"What should I read next?" Megathread

Can anyone recommend some monthly manga or short story periodicals that are worth subscribing to? I find the idea of Manga magazines with chapters of a bunch of different stories interesting, it’s how British comics also work and I like the thought of the variety that gives you, but I feel like just starting one on the current issue is gonna land me smack in the middle of stories that already started. Is there any that focuses more on one-offs? Something similar for prose stories would also be cool, I’d love to sub to a good mystery or sci-fi anthology magazine

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For manga there’s someone on the WK forums who subscribes to Haruta which seems like that sort of thing. Here’s an example post of theirs about it.

Edit: from seeing a few of their posts it seem to be a mix of one shots and shorter serials

No ideas on the second request unfortunately.

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Sounds perfect form me! Thank you!

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On the subject of yuri with drama: https://learnnatively.com/book/b233674178/
( 君と綴るうたかた) is an ongoing series that has more non-relationship drama than romance. I like it.

青い花 is certainly drama heavy, but still mostly about relationships and sexual identity.

From what I remember ハロー、メランコリック!is also a drama that just has happens to have a relationship tacked on.


I’ll be wrapping up 魔法少女育成計画 limited (後) today and finishing やがて君になる 佐伯沙弥香について 2 sometime later this week (if it can hold my attention…), so time to pick a new book. I think I’ve narrowed it down to two options, but I’ll still keep it a multi-choice poll in case you’ve read both and would recommend both equally.

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Hello all. o/ I’ve been trying to go through and wrap up some manga series that’ve been on my shelf for a while and actually read through them; a lot of them were picked up during that “wow I can read hiragana let’s pick up books it’ll take me years to learn stuff for” phase. You know how it goes… Anyway, I’ve got three options here: two that’ve been on my list for a while, and one wild card to shake things up. I’ll read all three, but what order I’ll do it in will be determined by number of votes.

I actually read volume 1 of 真・女神転生 デビルチルドレン some years ago, but I’d like to re-read it since it’s been so long (and my language skills have drastically improved since then as well). Everyone go vote on the re-read support product request so @brandon knows we want it~ I guess I’ll have to just make a personal re-read note for the time being…


Making two polls, one for manga and one for (hopefully easy) prose!

I’ve actually read ~30% of 夜カフェ2 and dropped it a while ago, but I’m thinking of picking it back up again. And I’ve read a few pages of ヨコハマ買い出し紀行1. Everything else is new to me.


Oh, a four swords manga? :eyes: I wonder how they set that up. Did the original game have much of a plot? I have to confess I haven’t played it before.


I actually haven’t played it either! So far I’ve only been reading the manga for the games I’ve played, but I’m going into this one completely blind, all I know is there’s four Links haha

This one’s a 2 volume series too (some of these are just 1 volume) so either they added a TON of original content or this game has more plot than I thought.


I hope it’s just four Links getting up to crazy shenanigans, haha.

Also, all three of my poll choices are tied. :stuck_out_tongue: What have I done…

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Looks like one of them has taken the lead! (funny enough though I almost didn’t vote for that one b/c I didn’t realize we could vote for multiple at first, if I hadn’t they’d all be tied now haha)

Meanwhile I have the opposite scenario:


Wow, y’all really want me to read ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 1 don’t you? :laughing: I’ll just go ahead and get started on that one now. I’ll wait a few more days for the other poll though since it’s a lot closer

edit: just closed both polls, I’ll also be reading ぜんぶ、藍色だった。


I’m really surprised 真・女神転生 デビルチルドレン has a majority lead in mine; I figured よつばと would be the popular option. Maybe デビチル’s cool cover is bringing in more interest? I’ll probably close my own poll tonight, once I set up the LN club poll.


that’s 100% why I voted for it :joy:


Alright, poll closed! I’ll be putting priority in this order: デビチル → よつばと - >Tales of Symphonia!Thanks for the input, everyone!


I don’t think you put it up against similar calibre competition - YKK is a classic. I read it over a decade ago and still think about it sometimes.


I’m getting near the end of 人間失格, so I need a new book to fill my time. Here’s a little summary of each book as none of them have any reads yet on this site.
変身 - Japanese translation of Kafka’s Metamorphosis. The one about the bug man.
絶歌 - Basically a memoir by a notorious serial killer in Japan. Details his crimes and his thought process behind them and all that fun stuff.
夢見通りの人々 - A collection of stories about the lives and mannerisms of random people living on this one street.

Second poll for these two books that I’m tied between.

I finished すべての神様の十月 last week. I took a few days break and I was hoping to start コンビニ人間 with the WK IBC primer book club this Monday and あん with the IBC book club the following week. I think reading those two at the same time should be doable for me.

… but I just noticed I had all the dates wrong and the book clubs don’t actually start until one week later than I though. I don’t want to take another week off from reading, but I think ending up having 3 overlapping books will be too much.

Any suggestions?


Maybe check out some Aozora short stories?


Oh perfect. Thanks!

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