"What should I read next?" Megathread

I tried to vote only コンビニ人間, but the poll wouldn’t accept a single vote :stuck_out_tongue:. Gave a dummy vote to 博士の愛した数式 (I haven’t read it). I feel かがみの孤城 is pretty popular, but I just couldn’t get into it.

That’s pretty surprising, given those books feel very different :sweat_smile:.


I’ve been ungodly busy lately so I could read at a very slow pace compared to my normal (which would be slow for others. All relative!) and not mind at all :sweat_smile:


Need another 4-koma manga to read.

I didn’t intend for all the options to be yuri, but I guess it’s a yuri kind of day.

Do you enjoy yuri or is this your first venture into the genre? I recently figured out why I enjoy BL a tad more than yuri, and it’s simply that I don’t enjoy pure romance. I need more to the story. With BL at least I get some eye candy but with yuri that’s missing. :see_no_evil: I love when a story has queer characters but their love adventures is not the main focus of the story. It’s rare to find BL or yuri stories where the focus is not on the romance (and sexual adventures). :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’ve read a moderate amount of yuri. Usually the stories aren’t very deep, except for やがて君になる. But at least they are usually entertaining, which is good enough for me. I imagine 青い花 would be the most story-driven of the three in the poll given other series I’ve read from that mangaka.

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Can anyone recommend some monthly manga or short story periodicals that are worth subscribing to? I find the idea of Manga magazines with chapters of a bunch of different stories interesting, it’s how British comics also work and I like the thought of the variety that gives you, but I feel like just starting one on the current issue is gonna land me smack in the middle of stories that already started. Is there any that focuses more on one-offs? Something similar for prose stories would also be cool, I’d love to sub to a good mystery or sci-fi anthology magazine

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For manga there’s someone on the WK forums who subscribes to Haruta which seems like that sort of thing. Here’s an example post of theirs about it.

Edit: from seeing a few of their posts it seem to be a mix of one shots and shorter serials

No ideas on the second request unfortunately.

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Sounds perfect form me! Thank you!

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On the subject of yuri with drama: https://learnnatively.com/book/b233674178/
( 君と綴るうたかた) is an ongoing series that has more non-relationship drama than romance. I like it.

青い花 is certainly drama heavy, but still mostly about relationships and sexual identity.

From what I remember ハロー、メランコリック!is also a drama that just has happens to have a relationship tacked on.


I’ll be wrapping up 魔法少女育成計画 limited (後) today and finishing やがて君になる 佐伯沙弥香について 2 sometime later this week (if it can hold my attention…), so time to pick a new book. I think I’ve narrowed it down to two options, but I’ll still keep it a multi-choice poll in case you’ve read both and would recommend both equally.

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Hello all. o/ I’ve been trying to go through and wrap up some manga series that’ve been on my shelf for a while and actually read through them; a lot of them were picked up during that “wow I can read hiragana let’s pick up books it’ll take me years to learn stuff for” phase. You know how it goes… Anyway, I’ve got three options here: two that’ve been on my list for a while, and one wild card to shake things up. I’ll read all three, but what order I’ll do it in will be determined by number of votes.

I actually read volume 1 of 真・女神転生 デビルチルドレン some years ago, but I’d like to re-read it since it’s been so long (and my language skills have drastically improved since then as well). Everyone go vote on the re-read support product request so @brandon knows we want it~ I guess I’ll have to just make a personal re-read note for the time being…


Making two polls, one for manga and one for (hopefully easy) prose!

I’ve actually read ~30% of 夜カフェ2 and dropped it a while ago, but I’m thinking of picking it back up again. And I’ve read a few pages of ヨコハマ買い出し紀行1. Everything else is new to me.


Oh, a four swords manga? :eyes: I wonder how they set that up. Did the original game have much of a plot? I have to confess I haven’t played it before.


I actually haven’t played it either! So far I’ve only been reading the manga for the games I’ve played, but I’m going into this one completely blind, all I know is there’s four Links haha

This one’s a 2 volume series too (some of these are just 1 volume) so either they added a TON of original content or this game has more plot than I thought.


I hope it’s just four Links getting up to crazy shenanigans, haha.

Also, all three of my poll choices are tied. :stuck_out_tongue: What have I done…

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Looks like one of them has taken the lead! (funny enough though I almost didn’t vote for that one b/c I didn’t realize we could vote for multiple at first, if I hadn’t they’d all be tied now haha)

Meanwhile I have the opposite scenario:


Wow, y’all really want me to read ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 1 don’t you? :laughing: I’ll just go ahead and get started on that one now. I’ll wait a few more days for the other poll though since it’s a lot closer

edit: just closed both polls, I’ll also be reading ぜんぶ、藍色だった。


I’m really surprised 真・女神転生 デビルチルドレン has a majority lead in mine; I figured よつばと would be the popular option. Maybe デビチル’s cool cover is bringing in more interest? I’ll probably close my own poll tonight, once I set up the LN club poll.


that’s 100% why I voted for it :joy: