🐺 Week 6 | 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム 🧐

Week 6 December 21
Pages 67-78
Chapter 4
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Home Thread 人狼サバイバル 1

We’re reading this book as part of the Children’s Book Club.

Book Cover

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur/hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, the story, cultural things or literally anything else related to the book — ask! There is really no need to be hesitant. If it’s something you are wondering about, chances are someone else will be thankful you asked first, lots of people enjoy answering questions, you learn something new, and the thread gets more lively. It’s a win-win on all fronts!

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along :wolf:
  • I have fallen behind and I’m planning to catch up later :paw_prints:
  • I’m reading this at my own pace :face_with_monocle:
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished :spiral_calendar:
0 voters

We should have the “After reading this week’s part, I think the werewolf is most likely…” poll…

  • Every week :partying_face:
  • Only at certain points (I’ll write a comment) :mantelpiece_clock:
  • Never again :zipper_mouth_face:
0 voters

Since I’m already seeing a trend… :slight_smile:

After reading this week’s part, I think the werewolf is most likely…

  • ハヤト :eagle:
  • ウサギ :rabbit2:
  • ヤムネ :mouse2:
  • ツバメ :dove:
  • ギュウカク :ox:
0 voters

(To avoid spoilers, this poll will always contain all participants, no matter what happens to them in the book.)

chapter 6 werewolf musings

I’m still not fully over my theory that ハヤトdoesn’t know he’s the werewolf. I don’t think it’s super likely, but I’m still not seeing it completely debunked. Note that the other kids were all out of their rooms and knocking on his door again this morning.

His whole inner monologue about 狼と相棒 ending with him realizing that ウサギ is now the most likely to him feels way too early in the book for it to be her. Plus the girl ate a plate full of curry with bacon and ham. :joy:

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Chapter notes


Only a bit of torn clothes? Not even scattered blood? That’s… a pretty clean werewolf.

Almost as if people aren’t actually literally eaten. :thinking:


Often you can identify a the speaker by speaking style. For example, ウサギ’s speaking style is that she makes at least one reference related to food per sentence :laughing:


I really don’t want to hear that from you, ツバメ.



Of course it’s more 単純, but it’s definitely すごく不利.


I think ハヤト might have a little more faith in the Count than I do :laughing:

But yeah, I sure hope there is more to this “game” than just “guessing during the vote”.

It’s interesting that they are discussing the actual werewolf game rules. I was just waiting for one of them to tell the Count that it sounds much better than his stupid game, haha.

Also, since ハヤト is figuring out in chapter *checks notes* 4 of 12 that ウサギ seems suspicious I guess it’s not ウサギ after all? We can’t have the book end so soon, right?

That on the other hand is just ウサギ being ウサギ. I can totally see her eating a full human child and then being like “So… what’s for dessert?”

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re: chapter notes

As they were talking about it I had the same thought!! I’m wondering if anything comes of it, or if it’s a way to remind readers of how the rules for this game works.

Although considering that most readers aren’t going to be reading a chapter a week they probably will have the rules fresher in their minds than we do :joy:

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