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Participation Poll
I’m reading along
I have fallen behind and I’m planning to catch up later
I’m still not fully over my theory that ハヤトdoesn’t know he’s the werewolf. I don’t think it’s super likely, but I’m still not seeing it completely debunked. Note that the other kids were all out of their rooms and knocking on his door again this morning.
His whole inner monologue about 狼と相棒 ending with him realizing that ウサギ is now the most likely to him feels way too early in the book for it to be her. Plus the girl ate a plate full of curry with bacon and ham.
Only a bit of torn clothes? Not even scattered blood? That’s… a pretty clean werewolf.
Almost as if people aren’t actually literally eaten.
Often you can identify a the speaker by speaking style. For example, ウサギ’s speaking style is that she makes at least one reference related to food per sentence
I think ハヤト might have a little more faith in the Count than I do
But yeah, I sure hope there is more to this “game” than just “guessing during the vote”.
It’s interesting that they are discussing the actual werewolf game rules. I was just waiting for one of them to tell the Count that it sounds much better than his stupid game, haha.
Also, since ハヤト is figuring out in chapter *checks notes* 4 of 12 that ウサギ seems suspicious I guess it’s not ウサギ after all? We can’t have the book end so soon, right?
That on the other hand is just ウサギ being ウサギ. I can totally see her eating a full human child and then being like “So… what’s for dessert?”
As they were talking about it I had the same thought!! I’m wondering if anything comes of it, or if it’s a way to remind readers of how the rules for this game works.
Although considering that most readers aren’t going to be reading a chapter a week they probably will have the rules fresher in their minds than we do
I guess my question about how the villagers fit into this whole thing got answered this week. To be honest, that game sounds way more exciting than this one, but you would need more participants, next time maybe kidnap a whole class, not just a few kids from camp.
ギュウカク is kind of suspicious (who only drinks some green tea for breakfast after all the excitement, khm murder (?) the previous night, unless you had some extra after dinner? I just voted in the poll before writing this comment, so saw that @Legato and @shitsurei are going for him after this chapter, but I am kind of liking ハヤト’s thinking here and it kind of makes sense? I am hoping that in the next few chapters he will go full detective mode and try to prove his theory.
Hopefully the next chapter will also start to help us make sense of what is actually going on. Is there a wolf? Does someone really transform? What happens to the kid that was eaten? Some torn clothing is no evidence for anything.
Kind of a slow chapter this week, got a little bored by the discussion of the rules for the literal game werewolf, and then them just being like… but we don’t have any of those roles though. Like… okay??
I still vote ウサギ as most suspicious. I think ギュウカク only drinking tea for breakfast (and seeming suspicious) is a red herring.
Oh, I completely agree re: ウサギ; she’s definitely the most suspicious. But now that our first-person character also thinks that it might be ウサギ at 33% of the book… I’d be surprised if it’s actually her. What would we do with the other half of the book? So yeah, most suspicious in-universe, but currently least suspicious from my perspective as a reader.
I don’t think ギュウカク’s tea drinking is particularly suspicious. He’s probably just not hungry after thinking his classmate died the previous night. I’m just going for him because he’s standing out the least so far (apart from his weird voting badge shuffling), which seems like a pretty good werewolf move. Also a pretty good way of not getting voted out too soon, for that matter.
Totally agree. I’m definitely meta gaming my guesses at this point and ギュウカク not being suspicious feels suspicious to me… especially now that ハヤト is suspicious of ウサギ.
I visited the BoardGameGeek entry for The Werewolves At Miller's Hollow to see how many participants are recommended so I can make a joking remark on how the Count should've checked that first, but...
Oh no, folks, I just found a piece of torn clothing that looks exactly like what the Week 6 thread was wearing. That clearly means that the Week 6 thread was eaten by a werewolf (it can’t have been a normal wolf or a bear, and definitely not another thread)!!
Doing a small bit of catching up! Got behind a bit during the last days of December, but I should be able to catch up in time for our next reading section tomorrow. o7
Would someone be able to explain ハヤト’s 「誰かと二人組のヤツ」 thought process to me? I didn’t really understand what he was trying to explain.
Replies to others
I’ve actually been wondering if later books in the series are going to use modified werewolf rules closer to the standard ruleset? And this could perhaps be foreshadowing or something. “Wow, those were rules were all the way in the first book?!” type of thing.
My thought here was that he was so tired/stressed/anxious from the night before that killed his appetite?
To be honest I’m not quite following either. I think the main advantage would be that your “partner” would likely vote for someone else, which is good for you of course, but Hayato isn’t mentioning that.
What he does mention as the advantage is that the werewolf could “ride” on the vote of the “partner” by looking at the partner’s hand while they are voting, but I don’t see why it would need to do that. It could just add their vote to any person that way, “partner” or not.
It’s been a while since I read the section so I don’t remember all of the details and also that part was kiiiinda boring so I didn’t read super closely but my takeaway from that was that the werewolf has the partner as cover for why they vote the way they do, because all the werewolf needs to do is make it down to the last few votes without getting outed. So having a partner lets them lay low and also know they have at least two votes not for them.