🐺 Week 8 | 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム 🧐

Week 8 January 4
Pages 88-98
Chapter 5 (part 2)
Read until End of chapter
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Home Thread 人狼サバイバル 1

We’re reading this book as part of the Children’s Book Club.

Book Cover

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur/hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, the story, cultural things or literally anything else related to the book — ask! There is really no need to be hesitant. If it’s something you are wondering about, chances are someone else will be thankful you asked first, lots of people enjoy answering questions, you learn something new, and the thread gets more lively. It’s a win-win on all fronts!

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along :wolf:
  • I have fallen behind and I’m planning to catch up later :paw_prints:
  • I’m reading this at my own pace :face_with_monocle:
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished :spiral_calendar:
0 voters

After reading this week’s part, I think the werewolf is most likely…

  • ハヤト :eagle:
  • ウサギ :rabbit2:
  • ヤムネ :mouse2:
  • ツバメ :dove:
  • ギュウカク :ox:
0 voters

(To avoid spoilers, this poll will always contain all participants, no matter what happens to them in the book.)

Chapter notes

「逆だろ。狼はおれたち全員を食うつもりなんだろ? だったら一人食っただけで腹いっぱいの奴なんて狼っぽくないだろ。」

I swear, half the time ギュウカク opens his mouth, I’m baffled. “The wolf is planning to eat 4 people over 4 days” doesn’t mean “The wolf’s stomach could hold more than 1 person at the same time”. Does he know that digestion exists?

Really, another vote already? So we’ll be down to 3 while not even at the halfway point of the book? I feel like there is no way they can continue to play this straight then.

Also so much for ギュウカク being the likely candidate.

I like how they were like “ウサギ is pretty sus, but then again, that’s just ウサギ” :laughing:

Anyway, with this my vote is back to ウサギ! Although I’m open to the option of there not being a werewolf at all among the kids. There has to be something going on here that will make the book go on for more than two chapters after all.

…eeeeeeh? Okay, I did definitely not expect the door sabotage! ウサギ after all?!

Also, what a cliffhanger!

Werewolf Identity Speculation

I’ve stopped voting in the identity polls now because I actually think the werewolf is “none of the above” at this point.

  • I think ツバメ is getting voted out next by the laws of proportionately between screen time and survival rate. Since there’s more than two chapters left, she is not the werewolf.
  • If ウサギ was the wolf, that would be it, and I think we’ve been given too many hints leading that way for it not be a red herring. Or maybe it’s just boring if the answer was exactly who you would guess from the cover and the character portraits page. Like before reading any you could have guessed that ハヤト and ウサギ are the two most important characters, so if ハヤト is the POV character then ウサギ is the werewolf. But that’s too simple/boring, so I don’t want that to be the answer so I’m going to continue to operate as if it is not.
  • ハヤト being the unknowing werewolf is a possibility - maybe the gum thing is because ウサギ suspects ハヤト at this point. But we’ve also seen him pretty sure the werewolf is present and not him with tonight and with ヤマネ so… maybe not?
  • As the only other named character so far, that means I’m voting for 伯爵 as werewolf at this point.
  • Though I’m also starting to suspect a hidden werewolf is a possibility too. Do we have real ウサギ and werewolf ウサギ both in the manor at once? I think the fact that the game is not going to end after the next vote really suggests there is another participant. That’s what sent my suspicions towards the 伯爵 but maybe it’s a hidden member.

Also genre conventions, if you want to get rid of a curse, you need someone else to take your place. So as I mentioned last week, I’m putting in a guess that ハヤト or ウサギ has to take the count’s place for the next book.

chapter thoughts

And then there were 3.
I’m not at all surprised that ギュウカク got voted out for the exact reasons he felt suspicious.

Hats off to the author for continually pulling out twists that feel plausible. This is definitely a kid’s book, but considering that it’s fairly well written. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have to agree with @araigoshi on pretty much all of the points. And yeah, I have no idea where this is going with more than half of the book left and only 3 kids. I have to assume something comes to light and there’s some supernatural aspect, or a drawn out chase scene. Or maybe they find one of the adults? :thinking:

At this point I’m back to ハヤト not knowing that he’s the werewolf, if there is a werewolf. We still haven’t spent a full night with him when the werewolf was active so I’m not entirely convinced it’s not him.

Chapter thoughts and replies

Not that surprised that ギュウカク got voted off for some of the same reasons I thought he was suspicious, but also he was unlikely to be the werewolf.

The door sabotage is a bit of an unexpected twist, but I don’t think ハヤト is the werewolf (and does not know it), so curious to find out what’s gonna happen to him in the next chapter. Who do we think sabotaged the door? ウサギ?

That is certainly a possibility, but 伯爵 seems to be on the cover of vol. 2.


Either that, or she’s being framed. She was chewing gum earlier if I remember correctly.


Yes, she was indeed. And I can’t really imagine ツバメ stealing ウサギ’s all chewed up gum. Kinda gross…


She could have found the unchewed gum from the package. If whoever was able to sabotage the door had time to do that, they’d have time to find gum…


True, but that would be a bit more straightforward. :smiley:


It’s finally time! Relax your arms from hanging off that cliff for a week, pick up your book and face… ソイツ.


Agreed that there’s some factor that hasn’t come into play yet, because we’re barely halfway through the book and there are so few characters left.

Also, this book is a little tough sometimes, with all the voting discussions that are like ‘if i was the werewolf i would NOT be acting like who WAS the werewolf who WASNT acting like IF they were the werewolf WHETHER OR NOT theyre the werewolf’


I’d definitely agree with that. I’m also reading a lvl 25 LN and that’s easy breezy compared to this sometimes :joy:
I think the grammar in this one is a lot trickier than other things at this level.


Agreed! I finished カフェ夜 and ok that’s lvl 22, but it was way way easier than this one. There must be more than 3 levels between these two.


It seems that I’m the only one here who thinks the level is appropriate :laughing:

Also, @soggyboy, feel free to ask any questions if there are part of the voting discussions that you can’t figure out.


I will! Usually it’s fine once I read through the whole scene, because information is repeated multiple times and there’s context. I think it’s just that I have to pay more attention to what is said in this book, since the voting discussion is basically the most important part. So I can’t ‘close enough’ some sentences like I can in other books.