🥳 Children's Book Club 📚 Reading: 魔女の宅急便

By the way, even short texts like that would be great as a review so that it’ll reach people who are looking at the book :slight_smile:

@bibliothecary, do you have any plans on how we’ll continue with the club? E.g. when would the club start, when will we vote etc.


ngl, I thought I had written a review. My brain remembers writing a review. I have the strong suspicion that I was thinking about writing one in my head and then never actually did. I have now rectified this. :see_no_evil:



I kinda would’ve expected at least a 4/5 for entertainment after reading your review and what you said here. What does 3/5 mean to you?

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It’s still a children’s book and if I remember correctly, book 1 is mainly set up of the overall storyline, which is pleasant enough but not really high entertainment. :slight_smile:

My review is for the series as a whole. Some books were more interesting then others. :melting_face: But 3 is “I had a good time, but it’s nothing to write home about” kinda thing.


Since it’s been almost a week since the last nomination, I’ll set up the poll on Friday - so if anyone has any last-minute nominations, get them in quick! :slightly_smiling_face:

The poll will close December 3rd, and the home thread for the winner will open and include a vote for when to start. It might take longer than usual for physical copies to be delivered over the holidays, so I’d guess we might start mid-January. :thinking:


It’s time to vote!

For more information on each book, refer to the Nominations List or click on the book title, which will take you to the Natively page.

* The tsubasa edition hasn’t been added to Natively yet, but you can see the original version here: 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 | L36.


@brandon is away on a trip. So I guess it will be done sooner than later when he gets back.


Since it’s currently in the lead (though may be overtaken, granted), a heads up to people with access to US Audible that the ふしぎ駄菓子屋 series is currently on sale for one more day. (Note: you may need to be a subscriber to see the deals.)


Sadly you do, but nothing stops you from buying them on a trial.

Sale ends December 1, 2023 at 11:59 P.M. PT (US). Offer is available only to active US Audible Premium Plus members, is not transferable, and cannot be combined with any other offer. Percentage discounts based on non-member prices. Sale titles are not eligible for return. Offer is only available on Audible.com, the Audible iOS App (versions 4.2+), and the Audible Android App (versions 3.36+). Audible reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time. If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.


Just a couple of days left to vote! :dancer: :man_dancing:

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We have a winner! :partying_face:

I’ll post the home thread shortly so we can start working out the details. :slightly_smiling_face:


As there’s a Korean translation, it will be a multilingual book club. :slightly_smiling_face:


Worth noting this pick is on Kindle Unlimited (for now) so if you have that you can also find it there…


Hmm, I wasn’t particularly planning on joining this one but I do have the first volume of Zenitendou. I ended up dropping it, but perhaps with a club I could read it to the end.


I’m going to have to pass after all.
I’m reading wayyy too many other things right now :sweat_smile:


Nope I’m joining in after all, I just did weeks 1 to 3 in about half an hour :rofl:


:cherry_blossom: Nominations List :cherry_blossom:


There’s only a couple of weeks left of our current read, so let’s start thinking about our next book! :smiley:

You can see the current nominations above - we’ll be accepting nominations for the next week or two and then we’ll have a vote.


Title: ふしぎな声のする町で: ものだま探偵団 | L26??
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese



Summary - English

DeepL translation
Illustrated by Hoshio Sanae of Letterpress Crescent,
A slightly strange and warm story.

Fifth-grader Nanako and her parents move into an old house in Sakaki-machi.
In the middle of the night, she hears someone talking in her room and strange things happen.
One day, Nanako sees her classmate Toba talking alone in the park.
No one was nearby, but she could hear a man’s string voice.
The person he is talking to is, to her surprise, a crusty urn.
In this town, it seems that the voices of Monodama, the spirits that reside in things, can be heard…
The Monodama Detective, Toba Sakurai, takes up the challenge of investigating the mysterious things that happen around Nanako!
Contains two stories: the title story and “The mysterious message board at the station”.
A girls’ detective story by Hoshiosane, who has a reputation for making people’s hearts warm and fuzzy.

Content Warnings

Not that I know of.

Reason(s) for nominating: I bought this one on a whim because I like supernatural detective kid’s stories and the art in this is really cute! There’s no furigana though, so that might be off putting to some. But I think the writing style is pretty easy (I have only read a few pages, though) and the Kanji aren’t too out there – It is part of a series, so there are more books.



Title: 星の王子さま | L23
Available formats: physical / ebook / audiobook / partial furigana

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

A pilot crashes in the Sahara Desert and encounters a strange young boy who calls himself the Little Prince. The Little Prince has traveled there from his home on a lonely, distant asteroid with a single rose. The story that follows is a beautiful and at times heartbreaking meditation on human nature.

Content Warnings

Spaceship crash

Reason(s) for nominating: This is a classic, that has been translated in multiple languages. There have been several editions, with the one above having mostly furigana according to the reviews, and others such as 星の王子さま | L25 , so everyone should be able to find one that matches their preferred way of reading.