I don’t know much about 関西 culture).
Also in this case he couldn’t even do anything about it. That sounds a bit strong. :joy:


My thoughts exactly :joy:
I know the book is from 2015, but is there any reason her first instinct is “I need to go to Saitama!” rather than “I should really call them and tell them how I feel!”? Surely calls weren’t as expensive as taking the train…? Especially since it was “hearsay”, she might just be misinformed.



上田 says that to 店長. What is the よって at the end? Apparently 関西弁 for から, but then I don’t really get the meaning.

京都 tour

Since 葵 described her way to work so much, I tried to follow along using google maps. Maps was seriously annoying :sweat_smile: but I think I got it.

path to work (?)

Anyone know where exactly the shop is supposed to be? She mentioned 三条商店街のアーケード, so I guessed in that street/arcade, but I don’t know enough about how streets are labeled in Japan.

It was cool to see that even the bicycle parking lot was accurate! I googled some more and the pictures of the river with the blooming cherry blossoms are really pretty.
I will say, the Kyoto City Hall… is less pretty :joy: But maybe I am just too used to this kind of architecture.

While googling around I found this website. Apparently they had some kind of event going on, where you would visit sights mentioned in the book and collect stamps? That looks really cute :smiling_face:


She wants to make sure for herself, since they may not be honest about it…

No, that would be よってに, apparently.
Just verb root + よって seems to be just a way to look down on the person (like やがる, in standard Japanese? I don’t really know 関西弁)
Source: 関西弁です。動詞につける「よって」についてです「~しよって」「~... - Yahoo!知恵袋

That happens a lot in Japan! Usually as campaign for the release of an anime.
I often see signs saying “the place where they go in [anime]” and such, with some special stuff like augmented reality apps or stamp rallies.


I assume it’s because it’s easier to judge someone’s emotions and tell if they are lying in person than it is over the phone. If she called and they told her it was all a misunderstanding there may be some doubt remaining on whether they were actually truthful. And it seems like she didn’t think her plan through at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if her first reaction was “I need to go there to check” and she just wasn’t in the right state of mind to consider other options.


Right, I guess that makes sense… I didn’t question it so much at first, she was acting on impulse and all that, but she has been thinking about this for 3 weeks now. Calling feels like the right thing to do, give them the benefit of the doubt and allow them to explain themselves. :thinking: They were close friends after all. If she doesn’t believe them she can still go visit later.
Well, if she is just waiting for her first paycheck, then she can go there soon enough, I suppose.

(I also thought “Why doesn’t she just call another friend who still lives in Saitama to go check?” but maybe she didn’t have any friends aside from those two? :sweat_smile:)


On page 54, 上田さん says “社長に期待持たせること言うてもうたわ”. Is that just 関西弁 for 言ってしまった?
And then, a few sentences later, he goes 聞かんといてやって and wth does that mean? I can’t even begin to guess…

I really like the characters so far, especially Holmes he’s :star_struck:
The first week I didn’t like MC very much, but even she is starting to grow on me! Her eye for detail and how in touch she is with her emotions responding to the antiques are redeeming qualities lol


even without the cherry blossoms that river is a very nice break from busy Kyoto.

I think so.

From context: Please don’t ask. (aka 聞かないで) といて seems to be 関西弁 for ないで

On a side note, i was trying to put myself in MCs shoes… first love breaking up with me and then I hear that he hooked up with my best friend and that best friend didn’t even call/text to tell me beforehand? So I am basically a heartbroken, betrayed, hormonal teenager? I think, I, too, would like to talk to my best friend in person, probably hoping it’s not true until the very end. But I would also just ask my mum for the money for the ticket - or have enough saved up to begin with. Train tickets are expensive but not THAT expensive. If you take the slower local trains or a bus, we are talking a couple of thousand yen and even with the fastest trains, it’s about 14k in one direction.


I agree, I think the point where she says she doesn’t want to worry her parents (does she say that? I think she does) is the only part I can’t really understand, but that’s probably Japanese common sense ig


Around the 17.79% part of the book (unclear whether that counts as content for the second week or the third week), we can see the following sentence:


Is the けぎょ furigana above 懸魚 a typo for げぎょ? The only readings I can find for 懸魚 are

  • げぎょ (as a 熟字訓 reading with a meaning related to 破風s);
  • けんぎょ (on’reading + on’reading, also related to 破風?);
  • かけざかな (kun-reading + kun-reading, with a meaning related to fish offerings to gods).

け is a valid on’reading for the 懸 kanji, as illustrated in 懸念(けねん), but I find it strange that I can’t find any online resource stating that 懸魚 can be read as けぎょ.

Related: 懸魚の読み方と意味、「げぎょ」と「けんぎょ」正しいのは?


It’s part of the third week.
As I lack any personal expertise I can’t tell you anything definitive, but I just checked the audio book and they clearly pronounced it as 「けぎょ」 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I have found this one just now.

Though not sure whether natives can also make mistakes.


Natives making mistakes online? Unimaginable.

That said, I can’t load that site. I get hit with a 403 Forbidden HTTP error.


It loads fine for me. This is what it says on the reading:



What matters is the section number. Percentages are only indicative, since they are different across providers (with differences of up to 4% when we read 後宮の烏).


Oh, I hadn’t paid any attention to the section markers before. The notation Ch1; 1-2 makes more sense now.