What are you reading today?

omg I remember downloading those in like 16p and watching them instead of doing homework :joy:

It wasn’t BL but had a lot of fanservice, iirc?


Yeah, that sounds right… just some very heavily implied relationships. It was also just extremely over the top!

It’s on my “I’m morbidly curious, but also too afraid to try watching this now” list :rofl:


Pretty much this. I.e. BL in that time was almost never wholesome. It was filled with trauma, non-con, etc. and banana fish fits that even though it’s very light on actual gay stuff.


Well, that doesn’t sound promising :sweat_smile:
(There’s been a lot of dark stuff and homosexuality in general so far; main character has been r*ped in prison already, plus… stuff when he was a kid)


exactly. it’s like a main staple for 90s/00s BL. Back then it felt like, if there is no

(childhood) r*pe , is it even BL? :clown_face:


I mean, dark/edgy stuff is typical of seinen content as well. It doesn’t have to be BL. (I guess I’ll see when I get there)

I haven’t read that much manga, and hardly any Seinen, so I could only look at it from a limited BL/shoujo/josei POV. :melting_face:


Are there any recent (last ~10 years) non-isekai fantasy light novels that are good? I’m not necessarily in the market for a new series right now, but it would be nice to add things to my planning list for later. It just seems like everything these days is isekai (which I’m not huge on) which is why I’m curious. (Regular novel recommendations are fine too, I just mentioned LNs since I was curious if there are many that meet this criteria.)


The following LNs are on my list and they seem good (or at least well received), but I haven’t read them yet - apologies in advance if that’s useless to you!

100% isekai-free™:

Almost isekai-free*:

*) hopefully


I have read those three. They are indeed isekai-free, but ティアムーン has the isekai look-and-feel (it’s hard to explain; the writing feels similar to isekai stuff… there’s just no actual isekai-ing)

That’s nearly the opposite of ティアムーン. Despite being isekai, it doesn’t have the look and feel of it :joy:
It does play a small role, such has giving the main character an image of the blood stream in the body or how to make a deltaplane but those are very few and far between (and do not play a role on the plot).

竜殺しのブリュンヒルド (series) | L33-36?? fits @seanblue’s requirements, but I didn’t like it, so I don’t know if I would recommend it :sweat_smile:


I have had some sad private news recently which has sucked a lot of energy from me, so I haven’t really been up to reading with my eyes.
Audiobooks to the rescue. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Listened to both volumes of Lovely Writer (series) | L27 which is a SOL BL story. Not as wholesome as I had hoped but easy enough for my exhausted brain.

This was followed by 四つ子ぐらし 12 秋の遠足と仲直りの方法 | L23 the latest audiobook in this series. The story was meh but easy as always.

And now I am almost done with 猫とメガネ 蔦屋敷の不可解な遺言 | L30?? which got me with the イケメン and the cat on the cover. I am easy like that. :face_with_peeking_eye: It’s a chill SOL with a touch of mystery and a pinch of BL vibes.

after that I have 永遠の昨日 | L29?? lined up which should be BL. I think.

But also, I slowly feel energy returning, and my brain being interested in physically reading something again, so my audiobook time will probably go down to normal again. About time, as I am way behind on the bookclubs. :melting_face:

Bonus progress photo of my cross-stitch project while listening

(and yes, I miscounted somewhere, but I am not fixing it. It’s fine.)


Your needle minder is so cute! :heart_eyes:


A fellow stitcher? :eyes: (I feel like needle minder is a specialist term. :eyes:)


Indeed! :grin: It hadn’t occurred to me to practice listening while crafting, that’s some good multitasking! :+1:


(without making any distinction between light novel/not light novels):

(I’ll recommend this one even if @Naphthalene won’t :slight_smile: )

I do not necessarily uncritically recommend all of these - need to write more reviews - but I at least enjoyed them all even with their flaws.


That one, I thought about, but decided against because the “type” of fantasy is quite different.

If that goes, I guess I can also mention


definitely BL and I realized there is a TV drama series that I have watched before. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


An all too relatable sentiment these days :joy:


Hi, new here. I’m reading on my pace
また、同じ夢を見ていた and だから私は、明日のきみを描く


だから私は、明日のきみを描く looks cute! Another for the to read eventually list