Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur. Remember to mark clearly what the spoiler is referring to, so people know when it’s safe to open (eg what part of the book it’s referring to, whether it’s speculation, etc)
Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
Similarly, if you fall behind you’re still very welcome to post in this thread whenever you get to this week’s reading. Many members will have the thread on watching and will be happy to see your posts and reply, even a long time after the club has ended.
Questions on vocab, grammar, nuance, and the like are both welcome and encouraged. We’re all here to learn, and questions very often lead to interesting insights. No question is silly or too basic.
Participate: post about anything that comes to mind: how you like the book, how easy or hard you’re finding it, speculations about future developments, thoughts on specific plot points or characters, questions on comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, culture, anything! Lively book clubs are more fun, and every question, every opinion is valid and welcome, as long as it’s phrased nicely and respectfully towards others.
Are you reading along with us?
I’m reading at my own pace
I’m just here for the discussion
(The above poll is for measuring club participation. The poll below is so that you can mark your personal progress regarding this week’s section if you want. You can update whenever and as often as you like:)
I’m posting this early because I will be very likely to forget when the time comes. Feel free to ignore until the week actually starts. Or feel free to go ahead and post now. This is the final week anyway
I finished it this morning. Kind of an abrupt ending. I expected some sort of epilogue at least. It felt like the ending of any random chapter.
Overall, as I said in a previous chapters discussion, after the actual death, the book kind of went downhill for me. I enjoyed it still, but it didn’t really reach that high again. I kept waiting for the next murder, and while people died it wasn’t really directly by his hands. Maybe the book should have been called achtsam mafia werden to be more accurate.
Overall I enjoyed the book, but not something I will likely think back on.
I finished the book still within book club time (an accomplishment since unfortunately I’ve been reading only sporadically lately).
It was fun and witty, but overall I must say it didn’t satisfy me so much as a Krimi. I guess I was hoping for a more sociopathic main character than this. Don’t get me wrong, he’s no well adjusted saint, but the fact is that the people he (mostly indirectly) murdered were all criminals themselves, and you could argue that not only he was acting in self defence but was also doing society as a whole a service. I’m a bad person who would have enjoyed the stakes to be higher and the victims to be a little more innocent, I think. I would also have liked a little more gore, like the way he dealt with the first victim. That’s where the book peaked, for me.
Thank you all for reading with me, it was a lot of fun. See you at the poll for our next pick tomorrow!
Yes, gotta agree with you here. For me the best part of a Krimi is the policework and the whodunnit guesswork, I think. While this one was more a social study of gangsters, marriages and the common ground between them, so to speak
I like the author’s writing style a lot but it was not realistic enough for my taste, I guess.
Looking forward to our next pick
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