What are you playing today?

@eefara proving to be worthy of the title of universal royalty by enlightening the world.

More seriously, I really want to play that game because of your playthrough. It’s unclear to me when that will happen (if ever) since the way I deal with my backlogs tend to be books → shows/anime → games, and all of those are already infinitely long (especially books). I think the heat death of the universe will come first :frowning:


Thank yooouuu. ^o^ :heavy_heart_exclamation:

All I aim for is instilling that itchy feeling of “I really want to experience this” in everyone; regardless of if anyone ever picks the game up, I consider it mission accomplished. :+1:


Finally beaten the original Final Fantasy! Specifically the PSP remake that was ported to 3DS. Been playing it off and on over several years as the mood’s taken me, and it’s only recently that I’ve really been pushing to finish it.

I enjoyed the game; it was super grindy, as expected, and I ended up consulting dungeon maps extensively in the latter half of the game just to cut down on how many random encounters I’d have to deal with, but I’m super happy to have finally played it. I’d like to give the original NES version a shot one day; I’m sure there are many modern amenities I’ve unknowingly taken advantage of in this version, haha.

The Japanese is fairly easy in this game; in this version at least you have the option of having full hiragana text or text with kanji, and what text there is is not extensive. I’d say probably an N3 to get through it. You’re more likely going to have issues navigating in general, even if you understand the text fully.


I’ve played this in English and struggled to figure out where to go, I’ve no chance in Japanese :rofl:


Sometimes I play really old games, and I’m just like “how did we ever manage this, back when we were kids?!” I definitely make very strong use of guides these days

I hate random encounter games tho. It’s such a maddening mechanic. Especially since these days I’m really only playing for the language learning


The beginning was alright in terms of navigation, I thought; once more forms of transportation started to open up though, and you had to visit previous areas to pick up new key items and stuff… :sweat_smile:


I’m not too bad figuring stuff out but I do have issues trying to play the same games now in Japanese even though they should be easier to play :joy:

I am an explorer though so find loads of stuff now that I missed in games previously.

I literally couldn’t get further than the first area outside the castle right at the start, still have no idea where to go or what to do :rofl: new transport options would just make even more of an issue for me.


I started Touhou Luna Nights and didn’t think about changing the language since I just play games in English. But there was some awful translation at one point (in the first 15 minutes no less), so I switched it to Japanese. So far it’s really easy and I haven’t had to look anything up, but there’s not exactly much dialogue/text anyway.

It uses pixel art, so it also uses the pixelated text common to older games (though not as bad of course), which is certainly an experience. :joy:

Anyway, I’m not using this to study. It just felt like a better way to experience the game.


Just finished off a route of ネコぱら - Catboys Paradise; I did the first three in English, then decided to switch it up and do the final one in Japanese. Cute catboys + free = :+1:

Fully voiced, no furigana except for the cafe’s name and one instance of わたくし, but the language is pretty everyday besides some small business talk in the beginning. L25ish?


Well I’m sold


My friend got me a スーパーファミコン for my (belated) for my bday.

So I started playing ゼルダの伝説神々のトライフォース (Zelda: A Link to the Past), and having fun with that! Reading the pixelated text is a challenge, but I’m better at it than I thought I’d be, and so far the grammar and vocab is simple enough - a few lookups here and there.

Tried some of the RPGs on there, but they all had auto-text - at least for cut scenes, and I can’t read remotely near that fast.

Anyway will probably play Zelda a bit here and there. Definitely the coolest bday gift I’ve gotten!


Ah, those little mini consoles are the coolest; hope you have fun with it!


Thx!? I anticipate having lots of fun. Will go through Link to the Past first, and probably Kirby next. Maybe FF6 next - tho the beginning is pretty annoying so far, in terms of gameplay

Anyway it’s so cool to have in general!

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Kirby Super Star is fantastic. It’s got a bunch of games that range from decent to amazing, all with different mechanics to keep things fresh.

FF6 is my favorite in the series story-wise, though I played it over a decade ago (in English obviously) and don’t know how I’d enjoy it now.


I’ve heard a lot of FF6 is the best FF, from older players. I’ve only played 9, 10, 12, and 14 - and of those I probably like 9 & 12 the best… tho 12 is the only one I’ve actually completed… I’d get through 9, but the gameplay is too hard for me, even with the “make it easier” options in the remaster… Well I did play the FF7 remake at my friend’s place for like an hour… but unfortunately I don’t have anything powerful enough to run it

12 is excellent both in JP and the localization, they did a really solid job there. FF14 I kinda don’t really think of as Final Fantasy tbh. More like “just another MMO”. I didn’t get far enough to have an opinion about the story tho. I don’t mean that in a different way, I just see it as a different genre… unlike say Zelda: Breath of the Wild - which is wildly different than the ones I played as a kid, but still fundamentally the same, in a sense

Oh no, looks like I’ve dated myself a bit. :see_no_evil:

I could never get into 12. I probably got about halfway through before dropping it.

My favorites are 6, 7, 8, and 10. Though I enjoyed 4, 9, and 13 as well.

I’ve only played them in English and I’m not particularly interested in playing them in Japanese. Maybe I’d consider replaying 10 in Japanese, but that’s probably it.


Maybe I should have said veteran players?

Story, gameplay, or char config? It’s pretty diff in terms of storytelling, so I could definitely understand if that’s why. Personally I really love the combat mechanics (I hate the system in 9), and also the way you could customize the party AI. Skill board was a mixed bag. Also fwiw I played the Zodiac version, which iirc improved on some stuff from the original. The language is definitely substantially harder than 9 or 10

10 in JP is nice, except they didn’t give you an option to turn off random encounters. I stopped, probably 50-60% through(?) bc I have like no tolerance for those, and then just completely forgot :sweat_smile:

15 is great, from someone whose first and probably favorite was 7, although 8 holds a special place in my heart. Yes, it’s because of Gackt.

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Like literally everything. Couldn’t connect to the characters or story, didn’t like the world, and didn’t enjoy the battle system either.

I played it originally on PS2 where you couldn’t even skip cutscenes. Now imagine a really hard boss with three phases that is immediately after a long cutscene which you have to watch in full every time you die. :sweat_smile:

The reason I’d try this one in Japanese is simply because the setting seems like it would naturally lend itself to the Japanese language. But I don’t think even the modern rereleases let you chose the language. :cry:

8 was my first, so I love it despite its flaws!

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真逆だな~ (our taste in FF games) :stuck_out_tongue:

I do remember that w/ games in general… idk about back then, but at this point, I’d never finish the game lol

They do - at the very least 10 and 12 (idrc 9, but I think so). I have it on Switch, and have only played it in Japanese (FF9 is the only one I played as a kid). You just have to set your Switch language and/or region to Japanese. On Steam you can always switch the language, unless it’s specifically only a localized version of a game - which is not so common. (Those are the only modern game platforms I have access to, so idk about playstation)

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