In case you are interested in some book club cross-pollination, we’re currently voting for the next book in the WaniKani Advanced Japanese Book Club!
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In case you are interested in some book club cross-pollination, we’re currently voting for the next book in the WaniKani Advanced Japanese Book Club!
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Probably it would have been more fit to be in the Book Club suggestions for more click conversions.
Just saying
At last I managed to finish きまぐれロボット, which was a bit boring at the end, but nonetheless made me think about most of the stories, so that I could not read them fast, one after the other. Btw: I read about one quarter of the book with a physical dictionary which also can distract from the book, when with some interesting entries the dict itself becomes the book.
Now I am bound to finish 三姉妹探偵団 next week, before I forget the plot completely after three months of some manga interlude, as on March 26th I have a date with ほろ. I want to read 狼と香辛料 2 one year after episode #1 to see some progress. Especially I hope that I can now read it without Wikipedia study about medieval economics and without vocab list to speed up look-ups.
Apropos medieval economics, this was the first time that the English or even the German translations of Japanese vocab did not help at all…
Ah, good point! That thread did not come to mind when I thought about where to post it Next time, then
Yesterday, I finished the main part of TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 6 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L40 which is the 7th book of the series, as the title implies I haven’t read the “what if” extra story yet, though, but it looks short.
So, the author is really going all out on the “what episode = one girl” trope (?) and trying to go through the whole gamut of possibilities. While I’m not the target audience, I think it’s, overall, done better than other series I have seen with harem features.
The girl this time is the “big muscle mommy” type, I guess.
And, honestly, I think it’s nice. Now, if you click on the Natively link and check the cover, you’ll find that the illustrator has an interesting take on her body type. By which I mean she looks like any of the other girls. I guess she seems to have abs, if you squint hard enough? I wonder if it’s just that the illustrator doesn’t know how to draw any other body type?
Otherwise, about the series, I like the fact that the future stories share background elements, so you can see indirectly how the world is going to evolve and how the main character’s actions are going to influence that. That part really improved my enjoyment of the series, although I think it’s a bit too little, too late, for me to really recommend it. I’m still going to keep reading now that I have made it this far, though.
If that’s her physique on the cover, I can only see that list being true if she’s triple the size of all the other characters.
Is that really LV40? While I might be interested, yikes.
There’s one illustration with the main character as well. She is only marginally larger than a normal human (for her human part). So the illustrator is wrong.
It is not. I would say that the first volume has a more literary style for the parts that are not from the point of view of the main character, which makes me think ~38. Volume 2+ drop that style, though, which makes the level crash down to ~33. I guess it was just too time consuming for the author
Ugh that’s still a difficult entry point… I’ll take it in mind.
Very enjoyable volume. Might take a few ideas for my next Japan escapade.
Finished reading the first volume of FINAL FANTASY LOST STRANGER 1 | L27 last week; Amazon has the first volume free to read in browser until the 21st, so I thought I’d give it a shot since it has such a pretty cover. Was hoping for more FF and less isekai, but I was disappointed. Not terrible or anything, but volume 1 was pretty bland.
Might be worth noting in a review on vol 1 and/or submitting feedback for vol 1 and the later volumes to have a separate difficulty rating (I’m not really interested in the series, but might be relevant for someone who is)
I think it can also be requested to be split level wise to @brandon and team if the difference is that big.
I sent a feedback to get it split!
Staring at my home screen in TTSU:
I’m probably going to jump on the Roulette one and try to finish before Book Club hell I have thrown myself into starts in April.
I finally finished the “IF” story at the end of this volume and boy I hated it. It started well, with actual plot and all, but after it’s over, it’s him sleeping with one of the love interest, then said love interest having a glass of wine with his wife with the narration talking about her (the love interest) jealousy of the wife and what not. I hated every word of it. At least (?) the affair is happening with the consent of the wife, so it’s consensual non monogamy or what ever that is called, but it felt extremely weird and unbelievable. I’m sure there are people who can get that kind of situation in real life (and make it work too), but the author was not good at giving us a credible implementation of that.
Reading the final volume of フルメタル・パニック! | L34
It’s been the best series I’ve read so far! Really really enjoying it. I should be finishing it later today.
Not sure what to read next though
I think I want to read another series that is finished.
I’m currently reading ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 | L31, and I’m noticing that the vocabulary is definitely more complex compared to また、同じ夢を見ていた | L24, which was my last read. Since it’s not my first time reading it, I’d say I’m finding it easier this time around. I’m planning to read the entire series to gauge how much my Japanese will improve. Hopefully, I’ll become a wizard of Japanese
There may or may not be a Harry Potter 1 bookclub soon, so if you’re still reading by then it’d be a great place to drop by and ask questions if you have any!
Started catching up on アオのハコ | L23 after mentioning to a friend that the (preview) artwork for ルックバック | L22 reminded me a bit of some Shounen Jump series… (ルックバック is getting a movie adaptation later this year). The animation style/quality is kinda rough on my eyes after reading so much 犬夜叉 | L23 and other series with a more detailed/intricate style, but the story’s great.
Been working on Inuyasha (42/56) and my reread of ボクガール | L23 as well (8/11), and catching the weekly ルリドラゴン | L20 as well. Dipping my toes back into LNs, but wanna finish Inuyasha before April book clubs start.