Good day ネーティブリー, I hope you are all having another sublime day 読書している.
I just finished 人外サーカス | L33. It took me a while, but I guess that was due to a combination of it being longer than the books I have previously read and LIFE. Honestly, it’s pretty disappointing… The description (yes, I actually read the Amazon description this time) called it a “サバイバル・ミステリ” but it really didn’t have much survival or mystery at all. It feels more like an 中二病 action battle novel, but with an endless amount of gore. I didn’t expect anything too deep from “Vampires vs the circus” but holy shit the fight scenes are so drawn out. Actually, I’m pretty sure the fight scenes were the majority of the book.
It’s also the kind of book that makes it really hard for you to give a shit about anyone. There’s a million characters and none of them are really that interesting. At least, they don’t seem interesting because the author never really spent too much time describing any of them. I’m pretty sure the magician guy is supposed to be the main character, but you can barely tell because he’s left out for large chunks of the book (by that I obviously mean the fights he’s not present in.)
I’m honestly not really sure what the mystery was supposed to be. Most of the novel is just circus members facing off with 吸血鬼 (but the circus members win nearly every time, simply because the 吸血鬼 are stupid and arrogant.) I felt there was so much wasted potential with this one. If only the book was funny. I WISH it was funny. If it was, I could at least say it was “funny bad” and give it 2 stars like 恋する・ヴァンパイア | L31, but it’s painfully dry. To make things worse, in the end, the “bad guy” basically goes “I did it for fun lol” as if this is some bad 少年 kid’s anime. Yeah, not my kind of book. Recommended to no one.
Anyway, I just started Vヴィレッジの殺人 | L34. The long awaited crossover between the Mystery Novel Book Club and the 吸血鬼 Appreciation Society is finally here! Unlike
人外サーカス, this one seems like a PROPER mystery novel. I am liking it so far.
Next, I think I’m going to have to try something more 女性向け for a change.