🏴‍☠ Week 8 | Flesh&Blood ⛵

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8 June 24 21 179 59% (end of chapter)

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At the end of chapter 5, does anyone know what コッド is supposed to be in 易寝コッド. I understand the general meaning based on the kanji, but not the English word it’s referring to. For sleeping places on a boat, I’ve heard ”bunk”, “berth”, or even “hammock”. Is this supposed to be “cot” and it’s just spelled wrong (コッド instead of コット)?

When I search, I’m mostly getting the fish, cod end of a trawling net, コッド岬, or コット results.


That’s what I’ve always read it as; it’d be good to know if I’ve been misreading, though.


I think it is “cot”. I found an EN > JP ocean dictionary, and it lists 簡易寝台 as one of the definitions for “cot”.

cot: n.[cotangentの略][海][船舶士官・病人などに用いた帆布製で、枠付きの]つり床、吊り床; [米国][枠・フレームにカンバス(ズック)を張った]キャンプベッド、簡易寝台、簡易ベッド[例えば、米軍人 が宿営地などで使う折り畳み式の簡易ベッド].
From English-Japanese Ocean Dictionary 英和海洋辞典, “C”

Maybe コッド is an alternate spelling? コット is what was in the search results and also one of my dictionaries though, so I’m tempted to think it’s a typo.


For what it’s worth, I also assumed it was cot, but that I was wrong about the pronunciation (it happened to me before). (I did think about hard enough at the time for that incident to remain in memory; I’m glad to get some closure(?))


I’m impressed Kaito managed to come up with a believable backstory. I’d be totally useless in that sort of situation :rofl: I guess it’s good he met Vicente, so he knew 伊東マンショ’s mission to Europe was around the same time period.