One need only look at many of the blurbs on this site to confirm this (tho those were using an older version apparently).
Idk that I’ll use these things, but y’all got me curious:
マリア様がみてる prologue
さわやかな朝の挨拶が、澄みきった青空にこだまする。 マリア様のお庭に集う乙女たちが、今日も天使のような無垢な笑顔で、背の高い門をくぐり抜けていく。 汚れを知らない心身を包むのは、深い色の制服。 スカートのプリーツは乱さないように、白いセーラーカラーは翻らせないように、ゆっくりと歩くのがここでのたしなみ。もちろん、遅刻ギリギリで走り去るなどといった、はしたない生徒など存在していようはずもない。
The fresh morning greeting echoes in the clear blue sky . The maidens who gather in Maria’s garden pass through the tall gate with angelic, innocent smiles on their faces. Their deep-colored uniforms wrap their unblemished bodies and souls. It is customary to walk slowly so as not to disturb the pleats of the skirt and to keep the white sailor collar from fluttering. Of course, there is no such thing as a student who runs away just in time to be late.
Lillian Girls’ Private School.
Founded in 1902, it is a traditional Catholic school for young ladies that was originally created for the daughters of the nobility.
The school is located in the Tokyo metropolitan area. In this area of Tokyo, where there is still much greenery that retains the atmosphere of Musashino, the school for young ladies, under the watchful eye of God, offers a comprehensive education from kindergarten to university.
Times change, and even today, in the Heisei era, when the name of the era has been changed three times since the Meiji era, the
school is still a precious
school that still retains a system where a purely cultured young lady raised in a greenhouse is shipped in a box if she continues to attend the school for 18 years
Google translate (entered without line breaks)
Good day." “Good day.” A refreshing morning greeting echoes through the clear blue sky. The girls who gather in Mary’s Garden pass through the tall gate with angelic, innocent smiles. Deep-colored uniforms envelop the pure bodies and minds. Here, it is customary to walk slowly, taking care not to disturb the pleats of the skirt or to flap the white sailor collar. Of course, there is no way that there would be a student who is so sloppy as to run off just in time to be late. Private Lillian Girls’ Academy. Founded in 1901, this school is a traditional Catholic school for young ladies, originally created for the daughters of the nobility. Located in the outskirts of Tokyo, in this green area that still retains the appearance of Musashino, it is a garden for girls where they can receive a comprehensive education from kindergarten to university, watched over by God. Times have changed, and even today, in the Heisei era, which has seen three era names since the Meiji era, this is a rare school that still maintains the system whereby a purebred young lady who has been raised in a greenhouse is shipped out in a box after 18 years of attending.
Google translate (entered with line breaks)
“Good day.”
“Good day.”
A refreshing morning greeting echoes through the clear blue sky. The girls who gather in Mary’s Garden pass through the tall gate with angelic, innocent smiles. Their pure bodies and minds are wrapped in deep-colored uniforms. The etiquette here is to walk slowly, not to disturb the pleats of the skirt or to flap the white sailor collar. Of course, there is no way that there would be a student who is so untidy as to run off just in time to be late.
Private Lillian Girls’ Academy.
Founded in 1901, this academy is a traditional Catholic school for young ladies, originally created for the daughters of the nobility.
In the outskirts of Tokyo. In this green area that still retains the appearance of Musashino, this is a garden for girls where they can receive a comprehensive education from kindergarten to university, watched over by God.
Times have changed, and even today, in the Heisei era, which has seen three era names since the Meiji era, this is a rare school that still maintains the system whereby a purebred young lady who has been raised in a greenhouse is shipped out in a box after 18 years of attending.
“Good day.”
“Good day.”
The fresh morning greeting echoes through the clear blue sky. The young ladies gathered in the garden of the Virgin Mary walk through the tall gates with angelic, innocent smiles, their graceful presence gliding past. Their pure hearts and bodies are wrapped in deep-colored uniforms. They walk slowly, making sure not to disturb the pleats of their skirts or let the white sailor collars flutter. This is the proper manner here. Of course, there is no such thing as an improper student rushing off just in time to avoid being late.
Lilian Girls’ Academy, a private school.
Founded in the 34th year of the Meiji era, this academy was originally established for the daughters of the aristocracy, and is a traditional Catholic school for young ladies.
Located in the suburbs of Tokyo, in an area rich with greenery that still retains the atmosphere of Musashino, it is a sanctuary for young ladies, where they are under the protection of God and can receive a continuous education from kindergarten to university.
Times have changed, and even today, in the Heisei era, three eras after the Meiji period, the precious tradition remains in place: after eighteen years of attending, the pure, sheltered young ladies are sent out, carefully cultivated in their greenhouse-like world.
The clear morning greeting travels through the serene, blue sky.
Today, once again, the maidens that gather in the Virgin Mary’s garden smile purely to one another as they pass under the tall gateway.
Wrapping their innocent bodies and souls is a deep-colored school uniform.
Walking slowly so as to not disturb the pleats in their skirts, so as to not toss their white sailor scarves into disarray . . . such is the standard of modesty here. Running here because one is in danger of missing class, for instance, is too undignified a sight for students to wish upon themselves.
Lillian Girls’ Academy.
Founded in Meiji 34[1], this academy was originally intended for the young women of nobility, and is now a Catholic academy of prestigious tradition. Placed in downtown Tokyo, where you can still see traces of Musashi Field’s greenery, it is protected by God; a garden where maidens can receive tutelage from preschool to university.
Time passes, and even now in Heisei, three era-names past Meiji, it is a valuable academy. Nurtured ladies raised in greenhouses are shipped out in carefully packaged boxes after 18 years of schooling—an arrangement that continues to survive.
Maria-sama ga Miteru:Volume1 Prologue - Baka-Tsuki
Google Translate did surprisingly well with the line breaks added. DeepL has some glaring inaccuracies. Chatgpt is mostly right, but the tone sounds more robotic, and there are some sentences where it feels like the emphasis is in the wrong place. I haven’t checked the anime subs to compare (it uses this intro at the beginning of every episode)
I wonder whether any of them will do ok with older texts like 花物語 上 | L39 or 乙女の港 (実業之日本社文庫 - 少女の友コレクション) | L30??