Finally beaten the original Final Fantasy! Specifically the PSP remake that was ported to 3DS. Been playing it off and on over several years as the mood’s taken me, and it’s only recently that I’ve really been pushing to finish it.
I enjoyed the game; it was super grindy, as expected, and I ended up consulting dungeon maps extensively in the latter half of the game just to cut down on how many random encounters I’d have to deal with, but I’m super happy to have finally played it. I’d like to give the original NES version a shot one day; I’m sure there are many modern amenities I’ve unknowingly taken advantage of in this version, haha.
The Japanese is fairly easy in this game; in this version at least you have the option of having full hiragana text or text with kanji, and what text there is is not extensive. I’d say probably an N3 to get through it. You’re more likely going to have issues navigating in general, even if you understand the text fully.