Relatedly, there’s a common problem where minor differences like whether there’s a space between first name and surname result in WK effectively splitting an author’s books in two, so clicking on the author name doesn’t show you all of them.
The spacing problem could be fixed by enforcing a space or no space convention at the data ingress point (usually the problem is the Amazon data is inconsistent), but maybe a more general solution where Natively has a concept of an author whose name might be in the data multiple ways would fix both this and the Banana problem? It would also let the author link go to a page listing exactly that author’s books: currently it does a text search, so if you for instance click on the author link in 明日の世界で星は煌めく | L27 you get not just works by the same author ツカサ but also a lot of irrelevant hits for other books with author names that include つかさ in some form or part.