I’ve actually managed to finish a good number of manga since my last update, so I thought it’d be nice to brag a bit~ So anyway, it’s been almost three weeks since my last real update, and I’m pleased to say that I’ve crossed three items off of that “currently reading” list entirely.
- First up I finished reading the ファイアパンチ series (books 5-8 since last post); I was reading it along with an English book club. Overall I enjoyed the series more than I expected to. The author went hard for his first published series, and my club and I had a good time discussing it all. It was a new experience to have to ask how the English was translated at times (mostly for names and such); I was pleased to hear that I correctly guessed how vulgar a character was translated, haha. I’ve only ever read a few volumes of the author’s other work, Chainsaw Man, but reading Fire Punch makes me want to give CM another try, now that I have a better idea of the author’s style.
- Next is the rather random manga 異世界の沙汰は社畜次第 4; I’ve been immensely enjoying the English translation, and it’s going to be like a year before it’s released, so I got impatient and just read through the Japanese. Man, the OG LN has been on my list for a while now; I need to just switch over so I can get the full experience…
- After that I finished reading FLESH & BLOOD 12. I am now halfway through the series! Volume 12 ended on an absolutely amazing note; I’m going to jump over and read another short story in Flesh&Blood外伝 女王陛下の海賊たち before I get to volume 13, but I’m extremely excited. ^o^ If the LN club maintains enough popularity I’m super tempted to recommend the first Flesh&Blood as a nominee; I gotta spread the love!
- And finally, finished up just this morning, I’ve finally conquered the レバダン・希望の花 series (volumes 6-8 since last post). I really enjoyed the series all the way through, and I’m glad I revisited it (after having only finished three volumes the first time around); I’m definitely going to be checking out the author’s other works. I’d definitely recommend this series for those looking to improve their “historical” vocab (think 16th century England terms) and enjoy a bit of light politics, drama, and romance
lighter than I would’ve liked for the latter.
告白 is very nearly finished; I’m looking forward to seeing how that ends. The first F&B short story collection will only have one story left before I can finish it off, but I think I need to wait to read a few more volumes of F&B before I can get to it. Dracula continues to be a long-term project; I’m glad to say it’s a fairly easy read in Japanese, at least at my level.
I’m going to try to continue finishing off long-standing manga series I’ve had in my backlog; I’ll probably put a poll up on the “what to read next” megathread for thoughts. And now that F&B12 is done and 告白 is within spitting distance, I plan to finally get to D.Gray-man reverse 2 and cross that off the list. If I’m lucky I can keep momentum and dive straight into the third and final DGM LN after that…