Yuri/GL/wlw book club - Reading 徒然日和 1

4 way tie now (it wasn’t me!). I own 3/4 of the tied books as well (but I own like half the list)


Btw for anyone who’s interested in LNs, there are currently 3 yuri LNs up for vote in the Beginner LN club (2 are in the lead, vote ends on Sunday/Monday), and 裏世界ピクニック in the general LN club (accepting nominations rn, I’ll probly add 〆切前に there)

Not trying to influence results or anything, but I thought I’d mention, so ppl know there’s additional possible avenues, if they really wanna read an LN


Looking pretty likely we’re gonna have a 2-way tie…

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I’d be more than happy to just read all 4 volumes. But then again I voted for both (and nominated one).


edit: second poll is still open! first one is closed because I’m a dummy and it wasn’t a tie!

for this time:

What do you want to do this time?
  • Read ラブ・バレット 1 and then 徒然日和 1
  • Read 徒然日和 1 and then ラブ・バレット 1
  • Read only ラブ・バレット 1
  • Read only 徒然日和 1
  • I don’t care either way
0 voters

some polls for learning our lesson from now on:

Whenever we have tied winner we:
  • Read all the tied nominations one after the other
  • Read all tied nominations at once (meaning the club reads in more than one thread in parallel)
  • Revote the tied nominations
  • Other (please reply or DM details)
  • idk
0 voters

I voted for read Love Bullet first, bc there’s a possibility 徒然日和 could continue on to multiple volumes (it’s 3 total). So makes sense to do the single volume first. But I’m fine either way

I can run the threads for 徒然日和 1, if that’s fine (it was my nomination, and I’m used to doing them anyway)


Wait. Does this presuppose that we only read one volume of 徒然日和?

That’s what I was think, too.

I was convinced I nominated this, as it’s a favorite of mine (I’ve read it at least 3 times)! and I was trying to nominate more stuff I think is good or would be popular here rather than new unknown stuff I want to read. (My actual nomination was only Girlfriends, which makes sense in that I have never read it in Japanese yet)


as of now yes, my pre-assumption is always “one volume and if we want more we vote on it” or “if enough people want more we’ll pre-vote it” or “if there’s a lot of activity in that reading then I’ll ask just in case” etc (a.k.a what I’ve been doing up until now)


Cool! I’ve only read once, and thought it was quite unique. Am curious to see how it fares this time around (I have good expectations). I got reminded of it (from other ppl) after reading 熱帯魚 iirc

I kept thinking I nominated that :joy: but I guess its nomination here must be what prompted me to finally read it recently… Enjoyed it a lot, tho with some criticisms. Definitely one of the more 現実っぽい series I’ve read.

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I could see voting on what to do depending on the situation. Like if we had 4+ tied books we might want to do a semifinals vote, but if it’s just two read both

Mostly I’m suggesting that we take ties on a case by case basis :woman_shrugging:t4:


It depends on how man entries are tied and how long the series are.

I’m not sure what is standard here. The other BC I’ve been active in is the BL one, and I don’t know yet what rules they use.

If I had to put my preference it into a rule, I think it would be something like this.

  • Read one novel or up to three manga volumes and then have a new vote cycle.
  • If the manga series is finished in 3 or less volumes, assume we will read it all before moving on (though in actual fact we can decide based on vibes or polls to drop it or continue it in parallel after finishing the first volume).
  • If the manga series is longer, assume we will only read the first volume before moving on
  • If entries are tied, read all of them if together they fit the assumed length of 3 manga volumes or less. Otherwise do a revote where everyone has only one vote. If there is still a tie I guess just read in parallel or have shablul decide.

Might seem complicated, but it makes sense in my head… Taken literally, that would mean we would do a revote in this situation. I voted to read both, simply because I really want to read both.


I was kind of counting on voting further on specifics of how many tied and etc only if the “reading all tied nominations” gets voted since I didn’t want to overwhelm with polls like what happened at the start

tbh it makes sense to me too (I’m also there lol), but in my head the idea that you only read the first volume and from then on vote also makes sense so each club kind of changes depending on the default in the head of the person running it I guess?

I can just poll on this too when there’s a verdict on the tie thing to further detail it from there, especially since it’s one of the very few I never polled on and keeps popping up

the rest of your point is like I said earlier, me just trying not to poll too much at once since it seemed to bother people


I don’t know that we have written, formal rules per se for the BL club right now, but what we’ve done in the past is this:

  • We read all tied nominations before voting again
  • Recently, our voted manga series have been between two and four volumes, and we’ve voted to read the entire series in that case.

Our first tie was between two novels and a manga, and in that case we only read the first volume of the manga.

I might have to see we get some formal guidelines written up if all these ties keep happening, but everyone seems happy enough as-is so I’ve left things alone. :person_shrugging:


In not against voting. But when I nominate or vote for a book or join for a particular book discussion, I want to have a reasonable expectation on how much the BC will read and on how long the Yuri BC will wait for it to be done. Like, it seems to me that shortet series do better in the polls and I tend to prefer them in the hopes of finishing them with the BC.

  • I typically want to read multiple volumes with the BC and hopefully complete the series if interest is there
  • I typically want to read only the first volume with the BC
0 voters

And because I’m interested:

  • I typically join Yuri BC winners even if I didn’t vote for them
  • I typically only join for specific books I have been meaning to read anyway or look especially interesting
0 voters

The polls are a little tricky to answer…

  1. I probably wanna read multiple volumes, probably with the book club - but probly as an offshoot that doesn’t disrupt the main club. And it’s very series by series. Series length is particularly relevant. If it’s <= 3 volumes, in fine if the club reads the whole thing. After that, I’m pretty iffy. Unless you have a really large group, it’s generally tricky to retain readers for a series, after a certain number of weeks

  2. I’ve joined 3 of 4, one of which I didn’t vote for (and also ended up dropping after the first chapter). I didn’t vote for Love Bullet, but I’ll tentatively try it. There’s some series I wouldn’t join for. This round, most of the nominations were mine so it’s not so relevant, but in previous rounds the percentage of “I won’t join if this gets picked” was way higher.


Wait, it’s not a tie. :sweat_smile: (not that I care since I didn’t vote… just pointing out)



Lol. You must think we are idiots :rofl:. And currently the poll favors reading love bullet first, even though it didn’t even win, technically.


Guess I’ll be making a home thread later then :joy:

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Omfg you’re right lmaoooooo

Maybe it changed last second??? I’m pretty sure it was a tie when I looked at it??
Or I’m just that blind :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::sob::sob::sob::sob:

Either way dealing with a tie was bound to happen so it’s not too bad but now I feel bad for the unnecessary confusion, sorry about that :sweat_smile:


Ok, I made a home thread: Home Thread for 徒然日和 1 | L21 - Starts TBD

I put a poll in there asking about reading pace (1 chapter or 2 per week)

How soon do ppl wanna start? Does anyone need time to get a physical copy? Should we just assume January?