2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

If the other story is also on aozora, it’s probably fine to do both.


I assume you mean if I bought a paperback? I planned to just read the Aozora version

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I read a free ebook copy which I believe is the same as the aozora version, and it was indeed by itself. (It was pretty awful, but at least it was short.)



I decided to go ahead and make a card for myself, but I’m not sure how actively I’ll search out books for this challenge. I’ll probably use no modifiers and just fill it out as I read normally throughout the year, and maybe use it if I can’t decide what to read next.


This looks so fun, I’m in!


Berry 2024


I don’t know if this is a concern or not; I was browsing others’ bingo cards and noticed I could mark off squares, and it seemed to save that.


imagine the possibilities :rofl:

edit: a.k.a we should probably make a “marks off list” then just in case lol, at least to me it seems like a good way not to forget marking off stuff anyways (something that I noticed happened to me on the 2023 one lol)


“The bingo gods add and erase my bingos on their deific whims :sob:


Hmm, so it does. I’d assumed it would just track your progress in local cookie storage, but you can bring up a card on two different devices and check items off on one and see them change on the other…


I would assume 1) no one will be messing with other people’s bingo cards (hey, accidents and random clicking happen though) and 2) we would remember which squares we checked off already based on our reading, but if anyone is particularly worried I suppose you can just keep a running list. Maybe on a particular post or just by posting updates in this thread? Offline in everyone’s preferred list making tool works too!




I plan on keeping a list of things I mark off and the corresponding book in my Bingo post. (That’s why I listed it in the table in the first post. So I can find it easily. :sweat_smile:)
So, if I get a bingo, I can check that it is an actual bingo and not someone messing with my card. :melting_face:


i guess i’m a 5x5 bingo purist, gotta have the free space in the middle, so i used all of our voted prompts plus some extras from the prompt suggestions at the top ^–^ any excuse to read a little extra!

i also deeply considered doing it shiritori style but i figured that would be too hard to plan :sweat_smile: i hope someone decides to do it, though! i wanna see your choices!


I made my bingo card late at night and I think I was jet lagged at the time, so it’s a bit rough and ready. :joy:


I think I’m going to do this with the modifier that I only count books from my backlog! (Which I will consider to be anything I bought or obtained before 2024.) It should be technically possible, I think … :thinking:

Here’s a list of the squares (read left to right, top to bottom), so that I can make plans and later keep track!

Chosen Randomly

Won’t know til I do it!

✅New to Me Author

夜の名前を呼んで by 三星たま

★ Been in my TBR the Longest ★


I’m pretty excited about this one, because it was the first book in Japanese I ever bought! I found it used online, basically just sold as “unknown Japanese light novel” and went in blind based just on the cover and the fact that it was written in Japanese. (I naively thought at the time that I might be able to learn to read Japanese the same way I learned to read German - just read a paragraph a day until you can read fluently! I don’t think I ever made it through the first sentence of this book?)

So anyway, it would be pretty cool if I could read it by the end of next year!

If I’m not up to the challenge maybe I will count finishing 霧のむこうのふしぎな町 or 魔女犬ボンボン ナコと運命のこいぬ | L23, my two oldest DNFs.

Or this book: 5分後に意外な結末 ex エメラルドに輝く風景 | L24??, which is one of the very first books I ordered from Amazon jp.

Non-Human Protagonist

ヨコハマ買い出し紀行 1 | L22
Or ポエトリー・ドッグス | L25??
Or 絶叫学級 禁断の遊び 編 | L25

Read with a Book Club

Maybe ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂 1 | L23?


都道府県のおはなし 低学年 おはなしドリル | L19
Or 角川まんが学習シリーズ 日本の歴史 1 日本のはじまり 旧石器~縄文・弥生~古墳時代 | L26

✅Workplace Setting

I was NOT expecting to fulfill this one with a book about 16 year olds, but here we are …

舞妓さんちのまかないさん 1 | L25

Something I Got For Free

If I don’t want to read on my computer, cheat and re-read 花野井くんと恋の病 | L21 (it’s cheating because I bought the physical copy, but I originally read an e-version that I got for free!)
Otherwise, anything from my Bookwalker library …

A Debut Work
More Difficult Than Other Things I've Read

Lots of options as it only has to be level 26 or higher, apparently …

✅An Award Winner

気になってる人が男じゃなかった, which won
次にくるマンガ大賞2023 Webマンガ部門第1位受賞. Not sure if this is a particularly prestigious award, but I’m counting it!

Added By Me to Natively
✅Read in a Single Day

の 福音館の単行本 | L15

The only one I felt confident I could do it with!

Something with No Reviews
✅Finish a Series

Finally finished ブナの森のアリア!

★ Something I Want to Read Despite the Cover ★

神様 | L33


Nine additional categories for a 25 square board! Just for fun/“stretch goals”.

Something that was recommended to you

九井諒子作品集 竜のかわいい七つの子 | L29

Recommended to me by an employee at the bookstore where I went looking for some classic manga! They didn’t have any of the specific volumes I wanted, so this book was his recommendation based on the series that I asked about.

Shiritori Square!

Read a book whose title starts with the last kana of the previous book I read!

A book involving a 神社
The lowest-level book on your TBR
Something nostalgic

Probably カードキャプターさくら 1 | L22

An adaptation

Maybe この本を盗む者は 1 | L25?? or 春夏秋冬代行者 春の舞 1 | L23 or 竹取物語/虫めづる姫君 10歳までに読みたい日本名作 | L23

Something that hasn't been translated into English
✅At least one character speaks a dialect


For my 25 square board I think I will use this one for “at least one character speaks a dialect”, and read something else for “workplace setting”!

Second volume of a series



I always feel bad about stuff I requested for the site but never got around to reading lmao, at least with this, one of them will finally get read.


Of course! Please use it however you’d like. It’s not a link, it’s just in image form so download away ^^


For those who don’t have the “Something I got for free” decided, there’s a lot of interesting books right now for free on Amazon to add to your library permanently:


You need to copy/paste the link as discourse destroys the URL by removing the storefront variable.

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This is such a good idea! I think I’m going to limit mine to novels and LN.



Nice idea! I will join, too. :smiling_face: