"What should I read next?" Megathread

Hello all. o/ I’ve been trying to go through and wrap up some manga series that’ve been on my shelf for a while and actually read through them; a lot of them were picked up during that “wow I can read hiragana let’s pick up books it’ll take me years to learn stuff for” phase. You know how it goes… Anyway, I’ve got three options here: two that’ve been on my list for a while, and one wild card to shake things up. I’ll read all three, but what order I’ll do it in will be determined by number of votes.

I actually read volume 1 of 真・女神転生 デビルチルドレン some years ago, but I’d like to re-read it since it’s been so long (and my language skills have drastically improved since then as well). Everyone go vote on the re-read support product request so @brandon knows we want it~ I guess I’ll have to just make a personal re-read note for the time being…