What are you reading today?

I sent a feedback to get it split!


Staring at my home screen in TTSU:

I’m probably going to jump on the Roulette one and try to finish before Book Club hell I have thrown myself into starts in April.


I finally finished the “IF” story at the end of this volume and boy I hated it. It started well, with actual plot and all, but after it’s over, it’s him sleeping with one of the love interest, then said love interest having a glass of wine with his wife with the narration talking about her (the love interest) jealousy of the wife and what not. I hated every word of it. At least (?) the affair is happening with the consent of the wife, so it’s consensual non monogamy or what ever that is called, but it felt extremely weird and unbelievable. I’m sure there are people who can get that kind of situation in real life (and make it work too), but the author was not good at giving us a credible implementation of that.


Reading the final volume of フルメタル・パニック! | L34

It’s been the best series I’ve read so far! Really really enjoying it. I should be finishing it later today.

Not sure what to read next though :thinking:

I think I want to read another series that is finished.


I’m currently reading ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 | L31, and I’m noticing that the vocabulary is definitely more complex compared to また、同じ夢を見ていた | L24, which was my last read. Since it’s not my first time reading it, I’d say I’m finding it easier this time around. I’m planning to read the entire series to gauge how much my Japanese will improve. Hopefully, I’ll become a wizard of Japanese :steam_locomotive:


There may or may not be a Harry Potter 1 bookclub soon, so if you’re still reading by then it’d be a great place to drop by and ask questions if you have any!


Started catching up on アオのハコ | L23 after mentioning to a friend that the (preview) artwork for ルックバック | L22 reminded me a bit of some Shounen Jump series… (ルックバック is getting a movie adaptation later this year). The animation style/quality is kinda rough on my eyes after reading so much 犬夜叉 | L23 and other series with a more detailed/intricate style, but the story’s great.

Been working on Inuyasha (42/56) and my reread of ボクガール | L23 as well (8/11), and catching the weekly ルリドラゴン | L20 as well. Dipping my toes back into LNs, but wanna finish Inuyasha before April book clubs start.


I should be reading 春琴抄, but instead I had my eye caught by 殺した夫が帰ってきました | L28?? and it has been the only (text) book in my life this week :heart_eyes: I’ll likely finish it tomorrow.

If I had a nickle for every book this year I read about a woman murdering her husband and then the guy turning up alive at her door…I’d have two nickles. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.

It’s nice to have a book I’m excited to read again. I’d been kind of drifting through my books out of the pure habit of reading, and with this book I’m like ‘oh yes, this is why I like reading.’ I wouldn’t call it a deep book, but I like mindless books. Deep books require a certain mood and mental energy, this is fantastic for after-work brain-off time.

Content warnings for anyone interested
  • Sexual abuse
  • Child abuse
  • Domestic violence

These are all discussed with a decent amount of detail, although the sexual abuse does skim the details a bit in favor more euphemistic phrasing that still makes the reality obvious.


I’ve decided to try out this series スレイヤーズ | L37 after having watched this video on the 累計ランキング Top 50 https://youtu.be/lkTomaQplr8?si=PX5zeXoKJZTLdYDE

Looks like it’s in the top 10 sales even though it was first published in the 90’s I think, so worth a try.

We really are spoiled for choice :exploding_head:


I’ve been plowing through 星空の下、君の声だけを抱きしめる | L23 since the weekend after finishing 私の推しは悪役令嬢。 | L32. It’s really quite nice to see the percent complete go up so quickly on a book, and if I can’t read faster then making the book shorter will have to do.

Slayers is great, the anime series is also worth your time if you have it. I think there’s also a tsubasa bunkou release as well, but I’ve only seen it on natively. Good luck!


Good luck with スレイヤーズ. I tried the anime a while back, bc I always thought it looked cool, but couldn’t get into it… Can’t remember clearly why, but I think it was partially to do with gender roles


I started on Let’s read Japanese series of books yesterday. Graded readers in full Japanese with short stories from folklore or parts from famous stories throughout the world.

It feels like a step back since it’s much easier content, but I think it’s what I’m needing to try to help me get back into studying properly (at least I hope it is :sweat_smile:).

Yesterday’s story was ヤマタノオロチ. When I’ve re-read that story today again to make sure I picked it up correctly, I’ll then start on the next story, 節分の鬼.


鬼は外、福は内。 :wink:


Poor 鬼 :cry:


I had no idea there was an anime, but makes sense with those sales numbers in the video. If I enjoy the novel series I’ll definitely give it watch!


Yep :wink: gotta keep that good luck in.

I’m kinda looking forward to reading that one because my language exchange guy was talking about it on Setsubun and he didn’t go into detail about the folklore background of it, just the foods and the throwing of soybeans based on your number of years on this planet :joy:

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I’ve just read an irritating story by 星新一, a doctor holds a child (a meanwhile 15 year old girl) as pet: 月の光.


Picked up 青い花 1 | L27 again, after 6 months. It’s amazing what a difference 6 months can make. It was pretty hard back then, but now I can read it fluidly with only an odd word or two and names to look up (the difficulty was the grammar tho). It does help that I’ve seen the anime already. Gonna order the physical ones next month!!

Otherwise Inuyasha 45/56 and Boku Girl 8/11, and maybe slowly 対ありでした。 ~お嬢さまは格闘ゲームなんてしない~ 1 | L28 (seemingly yuri + fighting game book)


It’s a great feeling isn’t it?

We may not want to but putting aside the difficult stuff and reading easier stuff can really speed up the development of your comprehension rate.

And that moment when you pick up the book you were struggling with months or years ago, and it’s now a smooth read. :partying_face:


It’s a really nice surprise, especially since I opened it up again on a whim. I was wondering why 放浪息子 1 | L27 (by the same author) felt so much easier in comparison, and the answer was 160 books (mostly manga) and 425 anime episodes in 6 months really makes a difference!

Yeah I’ve gotten into this more and more lately. I think extensive watching (with JP subs) is what’s made the most difference here, but level proximity is key. Thankfully I’m at a point where “things I’m interested in” and “things I can consume extensively” are overlapping more.