Audiovisual initial feedback and requests

Yeah I’m sorry I haven’t implemented that yet, I hope to get to it in the next week or two, just a lot to right now. I’ll let you know!


Yeah that’s fine. Considering this thread already has 109 posts in just a couple days, I can tell you probably have a lot of things to work on right now with audiovisual. I respect all the work you’ve been doing to fix things and keep up with the community.

Anyways, I think the grading requirements for TV shows should be changed. Currently, you can only grade something if you’ve finished it, which makes sense for books and movies, since they typically come out all at once, but it doesn’t make as much sense for TV shows, which can often come out over a longer period of time. Most seasons of anime will air over a period of 3-6 months, which means that it can stay at it’s temporary rating for several months, even if it’s not accurate at all. For example, ăŠć…„ăĄă‚ƒă‚“ăŻăŠă—ăŸă„ïŒ S1 | L23 is currently rated at L30, but I would personally say it’s around L22. This is probably just because the rating wasn’t specified when it was added, but that doesn’t change the fact that the rating doesn’t properly reflect the difficulty, and can’t be properly graded for around a month.

I don’t think it’s super urgent, especially considering the current anime season ends at the end of this month, but I definitely think it’s something that should be looked at in the future. Maybe requiring only 3-4 episodes finished for you to grade it, or maybe even just the first episode, although maybe that’s going a bit too far, because it might be difficult to judge difficulty based solely off the first episode.


You know that’s a really interesting point. I’m not entirely sure what’s the best approach.

It’s also probably a big issue with the whole nonsense around TMDB’s season groupings.

Yeah, allowing you to grade after 4 episodes seems right. There are probably smart ways to handle in the future around keeping the grade temporary until the first season finishes
 but we’ll see. Let’s actually log a product request for that, if you don’t mind @DancoreDanny :slight_smile:


Is there a way to filter out genres? I was trying to browse live-action shows but all I got was anime :melting_face:. Something like so would be cool: (quick mockup, you get the minus by clicking again)


Yeah, I know that’s an issue right now, especially since there’s no live action genre! I like that mockup, i’ll add to the list.


Made the product request here. This is my first time making a product request here (or a thread in general) so I hope I did it well. :slight_smile:


Got another bug here:
I want to add The World Ends With You to Natively, but searching for it doesn’t bring it back on Natively’s search:

Edit: Ah, might be related to the server issue I mentioned in the main Natively thread.

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Landing page is broken! :see_no_evil:

Server issue here as well: seanblue's videos | Natively

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How long does it take for the order to update?

Also, how long will the ratings stay temporary? Based on the “exclude temporary ratings” checkbox in search still showing a bunch of shows, is the ?? just always shown even though most of these aren’t actually temporary anymore?

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@brandon I think there’s a flaw in the finish dates for episode tracking
 When you added the entries for us you set the finished date as that date, March 6th. I then went back and changed all the series start and finish dates to be accurate, but the episode dates still show the original March 6th date. I think the same is true if we just mark a show as Finished (e.g. from the rate-to-finish-automatically feature) and then change the date immediately afterward (granted this shouldn’t happen much now that I backfilled all my data).

You had mentioned something about stats being derived from the episodes, though on the stats page itself it seems to use the season dates to show the correct information. So hopefully the episode dates being wrong has no negative effect, but at a minimum it’s still a bit awkward.


Bug: some video pages, when viewed logged out, redirect me to a prompt to sign up immediately after they load instead of letting me view the page like normal. It’s not happening on all of them, but here are some examples where it consistently happens for me:



stays persistent through reloads and refreshs, but is reset once you go to any other part of the page and come back by clicking on “Dashboard”.

however stays persistent all the time.


Following on what @Mizuki said, there seems to be an uncaught exceptions that redirects you to login.


How come season subtitles sometimes are English instead of Japanese? For example: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun | L31

Similarly, how come episodes are shown in English? Not complaining per se, just curious.

Are people adding shows originally in English because they watched the Japanese dub? Is that expected?

Whoops! Yeah I was making an api call to fetch your user episodes
 which required login. Fixed and should be live in one minute.

Ah, is that right? Ok I will log it.

Yeah, I’ve asked people about that and they do seem to be watching the dubbed versions. I was somewhat expecting it
 something like watching Friends in your target language is a very popular thing to do.

We’ll see how often it occurs.

Edit: One thing I’ve thought about doing to make this more clear is to use the translated title
 so for this case it’d be ă‚ąăƒŒă‚±ă‚€ăƒł. Although, i’m not sure that translation is widely used, may be more confusing.


Yes you are right
 underneath the covers everything that’s been submitted with an explicit level (only allowed if you have finished or watching the item) is being treated as non temporary, even though it has the ??. And yeah, many things have enough grades to be deemed non-temporary. I am simply am keeping the ?? there to reinforce that the data is still fluctuating a lot. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep it there, I agree it’s a bit of a bummer.

At somepoint I’ll make all new things coming in with an explicit level temporary (like it is with books) and only mark it non-temporary after I have enough grades, I just want people to be able to compare things
 and was worried the library is too small right now.

Yeah that’s expected actually
 but i’m not entirely sure the best way to handle. I prioritize season dates for stat keeping and only use episode & session level data if they make sense and provide more granularity to the stats. I am wary of triggering a bunch of updates and syncs between things, as it can be somewhat unintuitive
 but I am already doing it wrt marking your season finished / moving back to wish list (that wipes the episode data).

Originally, I was simply not putting episode dates, but that also leads to some compllications. Idk
 after I have fewer bugs to deal with, I want to sit down and try to figure out TV stat-keeping better.

Personally I think the episode dates should be optional. As I’ve previously mentioned, I don’t like when the data is “lying”. I don’t track time, I don’t track pages, I don’t track episodes. Or at least with episodes, I already track that (not dates, but episodes completed) on AniList and have no desire to double my work by tracking it on Natively as well. So as with books I intend to simply have a single start and end date. But if setting an end date for the season assumes and assigns that same date to every episode, it just feels
 wrong I guess.

If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate if you could go into more detail on what complications you ran into. Maybe someone will have ideas for how to resolve them while also leaving the episode dates optional. After things settle down of course. :slight_smile:

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I agree with you about not having faulty data. Let me fix these bugs first though and then we’ll talk it through together :slight_smile:



  • [FIXED] For adding new videos, if TMDB has no results, show ‘No Results’, improved scrolling behavior
  • [FIXED] Adding new tv series & updating your progress/status should work. Even on tv series without episodes yet @perrydimes
  • [FIXED] Fixed TMDB id check issue @eefara
  • [FIXED] Changed helper text in create new video to explicitly say ‘title search below’ not tmdb link
  • [UPDATED] Changed server error page to link to product forum thread (great idea @Megumin)
  • [UPDATED] removed now extinct book caches that were increasing the size of redis (small contributor to issues earlier in the morning)