šŸ“ā€ā˜  Week 5 | Flesh&Blood ā›µ

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5 June 3 18 108 35% (end of chapter)

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  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if itā€™s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! Thatā€™s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.
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  • Iā€™m reading at my own pace :smiling_face:
  • Iā€™m just here for the discussion :popcorn:
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I keep pressing ā€œyesā€ and then not readingā€¦ I have the best of intentions, thoughā€¦ :melting_face:


I believe in you. :muscle: Depending on how far you are already, things have started to happen for the last few weeks!


Immediately ā€œVincentā€ is beset by questions about this strange japonĆ©s boy: he knows multiple European languages taught through the foreign language teachings of Saint Christopher, patron saint of travelers, and JapĆ³n is apparently full of English- and Frenchmen, to Vicenteā€™s extreme consternation.

Makes you wonder whatā€™s going through Kaitoā€™s mind right about now. Imagine youā€™re in the 21st century (difficult, I know) and talking to some strange man whoā€™s horrified that Japan is host to the English in this day and age. :stuck_out_tongue: And then asks if the ship you came over on was attacked by English pirates. Good thing Kaitoā€™s pretty out of it for this part of the conversation, I guess.

Kaito mentions a little later on that Vicenteā€™s face looks like a Spaniardā€™s. ā€¦Is that a thing? I was under the impression that Spanish people, whether of the 16th or 21st century, werenā€™t physically identifiably unique in any way. Is that wrong?

ā€¦Aaand Vicente flies into a rage and chokes Kaito out. Not the best way to part, my friend. And just like that, Vicente comes to the solid conclusion that Kaitoā€™s talk of time travel is nonsense, while his mystical Easter future-telling magic must be the real deal. And due to said powers, Kaito mustā€™ve been caught up in a scheme in Elizabethā€™s palace, leading to his kidnapping and being dumped in Plymouth. Bravo. :clap:

The sailors talking smack about their 恊頭 was pretty :ok_hand:. Got a good laugh out of their laughing, haha.


Ah, and here is this weekā€™s illustration, before I forget:

Ch. 3, pg. 93


I fell behind for a couple weeks but now Iā€™m back in the game. :smile: With all the historical stuff, I had nearly forgotten that this is supposed to be BL. But, Vicente reminded me with all his cheek stroking and commenting on Kaitoā€™s appearance. :joy: I donā€™t think he is going to be the love interest, though? I was thinking about what Iā€™d do if I ended up time traveling like that and came to the conclusion Iā€™d immediately be killed or captured. Iā€™m excited to see what Kaito ends up telling his new found (?) gang about his background in the coming sections.


Listen, weā€™re quite cultured here. I only offer the highest of high-quality fiction. :wink:

Thatā€™s pretty much where Iā€™m at as well. As much as I love reading about these situations, actually being in one would absolutely not go to plan, haha. Iā€™ll read about this all from a distance, thank you.


I think the part that surprised me the most this week was ęµ·ę–— immediately breaking all the rules of time travel. Why are you telling the Spanish guy sneaking around on English soil (clearly a spy), ā€œOh, by the way, your admiral will die, this other fellow with no experience will take over, and you will lose terribly.ā€œ Especially when it obviously canā€™t immediately prove anything anyway. I was like why are you saying these thiiiiings. Lucky for him Vicente can rationalize anything away, but weā€™ll see how Vicente feels about this in the futureā€¦ :joy:

I loved this part! Looking forward to more cheeky pirate banter.

By the way, @eefara, are the illustrations only in the print version? I havenā€™t seen any in my kindle version. :cry:


My impression is that it refers to facial hair, hair cut, and clothes, like those soldiers:

ā€¦ but in hindsight, I think I remember Vincent was cleanly shaved? And if I was a spy, I would get a culturally appropriate haircut, I guess. Only thing I have left is dark hair+dark eyesā€¦


The poor kid hadnā€™t even heard of some of the sci-fi stuff they were talking about last chapter. No way heā€™d know not to break the golden time-traveling rule. :cry:

Yep, thatā€™s correct; theyā€™re physical only. :frowning: Speaking of which, I need to take some pictures of the color illustrations in the frontā€¦

He is clean-shaved, and has bright green eyes. Black hair at least, but yeah, Iā€™m not sure what Kaitoā€™s going for here.


If Vincente (did I spell this correctly? :thinking:) turns out to be our love interest, I will give him a big side-eyeā€¦ at first Kato looks 12 to him and then like his sisterā€¦ :rofl:


No first ā€˜nā€™, I believe, and according to the character book. Should just be Vicente. Ugh, now that looks really weird when I type it out in romanization for some reasonā€¦

To be fair to the guy, I think he was just equating Kaitoā€™s helplessness with his sisterā€™s. Not that that may necessarily may make anything better, granted.


I have caught up. :partying_face:


I think I can make a prediction. I know fate. :sunglasses:

If you compare typical British faces with typical Spanish faces, itā€™s quite easy to see that they are not the same. :thinking: but I donā€™t know if this was true in 1500. :thinking:


Huzzah! :tada:


I know, right? I was internally screaming at Kaito during that whole bit. I really didnā€™t expect him to just outright admit to everything. And Vicenteā€™s rationalisation was funny as well. Letā€™s think about this. You meet this young man and have no explanation as to how he came to be here, heā€™s wearing weird clothing, says lots of weird stuff like how there are many foreigners in Japan and on top of all that he seems to have some knowledge of the future. What could be an explanation for this? Could he be a time traveller like heā€™s claiming to be? No, of course not. Thatā€™s absurd. Itā€™s much more likely that heā€™s some kind of seer, nevermind that that only really explains one of the aforementioned oddities. I guess during that time period future-telling magic didnā€™t seem as far-fetched as it would nowadays but still. Just listen to him, heā€™s telling the truth :joy:


Queen Elizabeth did have her own astrologist in court, as the book mentioned. This is a serious career path, you guys. :stuck_out_tongue: