Year 24 Group - Wikipedia might be a good starting point
Also this has a list of pre-1987 shoujo (specifically ones with sapphic elements): Fulles Dansaires: Shōjos d’abans del 1987 amb yuri - you have to scroll down kinda far for it tho
Year 24 Group - Wikipedia might be a good starting point
Also this has a list of pre-1987 shoujo (specifically ones with sapphic elements): Fulles Dansaires: Shōjos d’abans del 1987 amb yuri - you have to scroll down kinda far for it tho
Didn’t see it on Cdjapan or Suruga-ya. Didn’t think to check Amazon, cuz it’s usually not worth the shipping for me to order from there.
Didn’t see it on Cdjapan or Suruga-ya. Didn’t think to check Amazon, cuz it’s usually not worth the shipping for me to order from there.
Its on Kinokuniya too. That’s usually where I buy my manga.
For fans of Yotsubato: volume #16 will be available in about one month from now: 2025/2/26.
Ooooh. Big news!
Thx. I put in a proxy request w/ Cdjapan, since I’m already ordering some other proxy stuff through them anyway.
Not sure if you have a specific reason for using them, but Kinokuniya charges almost 2.5x as much as the manga costs + sales tax & shipping, for all their manga. If I were already in-store, I might buy it anyway, but otherwise I won’t use them.
Store | Total (USD) | 2 manga | 3 manga | 4 manga | 5 manga | 10 manga |
Amazon JP | $22.27-23.74 | $28.83-30.47 | 35.41-37.21 | 41.97-43.93 | 48.55-50.67 | 82.06-85.04 |
Cdjapan | $15.53-32.14 | $25.11-39.15 | $32.91-43.5 | 40.7-7-52.08 | 48.63-60.83 | 80.43-103.64 |
CDjapan (DHL) | $30.06 | $37.02 | $41.37 | 45.71 | 53.91 | 84.69 |
Kinokuniya | $21.76 | $34.82 | $47.87 | 60.93 | 65.27 | 130.54 |
I’ve been working on 蛇を踏む by Kawakami Hiromi for the past week or so.
Book, Difficulty: Level 36 (Advanced, ~JLPT N1)
I like magical realism, and I like weirdness, but… I think the difficulty of the prose, combined with the strangeness of the events, is a lot for me. You end up thinking to yourself, “if I understood the language better, would I understand the symbolism and the metaphors better, or would I still be going ‘huh’?” - and it seems like a lot of people struggled even with the weirdness of the English translation, so I guess I’m not alone.
(But this isn’t a non-recommendation! It’s pretty compelling and pretty interesting even if there are parts I don’t really get!)
Update: I’ve finished 悪役令嬢は織田信長に憑依される. My detailed review is linked above. It was a fun, entertaining read, although it didn’t blow me away with its writing or originality despite the titular concept. 3.5 stars.
Her boyfriend was cute too, although I guessed his secret the moment he appeared.
He was, in fact, a she.
I can dream, Harold.
Finished volume 5… it was okay, but too much foodstuff and not enough romance. The very last part (and last illustration) was good, salvaging the whole thing from a 3* to a 4* in my book, but come on.
The cover was nice too, I guess (I really like the illustrations in general)
Book, Difficulty: Level 30 (Upper Intermediate, ~JLPT N2)
it was okay, but too much foodstuff and not enough romance.
Makes me think of 〆切前には百合が捗る | L28 - tho the presence of food stuff is understandable there considering one character is effectively a cook/housekeeper, and the other likes to run away to fancy restaurants.
The balance is fine there tho, just much more than I expected when I went in
There was a group thinking about doing an club club around かがみの孤城 | L28 , right? Any of those people interested in doing it soon?
I’ve already read the book digitally and listened to the audiobook, so I’m not really who you’re asking… but I’ll hang out to discuss plot and help with questions where I can.
Also, I’m considering buying the physical copy in the next 1-2 months, so maybe I’ll end up reading it a third time.
Finished 誰が勇者を殺したか | L31 - good story. Maybe not quite as good as the hype, but I did enjoy reading it a lot.
Starting なぜ僕の世界を誰も覚えていないのか? 運命の剣 | L32. I have the feeling that I read a really convincing review of this a long time ago. Hopefully past-me made a good choice, because on the surface it doesn’t sound like anything too special.
I would be up for it
Do you feel like there’s too much joy in your life? Not enough clouds in the sky, the birds’ chirping is insufferable, and you can’t seem to find a way to stop smiling despite your best efforts? Boy, 闇祓 | L29 is the book for you!
In my quest to finish my TBR starting from oldest (still in my “prior to Natively” lists), I picked that book nearly two months ago. In the middle of the first chapter, I had to stop for a while because I just wasn’t in the headspace to read that. Then, when I got better, finished the first chapter and stopped in the second chapter because it seemed completely unrelated AND dark as well. Then a few days ago, I just decided to push through in between sessions of ダリヤ and finally finished it! Turns out it was all connected in the end, but still.
I’m having a hard time giving it a star rating. It was 4.5* at giving me a horrible 1~2* time. So, I just averaged to 3*, which means nothing. I should probably format this into an actual review huh.
So excited for that
I’m having a hard time giving it a star rating. It was 4.5* at giving me a horrible 1~2* time. So, I just averaged to 3*, which means nothing. I should probably format this into an actual review huh.
Yep, I’m 100% curious after reading this. The description makes it sound like horror, but is it?
The description makes it sound like horror, but is it?
I would say it is, yes, but the “horror” is quite light compared to more mundane trauma fuel present in the book. It’s certainly horrifying, if nothing else.
Thinking about it, it’s been a while since I’ve posted a reading update of my own. I’ve managed to finish a few books recently, so it’s a good time to post.
I’d like to start another bingo square book soon to keep up my good momentum; perhaps after finishing F&B 17. I think I know what I’m going to read, but I won’t say since it’s for the no revews/ratings square.
I’m also happy(?) to announce that I’ve been doing a decent job of keeping my active book club books to just two this month; there’s a bunch coming up that I’d like to participate in, so we’ll see how well I can juggle it all, but I’ve been wanting to cut back a bit solely to give myself more time to read my own books.