Good day, members of, I hope you are all having the best of times reading.
Recently, I finished 小説 アニメ カードキャプターさくら クロウカード編 上 | L25. It took me a bit longer than usual because I have been busier lately. Believe it or not, I actually do have a life outside of reading obscure Japanese vampire novels.
You might be wondering why I would read the novelization of the anime of Card Captor Sakura when I could just read the manga. Unfortunately, due to my manga allergies, that was not an option, so I had to settle for the LN.
I am a sucker for this kind of stuff. I eat this shit up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you asked me why I get up in the morning, I would say さくらちゃんのために. This quote from Tomoyo-chan sums up my feelings pretty well:
It was the first raw anime that I really felt that I could get into. It’s the cutest thing in the universe, and you should all watch it and post about it in the watching thread. Once audiovisual is out, it would be nice if we could have “watching clubs” and watch shows and movies together, like in book clubs. I think a 魔法少女 club would be really fun. I know I definitely need some more motivation to get more listening practice in. What shows would you like to watch together, Natively?
With that out of the way, I must admit that reading it truthfully wasn’t as a great of an experience as watching it. The novelization just cuts too many important plot points out. I feel like you would probably have zero idea what was going on half the time if you didn’t already read/watch the manga/anime; it just moves too fast. Though, I’m not really surprised, since they crammed a 50+ episode arc down into 2 books. I can’t really recommend it unless you already know what’s going on and just absolutely NEED more Sakura. Despite this, it’s the first LN that I’ve given more than 1 star (even though LNs make up 45% of my pages read stat ).
As for difficulty, it’s about as easy as you would expect it to be. My ratings put it at 25. The manga is currently at 22, but it seems to be normal for LNs to be slightly higher difficulty than their manga counterparts.
Overall, recommended to my fellow manga-deniers who also happen to be Sakura-lovers (probably just me tbh)