Finished this week
includes a written review
read along with audiobook
audiobook only
adult content; not currently on Natively
format not currently supported on Natively
만화경 webtoon; see this post
- Hangugeo con AngDuck for Beginners eps 30-55
- Hangugeo con AngDuck eps 1-2
- KBS 무대 2 eps
Finished 앵덕’s beginners podcasts, and started the regular series. I kind of wonder why I wanted to listen to the whole beginner series since it was too easy for me, but I guess I like doing things in order? I also get the feeling these podcasts may have been a lockdown project, as episodes were released regularly for a couple of years, then stopped. In the past year or so there have only been two further episodes, one of which was in the past week. Hopefully they’ll continue, as there aren’t many easy Korean podcasts which are (almost) entirely in Korean.
The regular episodes are about 15-20 minutes long and noticeably more challenging than the beginner episodes (I have to actually pay attention ). In the first episode, 앵덕 talks about (really, really) enjoying listening to Nihongo con Teppei while learning Japanese, which unsurprisingly inspired “한국어 con 앵덕”. In the second, we learn that 앵덕 is indeed short for “angry duck”, but there’s also 한자 to go with it: 櫻 (앵두 앵) - cherry, and 德 (덕 덕) - virtuous. I think the host mentioned that it’s their IRL nickname, too.
Also listened to an episode of KBS 무대 - I think I’ll try to listen to these regularly, and if there’s one I particularly enjoy I’ll relisten while reading the 대본. I kind of “save” 🎧 Podcasts & Radio Dramas [with scripts] to practise reading and listening concurrently, but I reminded myself that I don’t need to do that - since it requires a bit more attention and concentration (I inevitably end up doing intensive reading, even if I don’t mean to), it tends to be forgotten about in favour of more enjoyable content.
무대 is at a nice level for me: easy enough to casually listen to while doing other things, but just challenging enough to keep my attention (I tend to tune out of content that’s too easy or too difficult). The stories are interesting enough, even if they’re not the type of content I’d usually pick.
Being able to purchase from 오디오코믹스(AudioComics) would be great, but has the usual hurdles of accessing Korean content (I guess they don’t want my money…). I’d like to listen to podcasts that are unscripted where the hosts just chat about random stuff, but I think it would be difficult to find something that’s right in that understanding sweet spot, and I don’t have the patience to try lots of different shows Goldilocks-style on podbbang right now.
I read 인형 천국, which is the 만화 equivalent of an ice cream sundae with all the toppings - 300% of your recommended daily sugar intake and 너무너무 귀엽다!
Continuing the 남친 있어요 시리즈 (series) | L20 만화 - not quite as amazing as 피비’s other series 비의도적 연애담 시리즈 (series) | L26, but the cute, wholesome, healthy relationship makes it better than 99% of other BL in my eyes.
Also got more physical Korean books!
- 책벌레의 하극상 제1부 - 병사의 딸 1 | L28 - since I’m enjoying the story so far, I’d prefer reading the physical copy
- Semantic Error - started the ebook, but wasn’t particularly enjoying the digital experience, so continuing with the physical copy (5-volume ebook is compiled into two physical books)
- 위대한 학교 | L21 - listened to the audiobook on Storytel (no ebook available), looking forward to reading and listening to pick up on the parts I missed
- 마녀 배달부 키키 1 | L25?? - another one with the audiobook on Storytel but no ebook, planning on reading/listening to the Japanese as well at some point, so this will be good prep
- 클라라의 만물상점 | L22?? - no real reason except it seemed interesting and no ebook was available
Generally it’s cheaper and more convenient to read Korean ebooks, but I don’t particularly enjoy reading digitally, so if I like a book, I’d rather have the physical copy (and of course not all books are available as ebooks).